The Strongest Trainer with His Relaxed Life : 8. Construction Completed

The next day Brian took them to see the construction that was about to be completed on his land.

Ann: "Brother Brian, is this your area?"

"Yes, how?"

"very cool"

said Ann enthusiastically.

Brian smiled at Ann's behavior.

"How did you sleep last night? Was it good?" Brian asked.

"That's really bad, even Lim, Gats, Song Ye, Ye Yan, and Otto won't wake up if we don't wake them up, right Nova?"

Ann said

"Yes, Brother Brian, they are like pigs, but Brother Jeremy wakes up early as usual," said Nova.

"That's because it's very comfortable, isn't it, Gats?"

Lim said.

"Yes, we haven't slept comfortably for a long time."

Brian smiled, of the five children yesterday, Jeremy looked mature, really taking the position of a responsible older brother, even though he was the same age as Alan, Brian's younger brother, but his attitude was very mature, maybe because he was surrounded by a group of younger siblings, he became like this.

Brian knew everyone's ages yesterday like Jeremy who was only 16 years old. Ann, Nova, Gats, and Lim who are 15 years old. Song Ye and Otto are 12 years old and the youngest is Ye Yan who is only 10 years old.

Brian and the eight walked to the restaurant to eat after touring Brian's area.

Days passed and today all the construction was finished, Brian's family moved today to the manor, Brian also invited the eight Jeremys to move into the dormitory, which also introduced the eight to Brian's family.

Brian's family really welcomed them, especially after learning their story, Brian's mother was very sorry and now cared more about their 3 small children, Brian's mother and father agreed to send Ye Yan, Otto, and Song Ye to school. They also gave the family name Culler to all eight.

They are very happy to have the family name, and they feel that Brian's family really accepts them. Especially Jeremy, before the war and disaster happened, he was an orphan, that's why he looks precocious, now the Culler family is very accepting, making his heart warm and vowing to protect all of this.

The eight Jeremys who were going to stay in the dormitory didn't make it but they lived together with Brian's family, now they are family.

The next day, Brian's parents took the Ye Yan trio to register for school, while Jeremy, who was in the lead, helped Brian look after the shop.

Jeremy looked at Brian's Pokemon as if he thought he was coming for Brian.

"Brother Brian, I ask for help in conquering Pokemon"

"Hmm, why do you want to conquer Pokemon? Do you want to be a trainer?"

Brian asked.

"I... I want to protect this family"

Jeremy said with a red face.

Brian is a bit surprised he's only been together 3 days but he wants to protect the family. But Brian is also happy that he invited him for the first time to protect his family.

"Okay I believe your reasons, what attributes do you like Pokemon with?"

"I like normal, it is said that normal attribute Pokemon will not get double damage when attacked"

explained Jeremy.

"Indeed, but the attack is also not big, but your choice is good, tomorrow we will go to the yellow forest"

Brian will take you to a hidden garden, there are lots of Pokemon with green qualities,

"Brother, we also want Pokemon," said Ann who had heard their conversation.

Gats: "Yes bro, we want it too, I like the grass type"

Lim: "I'm a water type"

Nova: "I want a psychic type, I want to treat my brother's Pokemon"

"Okay, we'll leave tomorrow."

The next day Brian went with the five of them to the hidden garden. Even though Brian has passed here many times he still looks right and left because no one knows he can meet a green quality Pokemon above him.

and sure enough, Brian found a blue quality Zigzagoon, but Brian was a bit confused, having met blue quality 5 times, he felt it was easy to find a high quality Pokemon.

"Jeremy, you can catch the zigzagoon there"

Brian said.

"Is that Pokemon strong, Brother Brian? It looks very small," asked Ann.

Brian didn't answer Ann, but looked at Jeremy. Seeing Brian's gaze, Jeremy was somehow convinced that the Pokemon that Brian suggested was strong.

"Okay brother, I will follow your advice"

said Jeremy, Jeremy approached Zigzagoon then threw a pokeball. This zigzagoon is still young no need to use fight and stun to catch it.

Getting a zigzagoon, Brian's group continued walking to the hidden garden

Brian: "This is where we will enter" while pointing to a small hole that only fits 1 person.

Ann: "Brother, are we going in here?"

"Yeah, don't be surprised when you come in, Jeremy, you come in first."

Hearing Brian's words they all became curious, Jeremy jumped first, followed by Gats, Lim, Nova and Ann. last brian.

after entering they walked before like Brian was very surprised like another world, many pokemon were flying, some were eating tree fruit.

Ann: "Is this heaven?"

Nova: "It's very beautiful here"

the men's group also agreed.

Brian: "How? That's great isn't it, I found this at that time, like you were very amazed by this place, I named it the hidden garden."

Jeremy: "Yes, this is indeed a hidden garden"

Because they had arrived here, Brian told them to catch the Pokemon they wanted, until 4 pm they returned to Brian's point.

Jeremy caught Meowth and Pidgey, Ann caught Eevee and Vulpix, Nova caught Slowpoke and Chimecho, Gats caught Bellsprout and Exeggcute finally Lim caught Feebas, Golden and Carvanha. Brian was a bit surprised to see Feebas, who was caught by Lim, because his quality was blue and he had the move Dragon Breath, which means one of his parents was a dragon.

Brian: "Since everyone has chosen Pokemon, let's go home, I think mom is worried that we aren't home yet."

everyone: "yes brother"