Survival ( Part 3 )

Anka just nodded and walked back to the cave. She didn't have the energy to talk to this group anymore. They didn't insist on keeping her next to them either.

They checked the perimeter briefly and then sat down by the fire. Although they looked like a group, there was a clear distinction between those in the universe and those on earth.

However, Anka didn't really care now.

She was cleaning the cave as best she could and her mind was on how to become stronger.

Although she has yet to come across a situation , from her point of view that is serious, she believed that she is still not living in reality and everything seems like a dream or a game.

She noticed that on the ship, even though it was very close to disaster, there were absolutely no feelings of fear or despair. Not even a little sadness. Now she was worried that she was not taking reality seriously and was underestimating the value of her life.

She honestly felt weird since she got into this book. She felt like a misplaced guard piece and didn't know why.

Her thoughts were interrupted by noises from outside.

Because she was lost in thought she hadn't noticed that others had found the camp. This time it was the other people on earth in number 4. (Alex, Alisa, Joshua and Ghita)

They showed up a few minutes ago and were now arguing with everyone for some reason.

-What's going on ?

Anka walked angrily towards the noisy group. Now the group of people on earth had an underground tension among them. The one causing problems was Felix's group which arrived first.

However, while they were preparing to sound, loud noises were heard from the forest.

A howl of beasts caused the birds to fly from the trees and the sound of heavy stomping echoed through the forest. The group now huddled together ready to fight. Everyone understood the importance of a camp so they weren't going to give it up without a fight.

Then to their surprise the first to come out of the forest were not the beasts but the rest of the people from space. More precisely an elf who was carrying the pegasus on his back and the rest were just running after him.

'Looks like the band is back together...'

Then trees were torn down and three wild pigs the size of a car stormed furiously. Anka didn't think about it anymore. With the dagger in her hand, she ran towards the nearest one and, through a very dangerous slide, cut off his leg directly.

She quickly got up and stabbed at the base of the neck, twisted the dagger and with the other hand held the fur so as not to project out.

The fact that she could rattle weapons was something very magical and one of the most beautiful sensations she felt in her two lives.

Watching how under her knife a life ended she was unusually excited. She didn't know why, but she felt free when she fought. Although the thought that violence and bloodlust gave her happiness was a little out of place , she didn't want to correct herself.

She lived the past life doing only what others wanted and in this one she will explore herself. She believed that regardless of the change that takes place she will always be herself.

After she was sure the boar could no longer move and was dying she checked on the others, only to see them finish off the rest in a team fight. Anka nodded her head in satisfaction.

'At least I have some efficient 'partners'.'

Although she knew that now that the group was reunited conflicts would arise and most likely end in battle.

While cleaning the fur from her boar, Anka analyzed the situation:

'First of all, the condition of the people should be top notch. On a scale of 1 to 10 in the universe the power of humans is now equivalent to a 4. On the one hand people from space have a great power usually but now they are sealed so they show an overall power of 5 to . The number of people is 9 and the number of people in space is 10... Although humans are weak in comparison they have more diversity plus the help of the system...

Anka sings the face value of those present and probably if they are not stupid no one would bring up the problems on the vessel. Even people from space know that in their current situation humans are very useful, as for humans... they should know that aliens are powerful enough to kill them even if they are sealed...

What should I do now? Should I choose a camp?'

Anka knew she wasn't good at planning, but sometimes she couldn't avoid situations like this. She had many plans but first she had to determine if she would have teammates or if she would have to go solo.

There are three options to my plan:

1. Everyone turns against me so I go alone

2. They all understand/ignore/respect/fear me and stay in peace for now

3. A few support me and probably want to team up with me...

Honestly, I would like to go solo, but the other options aren't bad either...'

Anka heard them arguing again in the distance.

- Ohm

She sighed tiredly and stuffed the whole bear into the bag she was carrying

'I'm glad this object has an isolation function...'

This time several groups were arguing. If you counted the groups, there would be 7 including her who was alone.

Honestly, she was a little amused by the situation. Even those galactic celebrities were now showing their true colors from under their always-on masks.

As for example the vampire Luna who was always polite and well-mannered now showed boundless irritation and shouted accusations at different people.

Or that angel who always seemed polite and gentle had a cold face and spoke harshly ...

But among a crowd of people Fahim who still felt like reading sat by the fire with a book and read it's a funny scene .

After watching the prank the group had to intervene before they jumped and killed each other.

- Calm down.

The group had been listening to Anka for unknown reasons and they were silent.

' I don't know if they are listening to me because of my involvement in escaping from the ship or because I have shown my strength. Well it doesn't matter, let's see what they think after I finish what I have to say...'

- First of all, let's sit in a circle. We will solve the problem and see what we do in the future.

Then they all sat in the circle around the fire.

- First of all, how did you get here?

Then from the description received she realized that they were teleported in a rather strange manner. Apart from her, everyone was very close to each other.

Anka was surprised for a moment and then put the problem aside. She told how she got hold of the caves and specified that there are 14 places to live, so probably more than one person will have to stay in one to be able to live here with everyone.

As she spoke, Paul indignantly intervened...

- Don't talk about housing yet. If we don't find the criminal first I won't stay here!

- What criminal?

Some of the people in space didn't even know about it.

- Lan! He was killed and he is one of us!

The elf interested in the subject asked:

- How do you know it was one of us?

Felix no longer having to serve this elf openly showed his contempt for him and hatred on his face.

-Obviously you 'superior beings' took care of killing everyone on the ship except for us, so obviously only one of us could do it.

The alicorn was irritated by his attitude and opened his mouth as well:

- Do you think we are fools who only go about killing everyone around us? I was attacked by the servants of the mermaid and the angel. What did you want me to do? Sing them lullabies and write poems?

Several of the celebrities nodded. And they suffered the same ...

Kley from Felix's group said with an accusing look:

-You could tie them up and lock them up somewhere...

Before he finished, however, the werewolf snorted...

- If they want to kill me, it means that they are prepared to be killed, what are the problems with the legate and the questioner?

People then exploded…

- But is the situation good now?!

- You are hunted by the whole planet of mermaids, now wouldn't it be better just not to kill?!

Anka wanted to laugh at the irony in front of her. People who had dozens of souls bound to them for gruesome deaths accuse others of overkill...
