
« This chapter has mentions about suicide read carefully and I wish you good mental health :) »

So ... my name is Aira (...) and I was born somewhere in the center of Europe in City V. My father was from Asia and my mother was local. We had a happy family a period with many beautiful memories.

Along the way I also had a younger sister.

Everything was fine except that our parents separated. I went with my mother to her birthplace where I ended my childhood and entered the adult stage.

I went to college to make my mother proud even if the place I was going to was not to my liking. I then lived a few years away from her but still kept in touch.

Because of my social problems I didn't have many friends but that didn't mean I didn't have close ones. Over time I discovered that my body was getting weaker and weaker.

I went to the hospital but they couldn't tell the cause...

After a while I had frequent headaches, stomach problems and sudden loss of vision. I felt weak and helpless, but I didn't tell my mother and sister. I didn't want to worry them.

But the situation suddenly worsened when I suddenly vomited blood. This time the hospital informed me that my internal organs are slowly failing...

I was practically in medical school and I wasn't ignorant, that's why I didn't understand this conclusion.

What do you mean my organs are failing?

This is usually something that happens to elderly people or those who have serious illnesses, I didn't have any illness and I was young...

But my body didn't care about my confusion, things got worse no matter what I did. Taking vitamins doesn't help, diet, drugs, therapy...

Nothing had an effect...

For the operation, my body was not in a condition to support it, and even if it was, they have nothing to do.

Do I need to change some organs? It's crazy.

They gave me a few more months to live and that was it. I was desperate for a moment but I was not afraid of death. What I found difficult to do was to tell my mother this news.

I honestly didn't know if I loved her, but I felt the responsibility to make her life easier. I can't really say I had strong feelings for anything...

Anyway... I dragged this out as long as I could, but in the end I had to tell her.

She was unfortunately crushed upon hearing this news. I honestly didn't know what to do for a moment. Then my body used the images from my childhood to be able to resonate with the situation.

I just hugged and smiled happily.

Hmm... why do I have this cheerful attitude?


I looked relaxed in front of my mother, but I wasn't lying.

I really wasn't panic or scared that I was going to die. But in the eyes of others I was just trying to be strong. Time passed and one day my vision suddenly went dark.

The next thing I saw was Arima's hospital room.

At first I thought I was still in my own world but then looking out the window and at different people seeing each other and even at the TV on in the living room...

I found out that I probably entered the book that I used to read many times during breaks when I was in college.

Then the memories of the body I entered played in my mind like a movie.

My name was now Anka.

A girl from a fairly wealthy family, also from the center of Europe. Her parents pampered her but she also had some social problems. Due to events in kindergarten and elementary school, I became very disgusted with friendships.

I didn't want to be close to anyone, in my eyes they became a weakness. But then came the apocalypse. Unfortunately, my parents were among the few killed by the magical rain 'Pluit' that took them by surprise. Being alone in the big house, a feeling of boundless sadness had seized me.

So after a few days without my parents, I decided I wanted to follow them. It had all happened too quickly and several events led to my first suicide attempt.

My thought was that parents have died in that rain outside so I should do it too...

So I left a letter as a testament and went out determined.

The rain was really like sulfuric acid. It hurt a lot, but I didn't want to give up halfway so I persevered. But somehow with time it seemed that the pain disappeared. I opened my eyes and my soaked body was intact.

I was sure I was dreaming. After so much pain, should I never have one?

Then I thought maybe I died and became a soul, but I was still material which confused me.

Then the system came and the rain stopped.

Because I stayed in the rain and endured pain, I got a better start than others. Having three talents and two powers right from the start was great, too bad we didn't really appreciate it.

I was determined to die but then this happened...

It's just that the ones that followed momentarily stifled my desire for death. Various beasts and monstrosities appeared throughout the world.

Several cataclysms occurred in all places on earth, and panic gripped the entire planet.

In Europe many volcanoes erupted at once which made the air full of sulphur. In Asia, earthquakes were more and more frequent and entire populations were swallowed up by the earth. Africa was even stranger. There were various precipitations, and swarms of giant insects destroyed human settlements one by one.

Thus African inhabitants were forced to abandon the land and take refuge in Europe or Asia Minor. The Pacific Ocean has become very wild. A huge vortex appeared above the Mariana Trench, and geographers scanned the area for a long time with satellites without finding the cause.

But the ocean was impassable now. However, because there was someone who suddenly awakens powers that see the future, he was able to save most of the continent's population.

That person was Alesio.

He predicted that the continent would be submerged in the ocean so he announced this fact and even though there were some obstacles, people came to believe him.

