Days passed in a whirlwind, and suitors came knocking at her door. The girl he admired also appeared before him from time to time, completely different from the disdainful and disgusted attitude she had towards him in the past.
What he once thought was good, he now realized was shallow upon a second look.
"Your having such thoughts shows that I didn't choose the wrong person!"
Xie Zhinuan took another look around. Since the area was deep in the mountains, the trees were very large and perfect for making furniture. There were also many surplus trees. Xie Zhinuan thought about storing the quality wood for her own future use or to sell, as it would bring a significant income either way.
Upon returning to the county town, Aunt Chen immediately said to her, "A timber merchant has come; he wants to buy wood!"
Xie Zhinuan was stunned; just as she thought of this possibility, someone had already come to her door.
"Where is he?"