The doors

Now everyone was sitting down. They used the papers to draw the symbols on the doors and placed them in the middle of them.

In total there were 12 drawings, one for each door.

They were all very strange.

- First of all, what do you think the doors represent?

Sinoes - a strong-willed man from Rojo.

Dahon answered flatly:

- Probably something related to some god.

Usatu - Why do you think that?

Dahon - We are in a temple, so the content here must be related to the gods.

Hogar - We cannot be sure of this ...

Paraiso - Stop being always against!

Hogar resignedly closed his mouth, because he did not want to argue again.

Alesio - I also think it is relevant with the deities. Has anyone here read more about deities? 

Nao - I read as much as I could, but there are too many informed. Plus the deities are divided into generations and different categories. It's hard to say certain things.

Martella - The temple is very old and probably existed for over 5000 years.

Nao - The things about the old gods are many, because back then they are said to be very active, and there were many.

Nao looked very confused.

Alesio- Tries the group of deities that have reached a close level with the goddess of the dead.

Nao seemed enlightened and began to speak excitedly:

- Yes yes yes ... why didn't I think of that? Hmmm...let's see...

He runs his hand through his hair and says passionately:

- In the period just before the disappearance of the dead goddess. It was that era known as the golden age of the universe. Many beings reached god level and a few were even invited to the palace of the gods.

A higher leadership consisting of 12 gods was formed. In it were the primordial gods like Life and Death, plus the great gods Time and Space who were as old as the primordials

 Although there were other equally powerful and eternal gods they chose to roam reality and did not approach the god of life who wanted to unite all beings. The gods who joined were powerful beings from various races who had gradually evolved to that stage and were now recognized as gods.

They were given titles equivalent to the god of wisdom, Heaven, Earth, Water, Fire, Feelings and Dreams.

The 12 made up the first generation of ruling gods.

However, things became terrible after the death's disappearance.

Queman - What do you mean by Dead disappearance?

 In fact everyone except those on Tera were confused.

Matthew - Don't you know the legend of Creation - Mane?

People from other planets showed obvious fear upon hearing the name.

William - What happened?

Madeva - How can you say a sacred name?

Juliana - Sacred name?

Matella - The name of the creation legend is a sacred name and forbidden to be spoken lightly. As for the composition of the legend, it is not known to the general public, but only to people at the top.

Alesio - Do you know it?

Mattress - Yes. I am the daughter of the ruler of our planet and I grew up hearing . 

Matei - Why is it not said for the general public?

Matela - I will answer immediately, but how do you know it?

She looks at each of the people from Tera.

William - In a past scenario, a species called Changement showed up on stage.

Eve - Can you tell its contents now? Don't keep us in suspense.

Then William took care of telling the legend with as many details as possible.

The reason why every being on earth could now know this legend was because they thought it very important.

Besides being a backstory, it was related to the very beginning of the universe. And the fact that other aliens didn't know about her made them even more curious.

The group listened carefully.

No one had an eye on Anka, who seemed increasingly strange. Her face was now shocked to the extreme...

'I really can't believe it... it can't be true... it can't be?'

She had a storm in her mind. Her eyes were getting redder and redder, and around her fingers a black smoke could be faintly seen...

By the end of the story her condition had slowly calmed down but somehow her eyes now had ice on them, in the literary sense.

She suddenly seemed more mature...

Something had changed in a few minutes but no one around had discovered it.

Now she was sitting down, but it made you unable to look at her because of the pressure.

The discussion continues...

Sayon - Is this the legend of creation? Why does it seem more like a romantic story?

Lu - Don't joke with these ... You might die suddenly without knowing ... Gods are no joke .

Dahon - Putting this legend aside, how did it influence the gods you speak of?

Nao -'s not explained very well. It is only said that due to the disappearance of death many things have been turned upside down. For example, beings such as ghosts, zombies and evil spirits began to exist. It is said that the cycle of life and death has been broken, and the creation of beings cannot keep up with death.Thus the living population becomes smaller and smaller, and the strange phenomena caused by wandering souls is increasing.

Entonces - In other words, death no longer exists and souls are stuck between life and death

Lu - Yes. It is said that beings who must enter death and cannot, suffer terribly. Souls that roam free are very fragile and at the same time strong.

Entonces - So in this world there are a lot of poor souls who cannot continue in death and are stuck in the shadows

Nao - Again yes.

The group was very quiet now.

Bico - What are those who caused this tragedy thinking?

Sayon - They probably rule every moment of their lives.

Lupad - This is somewhat ridiculous! Without the goddess of death there is no death now?! 

Paraiso - What's so ridiculous?

Lupad - If we theoretically kill the god of fire, do you think that fire will disappear from the universe?

Paraiso - He will not disappear because he does not possess the concept of fire. 

Lupad - What is a concept?

Paraiso - Think like the source. Let's say that fire has a source. The current title of god of fire is given to someone but he does not have control over the spring but has the greatest power over the water that comes from the spring, that is why he is given this title.

Lupad - And how do you compare that to the dead goddess. Does this also apply to her?

Paraiso - I don't think so. From what I understand she is the source herself, she doesn't have to own it because she is herself. That's why when it was thrown into another dimension or world, death left reality.

Lupad - But I still don't think I've heard of animal and plant ghosts. If Death no longer exists, then why is there still the phenomenon of ending them?

Paraiso - I can't explain it to you for sure, but if the statue in the previous room is translated correctly then it shows the process by which a soul is sent back to life after judgment and punishment. All of this requires the personal handiwork of the goddess, but animals and plants probably don't have such a complex process because I don't think they need to be judged...

Lupad - But you say there is no more death, so why are they still dying?

Paraiso - You are so annoying! The goddess is not dead. She's just no longer in this world, so death still happens but the after-death process remains on hold because of her absence. Now you got it ?

The group listened to them with their minds blown.

Nao - How do you know that, Paraiso?

Paraiso - I read a book that investigated the effects caused by the disappearance of Death.

Paraiso - She was very interesting, but she didn't say the process of her disappearance, so I didn't know much, only after hearing this legend did I make more connections.

Riposa - I also read something about the gods. It was telling the process by which you can be a god and it seemed very complicated to me...

Madeva - I don't think we need this information right now.

Alesio - So we can say that these doors correspond to one of those 12 gods?

Matella - Probably.

Matei - Good. Corresponds to a god. But what is behind it? Altar? Another library? People? Traps? Treasures?

Pavel - Where do you want us to guess this?

Azul - Maybe we better decide if it's dangerous or not.

Cual - Probably the hourglass symbol belongs to time?

Queman - It's obvious.

Nula - This looks like a flame. Does it belong to fire?

Mattress - Most likely. Well done.

Then they looked for a while at the rest but could not discover anything.

Eve - I can't see anything relevant. The symbol that looks like an eye what can it symbolize?

The symbol was the most complex.

Matthew - Maybe wisdom? The Shadow ? Or maybe dreams?

Alesio - I lean more towards death.

The group was shocked.

Madeva - Why do you think that?

Alesio- The statue that supposedly represents Death in the previous room had an eye with a red stone. Although the face didn't have much detail and even the eyes weren't very special or detailed, the eye was the one that looked the most alive. Plus they are supposed to judge others by 'knowing everything, seeing everything, controlling everything' and the most relevant symbol for omniscience is the eye.

The group seemed enlightened, but unfortunately the fact that a 10-year-old child was teaching them such complicated things gave them a sense of absurdity.