Naruto opened his eyes and showcased his dojutsu. Sasuke ran at Naruto with greater speed than before but Naruto was still faster. The copy Naruto decided to limit his speed to the level of a low-mid chunin giving Sasuke some semblance of a chance.
Sasuke, tired, decided to attack again, faking a step and sweeping Naruto's leg. Naruto fell on his back and Sasuke decided to use that chance to talk out a Kuni and threw it at Naruto with deadly accuracy. Naruto rolled away and flipped to his feet, rushing at Sasuke he threw a right hook with Sasuke ducking it.
Sasuke saw the punch and realized that Naruto was moving slower than before. Using that, he tried to sweep Naruto's leg again, but Naruto jumped, kicking at Sasuke's side, which he blocked.
Both boys jumped away from each other, looking a bit tired. Nevertheless, both had determined gazes. Both boys dashed at each other with great speed, with Naruto throwing a series of swift kicks aimed at Sasuke's torso and head, but Sasuke Sharingan allowed him to dodge most of his attacks, even striking back with a counter-attack. Naruto had stroked out with a swift kick to the temple, but Sasuke had ducked, leaving Naruto open to an attack. Sasuke decided to go for the throat with a jab, which Naruto blocked in time, sending him back a little.
The battle raged on. The two ninjas clashed and separated, their movements a blur as they exchanged blows. Naruto's Jeet Kune allowed him to adapt and counter Sasuke's Uchiha-style attacks, but Sasuke's Sharingan eye gave him an advanced perception, allowing Sasuke to keep up. With Naruto, that's holding back, at least.
Naruto had decided to end this fight. With the two to-be genins clashing for the last time. Naruto decided to use his real speed during the clash. Naruto threw a swift jab, clipping Sasuke's chin. Both backed off, with the difference being Naruto was on his feet while Sasuke had fallen down. His brain had shut down with Naruto's last attack.
Iruka looked between the two, breaking the silence.' The winner, Naruto Uzumaki' Everyone was surprised, with their mouths agape. Naruto took the time to disappear not wanting any questions to be asked.
The original Naruto hovering in the air smiled 'let's leave this Naruto going while' thinking about what this Naruto would do after changing his ability level." Time to have an adventure outside this verse," said Naruto. A rift appeared in front of him, and going through it, he disappeared.