The situation for others

As for the team formed by Lu, Riposa, Focu, Glie and Cutenta who had entered the door with the symbol of the whirlwind...

Their hallway was very dark and bumpy. On the walls were all kinds of paintings with abstract images that were hard to follow.

The group had immediately regretted choosing this door, but when they turned to open it to leave, all that was behind them was a wall.

They had strange sensations all over their bodies and the environment really didn't help them.

They chose to continue forward. No matter what happened, staying in this hallway permanently was not an option.

They went slowly forward.

Tried to look at the floor all the time because their heads hurt if they looked at those paintings, and even the lines on the wall seemed to make them dizzy.

After continuing for a while, they reached a door.

Did this door look like glass, or ice?

But they could tell she was very thick.

It had strange written patterns on it.

The group was very tired. But they didn't know what anyone could do...

So they took a deep breath and pushed the door open.

What they saw next was something unexpected.

Did they arrive at what looked like a party?

The group stood at the main entrance dressed strangely and immediately attracted attention.

Their team was immediately intercepted by servants and guided to a restroom.

Along the way they learned that they were now at a party for the royal family of the Xinli planet.

The fact that they appeared out of nowhere was not necessarily ill-received, but they certainly wouldn't be able to participate.

Lu - What's going on? Why did I end up here?

Riposa - How do you want I to know this?

Focu - The door did not lead to a place too expected... Maybe we are in an illusion?

Glie - It would be a very good illusion then .. it looks so real ...

The team discussed opinions and theories but over time their discussion turned into an argument...

In fact, everyone was saying more and more words. They showed their true sensibilities as if they were erupting under pressure...

Fire - ... it's always about what you want! Never listen to the opinion of others!

Glie - That's right!

Lu - What are you talking about?! You are so shy, you should have opened your mouth and said if you have a different opinion!

Cutenta - Shall we open our mouths? And if I opened it, does that mean you are listening? It's ridiculous!

Riposa - Have you had problems with the way we do things? What better option would you have had? To waste time with those who are only fearful?!

Glie - What's wrong with being cautious?! It's better than wasting your life like a fool!

Lu - We are not dead!

Fire - Really? So how are we? lost? Under a spell? Save? If we had left that planet the System would have come back into effect, but do you hear them? Not ! That's because I didn't leave!

Lu - And what if I didn't leave?! Are we in danger now? We just have to find a solution!

Cutenta - Look again the feeling of superiority! You think we should just follow you in silence! You think we couldn't manage on our own!

Riposa - Lu helped you enormously! This is how you reward him?! Aren't you ashamed?!

Glie - Who asked him to do this? Just because his father is one of the most talented blacksmiths on our planet doesn't make him important!

Fire - It doesn't even make him smart! 

Cutenta - It doesn't even give him the power to decide what is good for another!

At one point the room where they were sitting turned into an open air battle arena.

However, the team had not noticed at all. They were so caught up in this quarrel that they were no longer attentive to the environment.

There was only one person in the stands. He was dressed in traditional Chinese clothes and sat on the stone slabs watching the excitement in the arena. He had a jug of wine next to him from which he drank from time to time.

The group now had a fierce face and hatred in their voice. Their eyes were red with emotion and they were even shaking a little.

It was obvious that their emotions were amplified to the extreme.

No one knows who started the fight first, but it was brutal.

They used orcs to hurt those around them.

In general, it was two against three initially, so the fight lasted a long time. At the end, Lu was holding Riposa in her arms, who was covered in blood. Around them the other three were dead on foot, only Lu remained alive thanks to Riposa's sacrifice for him.

- ... sob ... Riposa .. don't leave ...

He was crying like a baby now…

The person in the stands started clapping...

- Maranam is always right. This time of entertainment between the lower beings is really wonderful.

Lu looked up and as if waking from a dream , he was now on what looked like a deserted rocky island.

The place where he was standing appeared to be a fairly large area of ​​flat rock.

Lu was shocked out of his wits. He looked at the gradually cold body in his arms, the unfamiliar environment, the strange man in front of him and the dead bodies around him.

Suddenly he started laughing. He was maddened with tears flowing from his eyes.

Lu - Why...?

- Do I need a reason?

The man sat on a stone and took another sip of wine.

After he finished swallowing he looked at Lu with interest. 

- Do you want to be part of my apostles?

Lu - What...?

- I want to take you as a servant. You have a very charming air about you. You are quite funny, I want you as a servant.

Lu looked again at the woman in his arms. Her body was still warm but the pool of blood beneath it was too big.

Lu - Can you save her?

The man seemed to have expected this. He made the shape of a seal with his finger and instantly Riposa opened her eyes.

The blood beneath them had evaporated quickly.

The woman gets up and kneels in front of the man. Lu stared in amazement at the series of women's actions and didn't know what to do next.

The man just chuckled in amusement.

- You really are very interesting.

Then he threw the empty wine jug to the ground and in the sound of crashing and waves the three figures disappeared into thin air.

After the fire sign door, the situation was far better. 

The group consisted of Dahon, Hagin, Humie and Linaw. They were panting at this point and cursing everything that could be cursed.

They were running through the corridor which was actually full of traps. Sudden spikes on the floor, darts thrown suddenly, sharp objects appearing out of nowhere, synchronized fire launchers, etc..

It was as if they were part of an escape series.

The most annoying thing is that the back wall kept getting closer pushing them forward. They didn't even have time to catch their breath. They continued in a continuous run since they first stepped into the corridor.

Although none were dead or seriously injured, they had minor cuts and superficial bruises all over their bodies. Plus they were so tired they could hardly stand.

When they saw a door at the end of the hall, they cried for joy.

They rushed to at least think twice.

The landscape there was quite normal.

They seemed to be in a forest right now.

However, that was the least of their worries.

They collapsed on the ground panting heavily.