Before the first test

As soon as the teams sat down on the stone benches, on the front wall, where there was a small podium, words began to appear out of nowhere. They were neat and bright, being very easy to read.

< Welcome to the sacred temple of the soul.

I am the guardian of this place and also your future teacher.

Your stay will be organized by stone servants in the apprentices' rooms.

Tomorrow morning the first test will start.

This will be very important because it will determine the future direction of studies.

Knowing that some of you don't know much about magic, you can go to the temple library and study.

Those who want to rest can do so.

The temple will not restrict your activity.

The only thing forbidden here is disrespecting the god.

We will see you soon, so have a nice stay.>

After the writing disappeared, the hall filled with conversation.

The groups discussed what to do, and the team on the ground was no exception. William said:

- Should we go to the library? We don't know much about magic and I really think it's necessary. Now we would be considered as students, we can't go to class without knowing something, right?

Alesio looked around, then said:

- I agree, but first we should see where we will rest and how?

Matei looked at Alesio and asked:

- What happened ? Do you have any idea ?

Before Alesio answered, Juliana spoke:

- We don't know how we will be assigned to the rooms. If we will be as a team put or on the sexes. Maybe they will separate us, and plans have to be changed accordingly.

Pavel spoke strangely:

- If we separate it will be problematic. But I think we can force everyone to sleep in one room...

Then Pavel seemed enlightened and looked at Alesio and Juliana. Alesio spoke this time:

- Yes . We have to go early and get a room to make sure we sit together.

William said:

- Good . Since we have reached an agreement, let's go.

Ella then intervened:

- Wait a minute. Anka disappeared.

Pavel and Sana quickly looked around to look for her. Wiliam, Matei, Alesio and Juliana did not seem surprised at all, they probably noticed that she was missing for a long time.

Pavel looked angry.

- Where did she go ? Why isn't she here to discuss the plans with us?

Matei seemed calm.

- We don't have to worry about her. She manages herself.

Paul then continues:

- Who worries about her? I'm just afraid it will bring us trouble.

Ella seemed quite stressed:

- We can't control it until the end, so we should leave it alone. Maybe she went to investigate something...

Alesio seemed tired of this conversation, so he headed straight for the exit with Matei.

They were quickly followed by the rest, and the subject was forcibly stopped just like that. After asking a stone servant for help, they reached the region where the guest rooms are.

Fortunately, there were spacious rooms built for a large number of people. They chose one that was close to the exit of the building and took the key. The room was quite big.

It had 5 bunk beds, a few wooden cupboards and a few candles with light stones. The room had two wide windows that showed a view to the sunset. Everyone decided which bed would be theirs, and due to the fact that they didn't have much luggage, they finished the stabilization very quickly.

They quickly locked the door and asked for directions to the library. On the way they saw several battle scenes, but tried to pass without getting involved. Arriving in the library, they were amazed by its grandeur and the quality of care of the books.

The fact that they had access to magic books was already something very valuable, but looking at the huge library, the man's thirst for knowledge came out. They took books on history, biology, philosophy, technology, mythology and so on.

Then they discovered a fact they had strangely ignored. The fact that they could read alien stuff. The fact that they could understand what the aliens were saying. the fact that aliens understand them…

Only now they have through this error ...

By reading these books, however, they were able to discover many things. For example: the system is also an alien! It sounds funny, but people believed that it was something like a higher intelligence that came to save them from some distant future.

Or they thought that now they are part of a book and a system helps them in different missions to develop the world...

Different theories, but none of them said that they are actually a powerful alien species that wants to develop space. Although they didn't understand many things, they realized a lot now.

In fact, they really wanted to continue reading, too bad they needed to sleep. From the things he read, he found out that tomorrow's test is related to the soul and it requires a lot of energy, so it's better to rest.

The group sat on the floor in a circle to facilitate future discussion. They were going to set up some informants and set some things up.

And the other reason was that they wanted to inform Anka as well. She was in the room when they entered and was looking out the window. They didn't ask her anything for now, but they planned to exchange information like this.

They knew that Anka was a very mysterious person that they didn't know much about, but the fact that she was powerful could not be denied.

Even if Anka didn't share information with them, they still wanted to teach her the essentials to raise the team's performance. In the end, this mission is a team competition, and at the end of the day, it is the profit of the land.

So the current situation is one in which basically a summary of the day is made.

William stood up.

- First of all, the caretaker of this place is apparently a god. I found out that he is a really old one. His title is God of History and he is responsible for recording history as it is...

Sana spoke her true thoughts this time:

- I still can't believe it. Are there really such beings as gods? Or do I have the wrong concept about them?

Alesio answered this time:

- From what I have read, gods are also divided into categories. Many of the gods were originally normal beings, but then somehow became gods. Gods are divided into small, medium, large and Primary gods. The God of History I don't know what kind of god he is, if I had time I would have researched more but the materials are simply too vast.

Matei intervenes here:

- I have read several books and apparently belief in gods is something common in the universe. Regardless of whether they actually exist or not, many vows and rituals are performed in their name for certain purposes. And I'll take a fairly common example like calling for rain. The book said that the people of the planet could pray to gods associated with water, and the rain actually happened. And when I searched for gods that are associated with water, I found some references. Apparently there are 5 gods who can summon the rain, but only one is practically the god of rain.

Ella then spoke:

- What I read was about the history of this planet. Apparently it was just one of the planets the dragon and phoenix people temporarily migrated to. They stayed here for almost 10,000 years and then left for the next planet.This tempo was a neutral zone. He existed before dragons or phoenixes set foot here. Apparently this planet has one of the gates to the Afterlife, and the Goddess of Death used to come here often, so she built the temple and put the God of History as a guardian...

Pavel intervened:

- I don't understand one thing. If dragons and phoenixes were enemies, why are they still together? That is, they did not have to choose the same planet.

Juliana answered this time:

- I was also curious, but no history book answered that, so I found the answer in a book with legends.

Matei asked doubtfully:

- Legends?

- Yes legends. Apparently legends are not phantoms in the universe. These are 100% true stories passed down from generation to generation in honor of the gods. In short, a history book can lie, but the legend can't.

Paul said:

- This is ridiculous! Even if the legend is true, it cannot be 100% correct. I mean it was passed down from generation to generation so it passed through many mouths and it was definitely changed to some extent...

Juliana shook her head:

- Not . This universe as you know is governed by Rules.

The group nodded at her words…

- The rules are ambiguous and have many gaps, but there are some rules that cannot be broken and that cannot be changed. These are called the Basic Rules, such as the law of gravity or time. All cannot be changed. You can influence time but you can't intervene in it, things are hard to explain.

- Where do you want to go with this?

Pavel asked impatiently.

- I mean there is a basic rule about captions. The stories about the gods must be 100% true. In addition to the fact that beings in the universe do not even have the idea to falsify or flourish, if someone spreads something untrue they will be punished by the rules. The kind of punishment that everyone will see, and the information that was spread will be effectively erased from people's minds or paper...

- Wow...

The group looked very curious now…

Juliana continues:

- So the legend says that the Goddess of Death cursed dragons and phoenixes to stay almost always with the houses in order to never have peace, but there were more details. This was just the short version. The reason for the curse seems to be their betrayal of the God of Life...