

  Chapter 37 Xiao Lan (Fifth update!)

  Su Yun took out two jade bottles from the system space.

  Let Xiao Yu give them to Xiao Zhan and Jia Liebi respectively.

  "What Chief Xiao has in his hand is a fourth-grade elixir, the Three-Pattern Green Spirit Pill, which can enhance the strength of a three-star Grand Fighter.

  However, if the refining fails, there will be a backlash, and there is a risk of a decrease in strength."

  Su Yun took a sip of tea and said lightly.

  Hearing this, Xiao Zhan and Jia Liebi both widened their eyes. To enhance the strength of three stars, under such temptation, they subconsciously ignored the backlash.

  Xiao Zhan hurriedly thanked him with a smile on his face.

  "Thank you, Master Han, I will accept this elixir."


  Su Yun nodded. He had already used this thing, and it was just right as a reward.

  Although he looked down upon the strength of the Xiao family, it was still somewhat useful. It was quite handy for handling trivial matters, such as destroying a small family.

  Jialebi, who was standing aside, looked at the pill in his hand and asked hurriedly.

  "Master Han, may I ask where this one is?"

  Jialebi's tone was cautious. After all, his relationship with Su Yun was not as familiar as that between Xiao Zhan and Su Yun.

  "The Purple Heart Barrier Breaking Pill is also a fourth-grade pill. It can only increase one star of strength, but there is no backlash when taking it. Compared with the Three-Pattern Green Spirit Pill, it is more stable."

  Su Yun said that the Jiale family had made a lot of efforts this time, and they should be given some benefits.

  Jialebi was delighted to hear that. Although the Purple Heart Barrier Breaking Pill was not as good as the Three-Pattern Green Spirit Pill, he was satisfied.

  Su Yun gave the two of them the reward and planned to go back. He did not plan to wait for the three elders to come back, and with his status, he did not need to wait.

  Su Yun stood up and bowed to Jialebi and Xiao Zhan.

  "Han will go back first. I will trouble you two to take care of the remnants of the Oba family."

  Xiao Zhan and Jialebi stood up quickly and nodded. After that, Su Yun left the Xiao family amid the two people's words of gratitude.

  It has been a while since I came out. I have to go back quickly, otherwise the girl will be worried.

  Su Yun walked on the road, and I don't know what he thought of in his heart, and a smile appeared on his face.

  In a short while, Su Yun came to the vicinity of the house, and the outline of the house in the distance had already appeared in Su Yun's eyes.

  Su Yun took a few steps forward, and his brows suddenly wrinkled into a "川" shape.

  There is the breath of a monster!

  Su Yun's mind flashed with a trace of worry, and he used the Xuanying step and ran very fast.

  Because of worry, Su Yun did not go straight, but directly climbed over the wall.

  When he returned to his own yard, he saw that the little medical fairy was staying with a flying monster, and it didn't look like he was in danger.

  Su Yun's brows relaxed slightly. This flying monster was a blue eagle with blue feathers all over its body.

  Combined with the memory of his previous life, Su Yun vaguely understood what was going on.

  At this moment, he was somewhat impressed by the wonder of fate. He did not expect that in this life, Xiao Yixian would be able to meet this blue eagle.

  Xiao Yixian had his back to Su Yun at this time, and Su Yun's Xuanying Step had already reached the great perfection realm.

  When he climbed over the wall, it was silent, but the blue eagle discovered him and made a few calls.

  However, the sound was not loud, and it was obviously weak, and it looked seriously injured.

  The blue eagle tilted its head and made another call. Xiao Yixian was a little confused and looked back.


  Xiao Yixian shouted in surprise. Whenever Su Yun came back from going out, Xiao Yixian would be so surprised, and it has always been like this.

  Su Yun also smiled again, with his arms open. Xiao Yixian was very focused, and she trotted a little and threw herself into Su Yun's arms. With the

  warm and soft jade in his arms, Su Yun buried his head in Xiao Yixian's hair and sniffed the girl's body fragrance.

  The two hugged for a while before they separated. Su Yun asked at this time.   

  "Xian'er, how did this blue eagle come to our house?"

  "Oh, it flew down from the sky not long after my brother left, and was seriously injured, so Xian'er bandaged it."

  Xiao Yixian explained, and seemed to have thought of something, and hurriedly said.

  "Don't worry, brother, Xian'er approached it after making sure that she would not be in danger."

  Su Yun reached out and poked Xiao Yixian's forehead.

  "You, don't make an exception next time."

  Seeing this, Xiao Yixian smiled sweetly.

  My brother is the best, Xian'er knew that my brother would not have the heart to blame me.

  Su Yun and Xiao Yixian walked up and squatted in front of the blue eagle.

  It's good to have such a blue eagle to accompany Xiao Yixian. He is usually busy with cultivation and refining medicine, and Xiao Yixian will inevitably be a little bored when he is alone.

  Su Yun reached out his hand and wanted to check the blue eagle's injury, but the blue eagle let out a long cry and shrank back.

  The little medical fairy reached out her hand at this time, gently stroked the blue eagle's trembling body, and said in a soft voice,

  "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, brother just wants to help you heal your injury, I won't hurt you."

  Maybe the little medical fairy's words worked, and the blue eagle's body returned to calm.

  Seeing this, Su Yun reached out his hand again to check the blue eagle's injury.

  Su Yun untied the bandage on its body, and a three-foot-deep wound appeared in front of Su Yun. The wound was smooth and flat, and it should have been caused by a sharp object such as a sword.

  It must have been injured by the mercenary group lurking nearby.

  Su Yun completely removed the bandages on the blue eagle, and the little medical fairy was also helping.

  Before, the little medical fairy only sprinkled some hemostatic drugs on the blue eagle, and if it wanted to recover, it could only rely on its self-healing ability.

  Su Yun took out two jade bottles from the ring, poured a pill from one of the bottles and fed it to the blue eagle, and gave the other bottle to the little medical fairy, asking her to sprinkle it on the wound and re-bandage it.

  The little medical fairy was busy for a while, and the blue eagle was wrapped with bandages again.

  The two took two steps back. Under the effect of Su Yun's pills, the blue eagle recovered some energy, raised its eagle head and screamed to the sky. The voice was high-pitched, not as weak as before.

  Little Medical Fairy watched the blue eagle regain its vitality and smiled happily.

  Su Yun touched Little Medical Fairy's head.

  The blue eagle flapped its wings, but did not take off. Instead, it folded its wings, lowered its eagle head, and stretched it out to Su Yun and Little Medical Fairy.

  A hint of surprise flashed across Little Medical Fairy's face, and she reached out and touched the eagle's head.

  Su Yun also had a smile on his face and stretched out his hand.

  The blue eagle's action was like an ancient minister expressing his loyalty to the king.

  In other words, the blue eagle surrendered to them.

  In the Fighting Continent, there is no such thing as a Warcraft contract. If you want to gain the loyalty of a Warcraft, you can only capture a cub and then keep it by your side for a long time to cultivate feelings.

  Su Yun stroked the blue wings of the blue eagle, and a different thought came to his mind.

  A flash of thought flashed across Su Yun's eyes, and after a moment he shook his head and said to the Little Medical Fairy.

  "Xian'er, give it a name."

  The Little Medical Fairy nodded, tapped her head with her small fingers, and seemed to be in trouble.

  After a while, the Little Medical Fairy's eyes lit up.

  "Let's call it Xiao Lan." Five