An Unexpected Surprise

In awe of what he has just seen, Jake just stumbled back, mouth agape. Just as he fell down, a soft poof was heard where had sat. As he peered down, eyes turned sharp. He jumped up rapidly, creating a distance in a matter of moments.

From where he just sat, a number of thin, sharp needles were discharged. Jake barely managed to didge them, sighing with relief. But when he turned his head around to see where they went, his eyes turned wide in shock, but more importantly, fear.

At the area where the needles had pierced, blue smoke is seen emerging from two inch holes, burning the very air around it.

How, how is it possible? The needles are tint, microscopic even. How are they able to create a hole this big!?

Panicking, he crawls rapidly backwards, trying his best to get away from the dreaded region. As he feels thatchers has moved far enough, he releases his breath, only to realisebthag it's been a long time since he has last breathed in.

What, what's this?! How's this possible. Am I dead?! I can fly, whee!

Hyperventilating, he started flapping his arms, as if believing that he was a small spareow, bobbing it's head up and down as it foraged for food. Completely immersed, he started to edge towards the edge, getting closer and closer. Just as he was about launch himself off, crouching, a sudden shock cleared his head.

He jittered for a couple of minutes, before the shaking died down. As he gasped, again, for the umpteenth time, he realised how terrifying the world of mysticism was. Gone were the days of peace and comfort, all that remained were steps of pain and horror. He curled himslef to his knees, and stared shivering.

Just when he had decided to end it all, and return backbhime with the teleportation gadget that Strados had somehow managed to slip in somehow, he decided to do at least one thing: dig a piece of dirt to take home, to remind himself of the failure he was, and still is.

Just as he started rummaging through his backpack, he stumbled upon a upon a flat, hard board. Whenbtaking a closer look, he stumbled back, in visible shock.

The book was there.

Horrified, he crouched beneath the nearest shelter he could see, which happened a large, flat rock, acting as a tiny roof. As he rolled into a ball, he started sucking his thumb.

Suddenly, the book started floating.

As he watched, petrified, it floated towards him, until it was level with his eyes. There, it started glowing. The chaos that was his mind sorted itself out, as if something began organising his clustered brain, creating order, and peace.

Now calm, he benag to think more rationally, creating plans and contingencies. As he finally started sorting out where he was, and what to do, the book opened, words appearing like magic again. Jake, intrigued, began to read through it.

... Today, we have managed to find a small subspace, where the ancients of old had created by forcing a nexus point to expand. These places usually held knowledge of the far past, which I had to obtain, although Magris insisted that it was foolish. Heck, he even gave me a black eye!

Does he think I don't know?! But what choice do I have. Without me, who will protect us humans. We have too many heroes, but few guardians left...