

  Chapter 67 Haibodong (first update!)

  Su Yun felt the energy in the air, and a hot breath came from it.

  This is the junction of the Tagore Desert and the Jiama Empire. It is normal for the air to be dry and hot.

  The fighting energy in Su Yun's body is somewhat active, which shows the heat of the Tagore Desert.

  The snake people are naturally yin, except for a few fire-attribute snake people, such as Medusa. Otherwise, I might not feel comfortable in this desert.

  This is especially true for snake people with lower strength.

  Su Yun licked his dry lips and took out the water bag from his bag. After flying for such a long time and arriving in such a hot place, he couldn't help but feel thirsty.

  The major empires around here are really ruthless. It would be strange if they drove the snake people to such a place without forming a deadly feud.

  Su Yun shook his head. These things had nothing to do with him. He only cared about how he and the little fairy doctor were doing.

  Su Yun stepped forward and walked towards Mocheng.

  As Su Yun approached, more and more passers-by began to appear around him.

  The people here are different from the people in the Overweight Empire, and the most obvious thing is their skin.

  The men are basically naked from the waist up, have dark skin, and most of them have strong muscles.

  Thinking about it, this place is not as peaceful as inside the Jia Ma Empire. Snake people appear around here from time to time. Most people who dare to live here have two brushes.

  The woman's skin tends to be more bronzed and she wears less clothing, although not as shirtless as the man.

  But it only covers some sensitive areas. Most of the flat belly and sexy collarbone are exposed, and the whole body is full of exotic amorous feelings.

  A game character from his past life flashed in Su Yun's mind.

  Leopard Girl...

  Su Yun walked to the city gate and saw a dozen soldiers in armor asking for entry fees from people entering the city.

  Very tough attitude.

  Su Yun glanced at it lightly and just went his own way.

  At this time, a soldier noticed Su Yun and walked over with a hint of unyieldingness on his face.

  "That one over there, it's you! Do you hear me?"

  The soldier's attitude was very bad, and he stretched out his hand to grab Su Yun's shoulder.

  Su Yun tilted his head slightly, and an awe-inspiring aura came out of his body!

  Immediately, both the guards who collected the entrance fee and passers-by were attracted by Su Yun's aura and set their sights here.

  The guard who had just wanted to attack Su Yun was completely frightened.

  This kind of momentum is like fighting a strong spirit!

  Su Yun's eyes that showed no emotion or anger made his scalp tingle. It was so hot in the desert city, but he only felt cold all over.

  "What did you just say?"

  At this time, Su Yun took the initiative to speak, breaking the dead silence.

  "No, it's nothing..."

  the guard stammered, not daring to take a breath.

  "Oh, did I hear something about the city fee just now?"

  "No, no, just go in."

  The guard moved his stiff body, with a bitter look on his face.

  It seemed that he had arrived in this desert city and was one step closer to Qinglian's inner fire. Su Yun was in a good mood and rarely joked.

  "Haha, I still like your unyielding look just now."

  After saying this, Su Yun went into the city on his own.

  After Su Yun left, many of the guards let out a long breath, obviously frightened.

  This desert city is located on the border of the Gama Empire. It is for this reason that many people are not willing to live here.

  Therefore, this city welcomes strong human beings.

  If such a powerful spirit fighter was driven away because of their ant-like guards, and the people above found out, they would most likely be left with nothing to eat.

  As for the entrance fee, the powerful in this world always have various privileges.   

  Su Yun entered the city and frowned. It would take some effort to find this map shop.

  Su Yun pulled a passerby on the roadside and wanted to ask for directions. Just when the passerby looked impatient and was about to get angry, Su Yun showed his momentum again and pressed towards him. The passerby immediately calmed down.

  "Take me to the map shop in Mocheng."

  The passerby felt sad and could only lead the way.

  A passerby took Su Yun into a map store.

  Su Yun first asked passers-by to wait at the door of the store. If he didn't see him when he came out, he would be careful about his life.

  After entering, he scanned through the system and found that the owner of the store was not Hai Bodong. He then went out and let passers-by take him to the next store.

  In this way, I walked through several houses without finding Hai Bodong.

  Su Yun couldn't help cursing in his heart, "Damn it, Xiao Yan can be found right away if he comes here. I've been wandering around for a long time, but there's not even a single figure there?"

  Su Yun was a little helpless, and after finally shopping for a while, Su Yun came to the entrance of a quaint map store.

  Su Yun entered it and an old man came into view.

  Su Yun squinted his eyes. Although the old man had white hair and seemed frail, he could sense that the fluctuations in fighting energy of this old man were not bad.

  Su Yun came closer.

  "System, scan!"

  "Ding, the scan is successful."

  Name: Hai Bodong

  Gender: Male

  Cultivation level: Five-star Dou Huang

  Physique: None

  Attributes: Ice

  skills: Advanced Xuan level "Cold Shadow Duel"

  Fighting skills: Low level Earth level "Ten Thousand Flowers Ice Mirror", Xuan-level advanced "Ice Blade Storm"...

  Items: Pure Lotus Demon Fire Remnant Picture, Najie...

  Su Yun was overjoyed when he saw Hai Bodong's panel and found it.

  Then Su Yun looked at the cultivation column and frowned.

  Five-star fighting emperor? Did this system scan his original strength?

  Su Yun felt a little relieved when he thought about Yao Lao's previous display showing the peak of the Nine-Rank Dou Zun.

  It seems that this broken system is really good enough. The cultivation shows the time when it was in its prime, not the present.

  Su Yun was not frightened by the word "fighting emperor". Hai Bodong's current cultivation level was sealed by Medusa, leaving him with only fighting spirit strength.

  Su Yun slowly exited the store.

  He came to the passerby who had led him the way before.

  He took out a bottle of first-grade healing medicine from Najie and threw it to him.

  "Go away."

  The passerby took the jade bottle, his eyes widened, and after hearing Su Yun's words, he immediately nodded and bowed.

  "Thank you, hehe."

  After saying that, he immediately ran away.

  When Su Yun returned to the store, he did not greet Haibodong immediately, but looked at the map in the store.

  Hai Bodong is right under his nose now and cannot escape.

  The Tagore Desert is very large, so we still need another accurate map. Otherwise, I don't know when I got lost.

  Su Yun picked one and held it in his hand, and then used the system's scanning function to search for the remaining picture of the Pure Lotus Demon Fire.

  On a dilapidated wooden shelf, a yellowed map stood alone.

  Su Yun used the system scan function to scan.

  "Ding, the remnant image of the Pure Lotus Demon Fire was scanned, would you like to recycle it?"

  Su Yun smiled in his heart and beamed with joy.

  Reach out and take the map in your hand.