

  Chapter 57 Amethyst Seal (First update!)

  If the situation continues to develop like this, the Amethyst Winged Lion King will most likely be defeated.

  Su Yun looked at the situation in the sky, with a hint of doubt in his eyes.

  The Ice Two-Headed Dog is much stronger than the Amethyst Winged Lion King.

  The Amethyst Winged Lion King has many wounds of varying sizes on his body, and it is obvious that he has been seriously injured.

  The Ice Two-Headed Dog relied on its own agility to dodge many attacks from the Amethyst Winged Lion King, and its condition was much better.

  In this case, how did they both perish together?

  Su Yun looked up at the sky with a hint of confusion.

  "Hahaha, give up the fight, I'm going to win anyway."

  The Ice Two-Headed Dog laughed triumphantly.

  The Amethyst Winged Lion King was panting heavily, looking like he had exhausted too much energy.

  A trace of fatigue and powerlessness flashed in his angry eyes.

  Previously, the couple took care of each other in battle with excellent cooperation, and they were not afraid of the speed of the Ice Two-Headed Dog.

  But today, it was the only beast, and their tribe was not known for its speed. The Ice Two-Headed Beast's fangs were also very sharp, and it could completely tear through its defense.


  Seeing that the Amethyst Winged Lion King did not reply, the Ice Two-Headed Dog felt a little unhappy, and the contempt in his eyes became even worse.

  It's already the last gasp of a dying horse.

  A trace of sinisterness flashed across the face of the Ice Two-Headed Dog.

  It attacked the Amethyst Winged Lion King again.

  It has had enough of the cat and mouse game, let's end it.

  The two dog heads of the Ice Two-Headed Dog bit the Amethyst Winged Lion King at the same time.

  The Amethyst Winged Lion King did not retreat after seeing this scene, and a flash of determination flashed through his mind.

  It did not rush forward, nor did it dodge this attack, but just stayed where it was, waiting for the Ice Two-Headed Dog to kill it.

  Ha, stupid lion, you are all scared silly.

  The face of the Ice Two-Headed Dog was full of mockery, and the two dog heads bit it fiercely.

  A flash of pain flashed across the face of the Amethyst Winged Lion King, and at the same time, its two front paws suddenly grabbed the Ice Two-Headed Dog.

  The Ice Two-Headed Dog felt a little uneasy and wanted to fight out immediately.

  In order to achieve a greater victory in one fell swoop, the two dog heads bit the Amethyst Winged Lion King with all their strength. For a moment, the body could not use much strength and could not struggle. The

  Amethyst Winged Lion King held down the Ice Two-Headed Dog tightly, and the fighting spirit surged in his huge body, attracting the energy of heaven and earth, and rippling in the sky, like the ebb and flow of the sea.

  The Ice Two-Headed Dog felt the fluctuation of fighting spirit and his face changed suddenly.

  Damn it!

  The Amethyst Winged Lion King let out a burst of angry lion roars from his huge mouth, and bursts of purple light flashed on his huge body, like a purple sun above the Demonic Beast Mountain Range.

  "Amethyst Seal!"

  Following the roar of the Amethyst Winged Lion King, a purple beam of light passed through the body of the two-headed frost dog.

  As the beam of light sank into the body of the two-headed frost dog, the fluctuations of its fighting spirit began to decline significantly, and became weaker and weaker as time went on.

  "Damn it, you can actually use the sealing technique!"

  The humanized face of the two-headed frost dog was no longer as calm as before, and a trace of anger flashed across its cunning expression.

  "Humph, even if you seal my fighting spirit, what can you do?

  We monsters have strong bodies, and you are now seriously injured. After such a long battle, the fighting spirit in your body is no longer at its peak. This sealing technique consumes a lot of fighting spirit.

  How much fighting spirit do you still have now?"   

  After the Amethyst Winged Lion King cast the Amethyst Seal, the restraint on the Ice Two-Headed Dog was loosened a little. It took this opportunity to struggle out. There were still large pieces of flesh and blood in the mouths of the two dog heads.

  The Amethyst Winged Lion King was red and purple, and blood kept dripping from his bloodstained body.

  "That's enough!"

  The Amethyst Winged Lion King took the initiative to kill the Ice Two-Headed Dog with his seriously injured body.

  A pair of lion claws grabbed the Ice Two-Headed Dog, and the two beasts fell from the sky into the Demonic Beast Mountain Range. The huge sound echoed in the mountains and forests for a long time.

  Now the fighting spirit of the Ice Two-Headed Dog was completely sealed, and it had no wings, so it couldn't fly at all.

  The Amethyst Winged Lion King also wanted to save some strength to use in attacking.

  The battlefield of the two beasts moved from the sky to the ground. As the two beasts fought, large tracts of trees were crushed, and the ground was in a mess. Wherever the two beasts went, no jungle was intact.

  Even if the monster lost its fighting spirit, its body was still strong, but it still had some impact on its combat power.

  The most obvious thing was that the Ice Two-Headed Dog lost the blessing of fighting spirit, and its speed obviously decreased.

  The Amethyst Winged Lion King once again used its hard horns to try to butt the Ice Two-Headed Dog.

  This time it succeeded. The horns of the Amethyst Winged Lion King were its hardest and sharpest parts, and the Ice Dog was not known for its physical strength. This attack directly pierced through the Ice Dog's body.


  The Ice Dog howled in pain. This battle had lasted until now, and it was the first time that it had suffered such a serious injury. The Ice Dog

  's eyes were full of blood, and it fought with the Amethyst Winged Lion King.

  By now, they were both bloodthirsty, and it was either you or me!

  Su Yun looked at the two beasts in the distance, thinking in his heart.

  It was about to end.

  The attack from the Amethyst Winged Lion King just now directly pierced through the body of the Ice Two-Headed Dog, and blood continued to gush out from its wound.

  Su Yun flashed back to the Monster Mountain Range.

  The violent breath came over him, and the strong wind blew on his face, which was a little stinging.

  Su Yun was shocked.

  This momentum was not what he could imagine at the moment. After all, he was just a great fighter now.

  If it weren't for the help of the system space, he might have been crushed into minced meat by the aftermath of the battle between the two beasts.

  Su Yun was still running the Xuanying Jue, covering his body and moving slowly towards the battlefield.

  Once he encounters a strong aftermath, he will immediately return to the system space.

  With the help of the Soul Fight, his soul has become extremely powerful, and his reaction ability is also very fast.

  It is simply not comparable to the great fighters of the same level.

  Therefore, without encountering any attacks, he arrived near the battlefield safely.

  Su Yun stayed in the system space and did not try to get closer.

  The distance is already very close, and there is no need to take any more risks.

  Su Yun's heartbeat was very fast, he was panting, and some cold sweat appeared on his face.

  It's really exciting!

  Using the strength of a great fighter to plan the corpse of a sixth-level monster, this act is simply crazy!

  As Su Yun approached the battlefield, the two beasts fought several more rounds.

  Several holes appeared on the body of the Ice Two-Headed Beast, and the Amethyst Winged Lion King had almost no intact skin.

  The bodies of the two beasts were covered with blood, and the smell of blood filled the air.

  The two beasts were already blood-thirsty and didn't care about their own injuries at all.
