Chapter 11 Investigation to the Fainting Incident

In the hospital, at the ward 502 where Rowena is taken care of Jane never abandoned her and decided to stay by her side.

She was looking at the flowers, that Jessa rejected and after that he set it aside and put them on a vase as she remembers something.

Rowena was seated beside her so Jane knows what was going on. Their teacher was Mrs. Sunshine that time. Rowena was always holding that paper bag and was looking the thing inside that bag for a long time. Jane was wondering what Rowena was seeing in it since when she tried to look at it during the break there was nothing in it. Since she was bowing her head to see the thing inside that bag Mrs. Sunshine thought that Rowena was sleeping in her class.

There was a sudden knock on the door and a policeman come in.

"Good afternoon, young lady. I'm Inspector Regis from the suicide division," he introduced himself.

"Oh, she didn't commit suicide," Jane replied.

"I know," the inspector said. "Do you know what happened before she fainted? I mean, the events leading up to it?"

"Well," Jane began, "she was pointing at something on her desk and seemed terrified. I didn't see what was on her desk, but she was acting like there was something crawling there. You see, she's afraid of insects. Then she fell off her chair, and chaos ensued. The ambulance arrived, and they brought her here to the hospital. I came along because studying was getting boring."

"What could be that thing? Did you see it? You have any idea?" The inspector asks.

"I don't know about it, maybe ants or bees, I really don't know but I'm sure Rowena has entomophobia." Jane explained.

"What was Rowena doing before that?"

Asks inspector Regis.

"I saw her not minding our teacher's lesson, she was just looking at the piece of paper bag. At first I was curious about the thing inside that bag but only to find out it was a flower." Jane explained.

"Where is the flower?" The inspector asks again.

"It was actually a white rose. I put it in that vase." Jane pointed the vase on the table just beside the window.

"Where did those flowers come from?" he asked, pointing to the roses.

"Those are from Miss Jessa, but she didn't keep them. Someone gave her the red roses, but she refused them and gave them to me. As for the white rose, Miss Jessa saw it on her table before entering the room. She didn't want it, so she gave it to Rowena," Jane explained.

"And Rowena was smelling her white rose," added another student since Jane was not the only one who accompany Rowena. There are three of them.

"Oh you see it?" Asks the inspector to the student who's name is Mercy.

"I saw it, she smells it during teacher Jessa's subject and ma'am Jessa also scolded her." She said.

"She fainted like that without reason, I don't think so" the inspector sighed.

"Well, there must be something with the flower" Andrew, one of the students suggested.

"That was a good idea" the inspector agreed.

"May I take one petal from each flower?" Inspector Regis requested.

"Sure," Jane agreed. "But what are you going to do with the petals?"

"I'll check if there's any poison," the inspector replied. He carefully snipped a petal from each rose and placed them in a plastic bag. Then he left the room.

Rowena's worried parents arrived, and Mrs. Bautista hugged Jane gratefully.

"Thank you for not leaving my daughter," she said. After bidding farewell, two of the students steped out of the ward.

The inspector, carrying the petals with him also step out of room 502. The mystery surrounding the roses and Rowena's fainting spell remained unsolved, but the inspector was determined to find answers.

As he was walking a nurse who overheared his invistsgation called him.


"Oh, what was that?" The inspector asks.

"I know you are investigating something about this certain school's fainting inccedent. I just want to told you that there is another patient on ward 507 who is at the same school and fainted too." The nurse explained.

"Oh thanks to you," Inspector Regis felt glad. His coming here was not wasted. He was like going crazy for this just to solve this suicide lovers of Jessa. He always got an ominous feeling that they are murdered than just commiting suicide. All he needs is to invistagate everything that is going on around Jessa and everyone related to her.

Inspector Regis entered the room pointed out by the nurse. The nurse had informed him that there was another patient from the same school where Rowena was studying who had not spoken since the incident. Inspector Regis wondered whether these events were related to the suicides of Jessa's previous boyfriends or if there was something paranormal happening at the school.

Inside the room 507, Daniel was present, keeping watch over his younger brother, Oliver Gungon, a first-year student in class E at BSNHS. Inspector Regis introduced himself, "Hi there , I am Inspector Regis of Suicide Division and as part of of the Suicide Division I'm here for some few questions to asks those around the victim when it happened"

"But sir, my brother did not commit suicide how are going to invistagate?" Daniel asked.

"No,you misunderstand, The invistsgation is not about your brother. I'm only here to find some clues" the inspector explained.

"Then that is better" Daniel sighed.

"Tell me what you know about your brother's situation," Inspector Regis inquired.

"All I know is that he received a white rose from a senior student," Daniel replied.

There were other patients in the room besides Oliver. Their positions were close to the door, just as the nurse had indicated.

"Could your brother be romantically involved with any of the teachers? Or perhaps someone simply gave him the flower and asked him to deliver it to a someone?" Inspector Regis observed.

"I don't know," Daniel answered.

"Can you tell me who received the white rose from your brother? Who was it?" the inspector asked again.

"It was given to Ma'am Jessa," Daniel replied.


Inspector Regis sighed. He felt that he was getting closer to unraveling the mystery behind the students' fainting spells at the school. His next step would be to investigate whether this was related to the suicides of Jessa's previous boyfriends.

"Do you know who instructed your brother to give the flower to Ma'am Jessa?" the inspector inquired further.

"No, I don't," Daniel replied.

"That's unfortunate," Inspector Regis muttered to himself.

However, there was one thing on his mind. Oliver had been bullied or threatened by the person who instructed him not to reveal their identity. But then he remembered what had happened to Rowena.

"Weird indeed," he thought to himself.

"What sir?" Daniel heared the inspector so he want to be clear.

"It's nothing, do you know that aside from your brother there is also another patient who also fainted in relation to the white rose?" Inspector Regis asked.

"I'm well aware of it sir since the two patients were delivered to the hospital at the same time using the same ambulance" Daniel explained.

"I didn't know about that" the inspector becomes speechless.

"Any questions sir?" Daniel asks.

"Sorry I got distracted." The inspector sighed again.

"What was the doctor's findings? How is your brother?" Asks the inspector.

"He just suffered a mild heart attack due to severe fear, the doctor said, he is fine now and is on a stable condition, he will be release tomorrow." Daniel explained.

"So, this was no poison on the flower and what could that be that makes students to fear. Ants? I don't think so." The inspector felt dissatisfied.

"Ok that's all. I have to go, thank you for cooperation." Then the inspector walk out of the ward.

The inspector did not find anything on this interrogation. He only find out that there is a lot of people who are not afraid of death though it's famed that Jessa's lovers always ended up on suicide and yet as of now, Jessa is having two suitors again. Her recent fiance who committed suicide is not burried yet.