


  Chapter 54 Level 3 Monster, Xiao Lan (First update!)

  Su Yun walked towards home, and Xiao Yan happened to follow behind Su Yun.

  Looking at Su Yun's back, Xiao Yan was a little confused, why did he feel familiar?

  Then he shook his head, it must be an illusion.

  He lived in seclusion in the Xiao family and rarely went out, so it was impossible for him to know such a boy of the same age.

  When Su Yun returned home, Xiao Yixian was lying on the table, and her slender little hands were fiddling with her black hair.

  Su Yun saw this scene, smiled in his heart, and coughed lightly.


  Hearing this sound, Xiao Yixian immediately turned his eyes.


  Xiao Yixian had a sweet smile on his face.

  Su Yun walked to Xiao Yixian, sat down, and took out the jewelry and oranges.

  "Here, the thing you wanted."

  Xiao Yixian looked at Su Yun with a smile in her eyes.

  The girl's heart was filled with a strong sense of happiness and satisfaction.

  Xiao Yixian picked up an orange and slowly peeled it.

  "Brother, eat first."

  Xiao Yixian handed the orange to Su Yun's mouth.

  Su Yun's eyes flashed with a hint of teasing, and he put Xiao Yixian's two delicate fingers in his mouth.


  Xiao Yixian's face flashed with a hint of shame, and her other hand gently patted Su Yun.

  Su Yun released Xiao Yixian's fingers and swallowed the orange.


  "Brother, you are bullying me!"

  For a moment, the room was filled with cheerful laughter and the girl's shy voice.

  After fighting with the Little Medical Immortal for a while, Su Yun came to the yard and released all the blue eagle corpses in the system space.

  With a flash of cold light in his hand, the Cold Jade Sword appeared in his hand.

  Su Yun searched one by one and was busy for a long time.

  Finally, there were thirteen first-level magic cores, nine second-level magic cores and two third-level magic cores in the system space.

  A strong smell of blood emerged in the yard.

  Su Yun did not react much. He was already used to fighting. It was just a little smell, not worth mentioning.

  "Xiao Lan, come here."

  Su Yun looked up at the roof and shouted to Xiao Lan who was resting.


  Xiao Lan made a gentle low sound, spread its wings and flew to the ground. When it came to Su Yun, Xiao Lan folded its wings.

  Su Yun gently stroked its azure feathers.

  In the original work, Xiao Lan was the most loyal partner of Xiao Yixian.

  Xiao Yixian took it to the Izumo Empire, lived in a small village, and was taken in by an elderly couple.

  If Xiao Yixian was an ordinary girl, they should have had a warm and happy time there.

  But things did not go as planned.

  At this moment, it was just like that moment. Xiao Yixian's poisonous body broke out.

  The elderly couple was just like Xiao Yixian's mother and when he was a child.

  They died at the hands of Xiao Yixian.

  After that, only Xiao Lan accompanied Xiao Yixian in living in the Izumo Empire.

  "System, fuse Xiao Lan with a third-order blue eagle magic core and three second-order blue eagle magic cores."

  "Ding, a fusion solution has been detected. An additional third-order magic core is required. Do you want to fuse them?"


  With Su Yun's order.

  Five magic cores in the system space disappeared, turning into a strange energy and entering Xiao Lan's body.

  Xiao Lan's body began to grow at a speed visible to the naked eye.

  The originally azure feathers began to fall off, and at the same time, brighter and darker feathers grew again.

  The two eagle eyes became sharper, piercing, and full of oppression. If an ordinary fighter looked at it, he would feel a chill of terror.

  Su Yun looked at Xiao Lan's transformation and nodded.   

  Xiao Lan's evolved appearance and physique are now similar to those of the two third-level blue eagles.

  In a moment, Xiao Lan's transformation stopped.

  Third-level monster!

  This level corresponds to the great fighter among humans.

  With Xiao Lan's protection, Xiao Yixian will be much safer in Wutan City, and he can plan the Green Lotus Earth Core Fire with peace of mind.

  After the transformation, Xiao Lan couldn't help but soar to the sky, spread her wings and flew high, circling above the house.

  After a while, Xiao Lan seemed to have had enough and flew back to Su Yun.

  At this time, Xiao Yixian had also come out of the room and stood beside Su Yun.

  "Brother, what level of monster is Xiao Lan now?"

  Xiao Yixian looked at the more majestic Xiao Lan and couldn't help but look up and asked Su Yun.

  "Level three."

  Upon hearing this, Little Medical Fairy widened her eyes, covered her mouth with her small hands, and let out a cry of surprise.

  Little Medical Fairy couldn't help but go up, looking left and right.

  Su Yun was amused by her cute look and chuckled.

  Hearing Su Yun's laughter, Little Medical Fairy turned around and glared at Su Yun.

  This girl.

  Xiao Lan looked at Little Medical Fairy lying on her, without moving, just letting her observe her.

  The third-level monster has already acquired some intelligence, and it also has some understanding of the behavior of Little Medical Fairy, the mistress.

  Even when it had just evolved, it flew high and soared at the first time to feel its own difference.

  Little Medical Fairy fiddled with Xiao Lan for a long time and refused to come down.

  Su Yun rolled his eyes and went back to his room to practice.

  Just after Su Yun entered, a trace of desolation flashed across Xiao Yixian's face.

  My brother is a great fighter, and Xiao Lan is now a third-level monster, but I am still at the stage of fighting spirit.

  I still need their protection. Am I useless...

  Xiao Lan seemed to see that Xiao Yixian was in a low mood, and stroked her body with her wings.

  It didn't know why Xiao Yixian was upset, so it could only whisper twice, hoping to comfort her.

  Xiao Yixian felt Xiao Lan's care, and the desolation in her heart dissipated a lot.

  With her little hands supporting her cheeks, a trace of determination flashed across Xiao Yixian's heart.

  I want to practice seriously!

  The next day.

  Su Yun turned into Han Li's appearance again.

  "Xian'er, come on. Come out with me."

  Xiao Yixian was a little confused when she heard this.

  "Where are we going?"

  Su Yun patiently explained to her.

  During the time he went to the Tagore Desert, he planned to entrust Little Medical Fairy to Luo Qianchen.

  Although Xiao Lan is now a third-level monster.

  But it is not convenient to go in and out of Wutan City. If Little Medical Fairy is targeted when she goes to purchase supplies, and Xiao Lan is not around, it will be over.

  He has already agreed with Luo Qianchen on this matter.

  After taking care of Little Medical Fairy for one year, he will help Luo Qianchen break through to become a fourth-grade pharmacist.

  He already knew the reason why the old man could not break through, so it was just right for him to take care of Little Medical Fairy. After

  this period of contact, he also carefully considered Luo Qianchen and found him trustworthy.

  "What! Brother is leaving Wutan City?!"

  Little Medical Fairy was surprised.

  She had already adapted to living with Su Yun, and now Su Yun suddenly said that he wanted to leave, she was a little at a loss.

  "Brother, do you think Xian'er is useless and want to abandon her..."

  Xiao Yixian's eyes were shining with tears, staring at Su Yun.

  "How could this happen? Xian'er is so cute, how could brother abandon Xian'er?"

  Su Yun wiped the tears from Xiao Yixian's face with his hand and comforted her.