People from America, Mexico and South America who could crossed the sea to Asia. Even though a lot of the population died during this time, people couldn't stop them.

They were now living in times where they had to be on constant alert. The system that had appeared on the planet gave some random missions that made him have the illusion that maybe it was all just a game or a bad dream but he didn't have the luxury to take it for granted because the pain was real and so was death.

The system gave missions like 'save this number of people', Say 'build a house', or 'kill this time monster'.

There were missions that had time to complete and failure meant death, so it was as if everyone had the sword of Damocles over their heads.

Over time, more and more people with powers woke up among the population, but the harsh pressure on humanity was not getting any easier. Even if there were arguments among the survivors, they never escalated because there was no such luxury.

When the entire continent of America sank, leaving only a few small pieces of land, the planet suffered enormously.

Tsunamis hit the coast of Asia and Africa with high altitudes and high speed. Entire populations were wiped out by this catastrophe. Half of the continent of Africa has become a barren desert, while the other half is a huge jungle.

The animals on it have evolved as fast as humans and have changed the food chain that everyone knows.

Europe experienced huge ice storms that completely covered the north in ice and did little to regulate the constantly erupting volcanoes. However, the eruptions created a very large mountain range that exceeded 8,000 meters. Thus dividing the north of Europe from the south and making the climate bearable lives.

Former mountains became more hills and places suitable for bases which had helped humanity a lot in protecting itself from the creatures coming from the south.

Any place near the ocean witnessed tsunamis and storms, plus marine animals suddenly attacking the shore in search of food. The oxygen on the planet weakened a lot, and the sun had strong radiation that caused the temperature to rise up to 45 degrees Celsius.

All this in the first few months of the apocalypse.

If a few died from the rain, more than half of the population died in a week from the first scenario. What followed was a fight against the clock for survival.

Technology was becoming increasingly useless.

Food was becoming scarce.

Dwellings had to be changed constantly because of the climate, many new diseases appeared.

Old people and children did not survive, and a great cloud of depression passed over the humanity of Terra. Then there were people who took the leadership of society.

They took the leadership reins and did not let up. They became what the survivors needed - hope and order.

They founded agents to help people and make life easier. Most of the survivors were young or middle-aged people. Most life was now in the southern part of Europe and Asia Minor. After a few months of accommodation, humanity began to function organized again and life expectancy blossomed.

But then the system announced the fourth scenario. It was called 'I want to be a beast hunter' which once again wiped out a large number of people from the world.

But now society seemed to have gotten used to it.

Those who remained were among the strongest and most stable, otherwise they would not have survived until now. You could say that the evolution was not only physical but also mental. The following scenarios were no longer a challenge. And the city of Anima was then built and populated by scavengers.

My place in all this was always ambiguous.

I traveled from place to place and survived. I tried to live but several times I tried to die, but I didn't succeed. Somehow it seemed that I could not die ...

My mind didn't know how to feel about this apocalypse or life. I was adrift for a long time but that didn't stop my fight. With time I got out of the bad things that brought me depression and the death of my parents became so distant that I could no longer remember what they looked like.

Something I thought was strange but I accepted it with open arms because I wanted to change. So I started to fight. I found a team , I rebonded what started well but... ended badly due to the fourth scenario.

I closed myself again but in a different way. Now I was trying to live, so a lot of things changed, but the apocalypse probably didn't help at all. My way of fighting has not increased much lately so I have reached a crisis situation.

My team entered a small scenario that took us to the wild African territory where other species of aliens have made some settlements. The situation was very disadvantageous.

The team's mission was to hunt a certain monster, unfortunately, it was very dangerous. Several teammates were injured and even I was very tired. The time limit was approaching and failure brought death. So I tried to hire an alien to accompany us.

They had more experience with this wilderness and were more powerful, but as a price he wanted people to come and stay in the settlement they made so he could bring in more visitors and interstellar tourists.

I had no choice but to agree. But what I didn't know was that my team had a special way of asking for help from some powerful people. They kept this from me on purpose because they didn't trust me.

However, the situation became embarrassing. They hunted the beast while I was gone and the mission ended, and I had to apologize to that alien and hand over all my gold coins as compensation for the contract made and which now had to be broken.

I became bankrupt overnight or as they say. Then the day we were being teleported back one of these teammates literally stabbed me in the back.

Then I arrived at the hospital.

The situation became complicated. My reputation was tarnished and the world looked at me with strange eyes, but I was not affected. I did what I thought was necessary.

However, my days in the hospital were becoming more and more erased. Then my thoughts of death burst forth from the depths of my heart.

Somehow I no longer had any desire for life. Then I closed my eyes at night peacefully. Only to open it again as a different person the next morning.