Rough Day.

Evan stood by the sidewalk, feeling conflicted and uncertain about his relationship with Kai.

They weren't close enough for Evan to confide in him about personal issues. If he had called one of his closest friends, they would have bombarded him with questions he couldn't answer.

Kai and his dynamic felt like a strange mix of friendship and enmity—sometimes they talked normally, and other times they exchanged heated glares. It left Evan unsure how to categorize their relationship.

Was it a friend-enemy dynamic, or perhaps what he had heard someone call "friendnemies"?

He sighed, not yet ready to face going home but also not wanting to overstay his welcome with Kai. He imagined Kai was probably relieved to have him gone—happy as could be.

Evan hailed a passing taxi, relieved when one pulled over. He climbed in and gave the driver his address, sinking into the seat with a heavy sigh.

Today had been rough, and Evan just wanted to get home and unwind. As the taxi pulled away from the curb, he stared out the window, lost in his thoughts. The passing scenery barely registered; his mind was a jumble of emotions and exhaustion.

The taxi finally reached his house. Evan got out, paid the driver, and whispered a tired "thanks" before heading toward the front door. He entered the two-story house, immediately noticing the eerie silence that greeted him. His mom was probably asleep, and his younger sister was not around. The absence of noise only intensified his loneliness.

Evan's stomach growled, reminding him of his hunger. Sighing, he held his stomach and threw his bag onto the couch before making his way to the kitchen. He opened the fridge, searching for something simple and light to eat since it was already late. Settling on a sandwich, he grabbed some ingredients and started preparing it.

As he assembled his sandwich, he checked his phone, scrolling through messages and social media aimlessly. Just then, he heard footsteps coming down the stairs. He looked up to see his mom entering the kitchen. She looked tired, her eyes puffy and red from crying.

"Hey, Mom," Evan greeted softly, trying to sound casual.

"Hey, sweetheart," she replied with a weak smile. "How was school?"

"It was alright," Evan said, shrugging. "Just the usual stuff. How are you holding up?"

His mom sighed, rubbing her temples. "I'm managing. Your father being back is... difficult. But we'll get through it."

Evan nodded, feeling a pang of anger towards his father. He didn't want to burden his mom with his own frustrations, though. "Do you want me to make you something to eat?" he offered.

"No, thank you. I just needed some hot chocolate. It helps me relax," she said, moving to the cupboard to get a mug.

Evan watched as she made her hot chocolate, her movements slow and tired. Once it was ready, she gave him a playful rub on the shoulder. "Don't stay up too late, okay? And thanks for checking in."

"Sure thing, Mom," Evan replied, giving her a small smile. "Good night."

"Good night, sweetie," she said, taking her mug and heading back upstairs.

Evan finished his sandwich and sat down at the kitchen table, feeling a mix of emotions. He was glad to be home, but the tension in the house was palpable. He couldn't help but worry about his mom and the situation with his father. With a heavy sigh, he took a bite of his sandwich, trying to focus on anything but the turmoil around him.

Evan finished his sandwich and got up from the counter, taking his plate to the sink. He washed it quickly, his mind still preoccupied with the day's events and the tension at home. After drying his hands, he grabbed his bag from the couch and headed upstairs.

Entering his bedroom, he felt a sense of relief wash over him. It was the one place where he could truly relax. He stripped off his uniform and kicked off his shoes, feeling the weight of the day lift slightly. Heading to the bathroom, he turned on the shower, letting the warm water cascade over him. The shower was quick, but it was enough to help him unwind a bit.

After drying off, he slipped into a pair of comfortable pajamas and settled onto his bed. His phone buzzed, and he saw a message from Kai.

Kai:"Hey, you home yet?"

Evan smiled at the screen, grateful for the distraction. He quickly typed back, "Yeah, just got out of the shower. Rough day, huh?"

Kai: "You can say that again. What's up with you?"

Evan thought for a moment before replying. "Just needed to get away for a bit. Thanks for letting me crash at your place."

Kai:"No problem. You seemed pretty stressed. Everything okay now?"

Evan sighed, running a hand through his damp hair. "Sort of. It's been a long day."

Kai:"Well, you're a tough guy. You'll get through it."

Evan felt a surge of gratitude for Kai's words. "Thanks. It's just... a lot."

Kai:"I get it. At least we have the gala to distract us, right?"

Evan laughed, feeling some of the tension dissipate. "Barely. But yeah, it's something."

Kai: "By the way, did you get any further with the seating arrangement?"

Evan rolled his eyes playfully. "You know I hate that part. But yeah, I made some progress."

Kai:"Good, because I was starting to think I'd have to bribe you with snacks."

Evan chuckled. "You know my weaknesses too well."

Kai:"All part of the plan. Anyway, try to relax tonight. You deserve it."

Evan felt a warmth spread through him at Kai's words. "Thanks, Kai. You too. And hey, thanks for being there. It means a lot."

Kai: "Anytime. Get some rest, Evan."

Evan set his phone down, feeling a sense of calm settle over him. The conversation with Kai had been exactly what he needed. Despite the chaos at home and the stress of the day, knowing he had a friend like Kai made it all a bit more bearable.

He lay back on his bed, thinking about the unexpected bond they were forming. It was strange how someone who had once been an adversary was now becoming a source of comfort. Evan smiled to himself, feeling a bit of hope for the days ahead.

As he drifted off to sleep, Evan's last thoughts were of gratitude for the unexpected support and friendship that was slowly growing between him and Kai. For the first time in a while, he felt like everything might just turn out okay.