Chapter 2: The visit of Professor Snape

Another bright day, it's already 2 years passed since Axel first met Voldermort, and now Axel is already 10 yeas old, and since he gave and bring food to Voldermort everyday, Voldermort started to treat him as friend. Yes, not servant. At first Axel find it strange but after a while he accpet the truth, seems like in this world Voldermort isn't as evil as in the novel, he actually know how to appreciate others, and Axel also believed the reasons for him to treat his follower as servant is because he didn't want to show them. Now Voldermort already gain load of strength, he can cast numerous spells such as the killing curse for a dozen times without any tiredness, and also could hunt by himself. His snake and Axel's parents which are wolves become friend with each other, and Axel also want Voldermort to teach him magic. 

"Hello, my lord, I hope that you could grant me the ability to cast these curses." Said Axel honerstly and hopfully.

Seeing this, Voldermort frown for a while, then he open his mouth and said "You don't have and also didn't have a wand, you can't learn magic now, all I could teach you is some legimency and occlumency." 

Hearing this, Axel beam at Voldermort and bowed to him. "It's my honor to have you teaching me and I believe legimency and occlumency will be enough to learn until I recieve Hogwarts letter and I think, just I think, my lord whether if you could teach me curses so that I may could do wandless magic?" 

"Wandless magic is too hard for you but I will still teach you, what I want to see is progress, progress and even a little bit of progress is in my acceptance range but if there's no progress at all then you won't be learning anything from me from that time." Said Voldermort who recall to the days when he was in an orpanage. 

"Progress will be ensured, my lord." Said Axel heartly. 

In the next day, Voldermort come to the meeting place to teach Axel what he know of magic.

"In this branch of magic, mind magic, it is mainly composed by legimency and occlumency but I will only teach you the basics because mind magic mainly need you to explore. " Said Voldermort looking at a serious Axel that is writing notes.

"So in order to perform mind magic, you need to learn occlumency first which you need to biuld your own magic sheild, and legimency is a type of mind magic that use for attack and invade others mind but occlumency is for defend, so let's started." Stated Voldermort, then with a clap Voldermort started his teaching. 

After a few hours, Voldermort found something strange, after he teach Axel for some hours and hours, he found out that Axel's talent on mind magic is just too high, he biuld his sheild in just one hour, and even Voldermort, the great mind magic wizard, need some effort to broke and shatter the shield, he also found out that Axel's senses is too sharp that whenevery he use soft legimency, the tyoe of legimency that others can't notice, he will found out someone is reading his mind and get alerted. 

"You are a natural legimens and occlumens." Said Voldermort unwilling to accept the truth that the body in front of him have the same level of talent with him in mind magic which broke his pride and some self-esteemed as he always said himself as the greatest wizard with the highest talent ever lived. 

"Personally, I mean, m-mean I am both a natural legimens and occlumens." Answered Axel afraid Voldermort might be angried with him. Natural legimens and occlumens are rare, poeple that have them always have high talent on mind magic it is a one in one billion chances to be either a natural legimens and occlumens. However, becoming bother natural legimens and occluments are almost impossible but there are two poeple, one is an almost immortal man and another is a body that is going to be the greatest wizard in the world that have this talent and they are Voldermort and Axel but Voldermort talent is stronger. 

After hearing this honest answer, Voldermort's eyes widened slighty feeling both proud and delight of himself to teach such a talented student. 

Another 2 year passed, the period of learning with Voldermort alwaus comes to an end and it's always short for Axel's curiosity and love of magic, now Axel has became the strongest mind wizards that the world have ever seen other than Voldermort, he could even combat with Voldermort for a few rounds and even in supieror in the first few rounds where there are only a handful of poeple no more than 20 could do this with Voldermort, and now Voldermort fill with proud and pride, he finally create a monster that is loyal to him at all time even in his darkest time, he create a monster that will susceed his throne and become his heir. 

Now looking at Axel, his bright yellow hair turned into grey and some balck and some white just like unicorn transformation, he has a pair of red eyes which is similar to Voldermort, he grew taller and skinner than before, his hand just like bone, his skin ocvered his bone, there are not a lot of flesh left in his body just now due to the excercises and training he did, and from looking, he is just like a young Voldermort although less handsome and less charming. 

After another 3 months.

"Wooosh." In the forest, a owl dropping a letter in front of Voldermort, Axel and his parents, and just after they open it.

"Knock." "Knock." "Is anyone here. " And then they hear a knock on the wooden house that they build for themselves, and a fimiliar voice come out, and Axel quickly realize, it is Professor Snape.