

  Su Yun shrugged, looking helpless.

  The Great Elder sighed. This great power was really demanding.

  "Tell me, what kind of elixir do you want me to make?"

  Su Yun asked.

  The four looked at each other, and the Great Elder stepped forward.

  "Master Han, please make another Qi Gathering Powder for my Xiao family."

  "Oh, for your granddaughter?"

  Su Yun asked.

  "That's right."

  The Great Elder nodded.

  "Okay, are the herbs ready?"

  At this time, Xiao Zhan quickly took out two doses of herbs from the ring.

  Su Yun took the herbs and stood up.

  "I will bring the Qi Gathering Powder in a month. Thank you for your care during this time."

  Su Yun and the four people of the Xiao family exchanged a few polite words and left the Xiao family.

  After Su Yun left, Xiao Zhan and the three elders returned to the hall.

  "What a pity! Once Master Han leaves, our Xiao family's medicine business will probably be gone."

  The second elder thought with some greed.

  The first elder thought it was nothing. He was very satisfied to let Master Han refine a Qi Gathering Powder for his granddaughter this time.

  Xiao Zhan felt a little bit of a pity.

  In fact, he wanted Master Han to refine a Purple Heart Barrier Breaking Pill, so that he could break through one more star and reach the realm of a nine-star great fighter.

  But the Xiao family is not his one-man show. He has already refined the Three-Striped Green Spirit Pill last time, so this time the benefits will be given to the elders.


  On the other side, Su Yun returned home.

  He had just told the four people of the Xiao family that he had certain considerations for leaving in a month.

  If he left in half a year, and appeared in the Tagore Desert a few days later with another vest, it would inevitably arouse suspicion from those who were interested.

  Pushing open the door, the little doctor was not in the living room. Su Yun listened to the movement in the house and walked towards the kitchen.

  Sure enough, the girl was wearing an apron and fiddling in the room.

  Su Yun pulled over a chair and looked at her without saying a word.

  The little doctor fairy was wearing an off-shoulder top, her snow-white skin was exposed to the air, and a small skirt on her lower body. Her two slender long legs were wearing a pair of slippers, and her little feet swayed as the girl walked.

  From the side, the girl's figure was quite coordinated. The sunlight from the window shone on the girl's body. Such a scene exuded a hazy beauty.

  The little doctor fairy looked serious, and was carefully handling the leaves. She did not notice Su Yun's arrival.

  Su Yun's eyes turned, and he had the idea of ​​teasing her.

  Su Yun did not use any physical skills, but slowly approached from behind the little doctor fairy.

  The little doctor fairy had just washed a leaf, and a smile flashed in her heart.

  My brother really likes to eat this. This kind of food is not easy to handle. There will always be sand mixed in the gaps. It must be handled carefully.

  Little Medical Fairy thought so, and her expression became more serious.

  At this time, a force came from her waist, lifting her up.

  "Ah, ah..."

  Little Medical Fairy was a little panicked and didn't know what to do for a moment.

  "Help! Brother!"

  Little Medical Fairy was in a panic, with tears in her eyes.

  Seeing this, Su Yun hurriedly put Little Medical Fairy down.

  However, after Su Yun put Little Medical Fairy down and took his hand away from her waist, the ring finger of his right hand accidentally hooked the belt on Little Medical Fairy's skirt.

  The dress slipped off Little Medical Fairy's waist.

  Su Yun was shocked and shouted that he was finished, and froze in place for a while.   

  It's over, Xian'er is not clean anymore!

  Tears in Xiao Yixian's eyes fell down her cheeks.

  "Ah!!! Brother, help me!!"

  Screams filled the whole room, and the birds resting on the roof were frightened and flew out.


  In the room, Xiao Yixian was sitting on Su Yun's thighs, and her slender hands, like white jade, were pulling Su Yun's ears and pulling them out desperately.

  "Xian'er, it hurts so much, it hurts my brother to death."

  Su Yun put his hands on Xiao Yixian's waist, which felt very good, soft and boneless, as slender as a willow, and had a silky touch.

  Xiao Yixian seemed not to hear it, tears still hung on her red eyes, and her cheeks were bulging like a squirrel, and she was not giving in.

  "Brother is a pervert!"

  Little Medical Fairy cursed softly, with a hint of tears in her voice.

  Su Yun had a headache. He could swear to the god of river crabs that he really didn't want to 404.

  There was no way. It was indeed his fault this time. Su Yun could only ask Little Medical Fairy for forgiveness again and again. It was not

  until the evening that Little Medical Fairy's anger subsided a little.

  Little Medical Fairy clenched her jade hands and hammered Su Yun's chest with her little fist.

  Then she got up and prepared dinner.

  Su Yun breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that the matter was over.

  Alas, a day was gone just like that. Women really affect the speed of cultivation!

  Su Yun clenched his fists and was trembling with anger. When can we men stand up!

  Su Yun had no choice. With such a short time, the effect of cultivation was not good. He simply stayed in the living room, thinking that he would cultivate for a while after dinner.

  Su Yun waited and waited in the living room, feeling a little strange.

  Strange, why hasn't it been cured yet?

  Su Yun was puzzled.

  This time is not normal. If it were the past, the Little Medical Fairy would have brought dinner.

  Su Yun used his soul power to carefully sense the situation in the kitchen. There was nothing wrong. The Little Medical Fairy was fine and seemed to be cooking the ingredients.

  Su Yun did not dare to go in and make the Little Medical Fairy frown. He had to sit upright and wait in the living room.

  Su Yun waited for a while before the Little Medical Fairy brought the food.

  The Little Medical Fairy took off her apron and her mood obviously improved a lot.

  Su Yun gave Xiao Yixian a smile that he thought was cool, and planned to apologize sincerely again.



  Xiao Yixian didn't appreciate it at all. She poured a bowl of rice for Su Yun and put it hard on the table.

  Then she poured another bowl for herself before sitting down. However, she didn't eat. She just looked at Su Yun with a pair of unchanged eyes.

  Su Yun sighed and said, "Okay, let's eat first."

  This matter was ultimately my fault.

  After a few days, Xian'er will probably calm down.

  Thinking of this, Su Yun felt a lot better.

  He picked up the chopsticks and subconsciously wanted to pick up some dishes.

  But the moment he saw the dishes, Su Yun's hands seemed to be under a spell and stopped in mid-air.

  Su Yun had a look of surprise on his face, and he wanted to cry but couldn't.

  Bull whip, lamb kidney, tiger whip, yam, okra, leek, fungus, wolfberry.

  "Xian'er, did you cook it wrong..."

  "No, Xian'er didn't cook it wrong. These are specially prepared for brother. Xian'er took a lot of effort to carefully select them.

  If brother doesn't eat them all, Xian'er will never forgive him."

  The little doctor held her soft chin with her slender little hands.

  Her voice was friendly and very gentle, and her small and lovely lips opened and closed, and her words were clear.

  When she talked about carefully selecting, there was an obvious pause, and her tone was emphasized.