The legend of creation - Mane ( Part 2 )

< Then after ten thousand years in the distant universe on an underdeveloped planet , Life and Death were reborn in two rival tribes...

( The scene is divided into two parts. In one, a baby with white hair and red eyes was sitting alone on a cot, and on the other, a boy with black hair and golden eyes was surrounded by several wax figures full of joy ... )

One had hair as black as night but eyes as warm as the sunrise, and another had hair as white as snow with eyes as red as blood... They continued to grow up as rivals, fighting each other and at the climax of the conflict between the races the two awoke as gods.

( Children grew up showing different aspects of life. The girl seemed rebellious and impatient while the boy was polite and responsible. All kinds of wax figures with loose features surrounded them. Then the scene turns into a war. At the end of the war between the wax figures the two young kids now stood and watched from the sidelines as if they were confused. Then the stage went dark for a moment and the wax figures were kneeling before the young Life and Death...) 

They regained all the memories and powers sealed away due to the cycle of reincarnation...

( Only the figures of the two remained on the stage. The white haired girl was Death and the black haired boy was Life... )

Death wanted to erase the existence of the four species but Life did not let it.

( On the stage , the white haired girl was standing behind the figurines that changed a lot from her memory , with a scythe , raised to destroy them, but the black haired boy stood in front of her stopping her. )

The god of death was ready to fight Life again, she couldn't understand why he still loved those ungrateful beings, but this time she submitted...

( The girl's body started to gesticulate but the boy didn't move. Then the girl dropped the scythe from her hand ... the boy turned to the figures , looking at them as he had done before. The girl remained behind him as she had done before... )

That's how many years have passed again...

( On the stage the image of the clock reappeared and the stage was emptied. )

During this time the species in which the two reincarnated received special permissions - one could see the rules and use the laws of space as much as they wanted, while the others were exempted from these laws and received the power of light - the two species they were 'Damiobus' and 'Valade'... This era was called the golden era - Tankam - because life prospered ...

( From both sides of the stage, two figures with special features was heading towards the center of the stage where there were two thrones , on them , the much mature bodies of the white-haired girl and the black-haired boy . They gave a pebble to each figurine and they ate them on the spot... )

But one day Death and Life quarreled again ... No one knows what the fight was about, but Death disappeared after it.

( On the stage the curtain lowered and rise again ... now there was a forest-like background and the figures represented by Life and Death were walking among the trees ... The figure of the white-haired woman was moving her mouth continuously as if to persuade the white-haired man black, but he ignored her. Then the girl appeared in front of the man grabbing the collar of his coat... The man in turn grabbed her hand ... Then the scene freezes and melts like ice ... )

Then something unexpected happened.

All races united to kill Life.

( The scene changes like smoke and now in the center of it was the man with black hair full of wounds but without any expression on his face, being surrounded by different figures. They each represented a race since... )

A bloody battle ensued.

( The scene changes to a blood red field with various figures scattered and attacking the man. Then the man collapsed onto his back in a pool of 'blood'... )

Life had no one by his side ...

The heart did not let him destroy what he had created, but the creation wanted to destroy his creator...

( The man was now surrounded by figurines that looked at him with hateful eyes. Their hands were gesticulating and pointing the 'finger' at him, their initially closed mouths opened wide shouting grievances and accusations... )

Life died on a deserted planet.

After the dust settled Death appeared beside his body as if it had always been there. The last shred of vitality from her was then taken away.

( Next to the man's body, the body of a woman with white hair rises from the blood. She bent down and lay down next to him after a few moments of looking... )

Their bodies joined again creating a tree with two fruits this time...

( The bodies melted like water and formed another tree and two small fruits could be distinguished among the weak branches... )

Over time the tree grew bigger, and the planet became prosperous...

( The image of the clock appeared above the tree and it grew more and more beautiful. The scene had turned into a prosperous forest. )

One day an animal ate a fruit and gave the family a bite, and some insects tried to eat the other one. This is how beasts and fairies were born...

( Under the imposing branches of the tree some beastmen built tents, and in the sky fairies danced happily...)

Since then it is said that there have been many reincarnations of the two gods, but the last one that happened two thousand years ago ended a little differently....

Legend has it that our not-too-distant ancestors somehow managed to capture the soul of the god of death and cast it into a very poor dimension. They believed that without the Death goddess they could gain immortality but the price of sealing a deity and opening a portal to another dimension drained them of life...

( On the stage wax figures held chains in their hands, and the chains bound a woman with white hair but whose face was not visible... Then like a black hole appeared on the floor and the wax figures pushed the woman into it. When the hole closed the figures melted but imitated the feelings of despair and rage at imminent death. )

After the disappearance of Death, the end of Life was like the other times, betrayed and dying alone, but this time the white-haired woman's body did not appear and the man's body disintegrated into the ground.

The beings who were waiting for the growth of the tree were disappointed, but thinking that maybe this time the reincarnation cycle of the gods could finally be broken a great joy spread among the species, but it did not last long... Now the species have lost their common enemy and are back to fighting each other for supremacy.

( On the stage, the black-haired man's body melted to the ground. The wax figures who were not far away remained on the stage but the background turned to war ... )

Since then the universe continued his existence being ruled by a Council formed by the heads of the twelve superior species who had in one way or another the power of the two gods - bearing the name Alocanai .

( The curtain fell and rose to reveal twelve stone chairs. On each was placed a wax figure representative of a superior race... )

Has the legend of the living god and the dead goddess come to an end? Has the cycle of rebirth been broken? Is their story just a legend or is it the true history of the universe that other beings want to hide? Well I don't know, that's why it's called a legend after all...>

( The scene was then engulfed in darkness. The presenter's voice echoed from every corner of the amphitheater and as soon as he finished speaking everything returned to normal but no one was on stage... This was the power of a 'Changement'... )

The representation has ended...