

  Chapter 73 Passage (First Update!)

  After Rob was dealt with, no force dared to disturb.

  Among the mercenary groups in Shimo City, the strength of the Motie Mercenary Group ranked in the top three.

  The Sand Mercenary Group created by Rob was the strongest. Now that the most powerful forces have been repelled, others naturally dared not to touch their brows.

  The people of the Sand Mercenary Group who escaped also spread the news that Su Yun killed Rob in seconds, letting the big and small forces in Shimo City know that an incredible strong man had come to the Motie Mercenary Group.

  This is also the reason why Su Yun did not kill them all at that time.

  Time flies, and after more than a month, finally, good news came from the Motie Mercenary Group.

  Su Yun and the Xiao brothers were supervising the work when a mercenary rushed over with an excited smile on his face.

  "Two captains, Brother Zhang, we found it!"

  In order to let the people of the Motie mercenary group do their best, Su Yun promised them that whoever found the passage first would be given a mysterious fighting skill!

  Su Yun was ecstatic when he heard this, and couldn't help but smile.

  Xiao Ding and Xiao Li on the side also flashed a hint of joy on their faces.

  After searching for so long, they were a little nervous, wondering if the so-called underground passage was really here.

  Su Yun flashed and appeared in front of the mercenary.

  The mercenary's eyes narrowed, and he had no time to react. Under the influence of inertia, his body crashed into Su Yun.

  Su Yun stretched out a hand and placed it on his shoulder. With a little force, he helped him stabilize his body.

  What a strong force!

  The mercenary felt the force on his shoulder, and a trace of fear flashed in his eyes.

  As if sensing that the mercenary was frightened, Su Yun rubbed his shoulders and said softly.

  "What's wrong? Are you scared?"

  Hearing this, the mercenary waved his hands hurriedly.

  "It's okay, Brother Zhang."

  Su Yun nodded and urged.

  "Okay, in that case, take me to see it quickly."

  The mercenary nodded hurriedly, turned around and led the way.

  Xiao Ding and Xiao Li behind looked at each other and followed.

  Su Yun and the two brothers of the Xiao family followed the mercenaries and ran for ten minutes. They arrived at a place where the terrain had collapsed and there was an iron shovel next to it.

  Su Yun looked down, narrowed his eyes, and a huge spiritual force came out of his body, exploring the collapsed place.

  There was a very hot breath with a hint of brutality. The fire attribute energy in the collapsed place was obviously much higher than the surrounding area.

  Su Yun was sure that it was probably here.

  He turned around and said to the two brothers of the Xiao family beside him.

  "It should be here. Please gather others to dig it up!"

  Xiao Ding and Xiao Li heard this and hurriedly called the nearby mercenaries over. After

  more than 20 people worked for an incense stick of time, a cave appeared in front of everyone.

  Su Yun grinned, his eyes were filled with intense passion, and the corners of his mouth couldn't suppress the smile.

  "Brother Zhang, do we need to send someone down to check if it's safe?"

  Xiao Ding suggested to Su Yun.

  "No, everyone in the Motie Mercenary Corps has helped me a lot, I can go down by myself."

  Su Yun waved his hand.

  He knew the situation below very well. If these mercenaries followed, they would be useless except for dying.

  Hearing this, Xiao Ding didn't force it.

  Obviously, he also knew that if Su Yun, a powerful fighting spirit, was in danger, they couldn't really help.

  At this time, Xiao Li on the side suddenly spoke up.

  "Why don't we reinforce the sand layer on the ground? Otherwise, the sand layer will collapse. Even with Brother Zhang's strength, I'm afraid it will be difficult for him to get out."

  Xiao Ding nodded seriously.   

  They have been in the desert for a long time, so they naturally know the dangers.

  Su Yun smiled in his heart and bowed.

  "Thank you very much."

  Apart from anything else, these two brothers can be regarded as sincere people. Although they have the idea of ​​building relationships, they are still thorough and do their best.

  Such people make him feel more at ease than those who come to help by coercion and inducement.

  This is why he did not choose to hire servants to help temporarily, but started the layout from the Xiao family and let them help sincerely.

  Otherwise, he would not know when he was stabbed in the back by a villain.

  After entering the cave, if someone filled the cave with a huge amount of sand from above,

  he would probably be in big trouble.

  "I'll leave the upper part to you. I'm going down now."

  Xiao Ding and Xiao Li nodded to Su Yun.

  "Leave it to us."

  Su Yun jumped into the cave.

  Xiao Ding and Xiao Li immediately gathered all the members of the Motie Mercenary Corps and strictly guarded the place.

  "Listen carefully, even if it means death, we can't let the unruly people get close to the cave entrance. I hope there are no greedy people who are afraid of death in my Motie Mercenary Corps."


  Hearing this, Xiao Ding and Xiao Li nodded with satisfaction.

  This Zhang brother and Master Han are from the same school.

  Master Han has also helped the Xiao family and their third brother a lot.

  Just for this relationship, they will protect this cave entrance at the risk of their lives.

  After Su Yun entered the cave, he used his soul perception to feel the energy fluctuations in the cave.

  The closer he got to the magma below, the denser the fire attribute energy would be.

  Su Yun explored carefully, and after a while, he was at the end of the passage.

  The hot magma flowed in it, and huge fiery red bubbles emerged, exploding from time to time, making a slight sound and splashing some magma.

  Su Yun licked his lips, and in just a moment, he felt dry mouth.

  The temperature is really high.

  Even with his current physical strength, if he entered the magma without any precautions, he would evaporate in the magma in a quarter of an hour at most.

  Su Yun thought of this and circulated the fighting spirit in his body to his back.

  Purple cloud wings emerged from behind, emitting a light purple light.

  Su Yun flew over the magma, and sweat began to appear on his head.

  Su Yun sensed the situation in the magma, and narrowed his eyes. Something was coming!

  Just as Su Yun's thoughts flashed through his mind, the magma below suddenly erupted with a loud noise, and giant snakes shot out!

  The huge head opened its bloody mouth and bit towards Su Yun.

  Su Yun grinned, waiting for you!

  A cold light appeared in his right hand, and the fiery red long sword swung. As the fighting spirit was transmitted, a bright red and cold light appeared on the sword body, and it chopped at the big mouth that suddenly appeared in front of him!

  Fiery Universe Chop!

  This mysterious high-level fighting skill was perfected by Su Yun using the fourth-level magic core. Under the crazy infusion of Su Yun's fighting spirit, it swung out a huge sword spirit that condensed into substance!

  This sword spirit was a mixture of red and blue, with heat and cold coexisting, revealing an unknown weird feeling.

  Su Yun did not use a single fire-attribute fighting spirit, but the unique ice and fire fighting spirit of "Burning Cold Art"!

  It was said that it was slow, and it was fast. The ice and fire sword spirit collided with the snake head, and a loud bang made people's eardrums hurt.

  The giant snake let out a painful hiss, and the snake head spun above the magma and hit the soil layer.