Explosions And What-Not

Everyone soon scrambled to the side of their desks, eager to obtain the box there. Inside it, as explained by Mr. Lauderin, was the very ingredients they had just seen. Impatient, they fought each other to obtain the equipment from the cabinet. Jake managed to get his after punching a fae and swatting a floxie aside (he swore he would apologise later). 

After the huge scuffle (and averting a possible riot), everyone soon settled in, and started brewing the potions. While they initially rejoiced at the chance to finally create the potions they were promised of so long ago, despair immediately set in once they started. 

Explosions began to be generated across the classroom, as the students present fumbled in the process one way or another. Frizzy hair kept popping up like mushrooms, emanating a woozy and sleepy smell across the classroom. Dark water spills kept appearing on the floor, causing unsuspecting people to slip up and see their own body disappearing, causing panic and terror. Someone even managed to get snowfleberry concentrate in their nether regions, causing it to freeze and get frostbite.

"Ahhh! My hair, my beautiful, burned to ashes. You will be remembered dearly."

"Can someone turn on the hyper-vacuum!? The fumes... I... can't... see..."

"Please, can someone call the doctor? I can't feel my lower body no more."

Screams kept on being heard across the class, yet Jake paid no heed to it, for he had other issues at hand.

Voices in his head had started appearing.

As the chaos and commotion kept on occurring, he managed to remain steadfast and calm, trying to apply all the processes that had been explained by the teacher. Yet despite this, he kept on failing, failing, and failing. He nearly caused the same accident as the one who had spilled the snowfleberry concentrate in their nether region, but saved it in the end. Just as he was about to give up, the voice appeared:

Mash the berries clockwise twice, then counterclockwise once, before letting it cool for a minute.

Spooked, he nearly dropped the mortar on the floor, but quickly calmed down. He acted as if everything was normal, before peeking slightly from the sides, wondering whether a psykinoten or a psyker was pranking him. Hello, anyone there? I-I mean nor harm in asking, but who are you? No answer came to him, making Jake wonder whether or not he was just hallucinating from all the stress. Yet just as he was about to continue, the voice called out again: Mash the berries clockwise twice, then counterclockwise once, before letting it cool for a minute. 

This time, without any warning, he felt himself losing all control of his arms, watching them move from the perspective of an audience. They flew across the table, doing every single step gracefully, no error being produced from any step. He watched in awe as the potion started to be finished up, showing the brightest colour he had ever seen. Everyone, regardless of what they were doing, slowly paused their actions, watching in awe at his performance. Just as Jake was about to lose himself to fear, he slowly realised that he was regaining his hands. 

Just when he had regained his all control of his body, a rapturous applause sounded from the surroundings, deafening his ears from the sheer volume. He stood awkwardly as praise was lauded onto him, fidgeting at the attention he was receiving. Mr. Lauderin came up to him, and congratulated him "Well done my boy, I knew you had it in you. You get an A++ for the demonstration, round of applause for him again everybody!" Claps filled the air again, causing further mental damage to Jake, causing him to sink to the bottom of the table. Just as he was about to cover himself up with his hoodie, the bell rang, signaling the end of the class, as well as the end of the day.