



  Chapter 75: Green Lotus Earth Core Fire, Queen Medusa (3rd update!)

  As for Yao Lao's memory, he chose to let the system transfer the cultivation and alchemy parts to him directly through the initiation method.

  This left him with plenty of time for cultivation and alchemy.

  Su Yun watched carefully, used his own soul power to contact the screen, adjusted the playback speed and chose to jump.

  After half an hour, Su Yun finally locked the location of the Green Lotus Earth Core Fire.

  Su Yun was delighted.

  Haha, one step closer.

  Su Yun licked his dry lips, took out the water bag and took a big gulp of water, then sat down cross-legged to restore the fighting spirit consumed in the previous battle with the two-headed fire snake.

  An hour later, the fighting spirit was fully restored.

  With a thought, Su Yun appeared above the magma again and flew slowly towards the magma.

  After half an hour, the magma had calmed down, but the huge heat contained in it still made people dare not underestimate it.

  Approaching the magma, Su Yun's fighting spirit flowed through the meridians.

  Flame Shield!

  A protective shield with no dead angles enveloped Su Yun.

  A gleam of light flashed in Su Yun's eyes.

  This fighting skill was specially prepared for this moment.

  The protective ability of the flame shield only has the effect of a high-level mysterious level when facing other forms of attack, but it can play a miraculous effect when facing attacks and erosions of fire attribute energy. The effect is comparable to low-level earth-level fighting skills.

  Without hesitation, under the protection of the flame shield, he plunged directly into the magma.

  With a plop, Su Yun's figure sank into it.

  After entering the magma, feeling the consumption of the fighting spirit in his body, Su Yun raised his eyebrows.

  This consumption is not ordinary.

  But it doesn't matter, he doesn't want to dive under the flame shield like this.

  With a thought, Su Yun's body returned to the system space.

  With another thought, Su Yun appeared in the magma again, but the weird thing was that Su Yun was five meters away from the original position.

  Su Yun grinned, haha.

  When he came out of the system space, it didn't mean that he could only appear in the original place, but he could appear at the maximum distance of the system scan according to his needs. In

  the fighting spirit stage, the system scanned a range of one meter!

  Fighter, two meters!

  Fighter, three meters!

  Great Fighter, four meters!

  Now that he has broken through the fighting spirit realm, the current limit distance is five meters!

  As Su Yun repeatedly jumped from the system space and the magma, a full half an hour passed.

  Not far away, a green light was shining!

  The green light enveloped this area, and a green lotus was in the center of the green light, indifferent to the world.

  Green Lotus Earth Heart Fire!

  Su Yun was ecstatic, with a perverted smile on his face, and he quickly jumped towards the green light.

  As Su Yun approached, he could clearly feel that the temperature around him was rising rapidly.

  Su Yun jumped several times again and again, and came in front of the green light.

  Under the protection of the flame shield, Su Yun entered it.

  I don't know if it's because the eye of the typhoon has the lowest wind speed, but after entering the green light, the temperature around him actually dropped.

  Su Yun looked at the green lotus not far away, with undisguised heat in his eyes.

  The strange fire he had been looking for for a long time appeared in front of him at this time, which made him feel a little unreal and dreamy.

  Su Yun suppressed the throbbing in his heart and slowly approached the green lotus.

  The Azure Lotus Earth Core Fire, ranked 19th on the list of strange fires, was bred deep in the earth and had been hammered, fused, compressed, and conditioned countless times by the fire of the earth. It took ten years to become a spirit, a hundred years to take shape, and a thousand years to become a lotus. When it was fully formed, its color was more like a cluster of blue fire in the heart of the lotus. It was called the Azure Lotus Fire, also known as the Azure Lotus Earth Core Fire!

  Closer, closer.

  When Su Yun was five meters away from the Azure Lotus Earth Core Fire, he stopped getting closer.   

  "System, recycle the Azure Lotus Earth Core Fire and the Azure Lotus Earth Core Fire Lotus Platform together!"

  "Ding, the Azure Lotus Earth Core Fire and the Azure Lotus Earth Core Fire Lotus Platform have been detected, and the recovery is successful."

  Su Yun came to the system space with another thought, and put away the flame cover. Looking at the quiet lotus platform in the space, Su Yun grinned.


  Su Yun's spirit relaxed and he sat paralyzed in the system space.

  Now that the things have arrived in the system space, all that is left is to absorb them, and he can relax a little. He

  sat cross-legged and recovered his fighting spirit. Even with the help of the heaven-defying effect of the system space, it still cost him a lot of fighting spirit to come to this deep magma. With

  his fighting spirit restored to its peak, Su Yun carried the flame cover for another half an hour and returned to the sky above the magma.

  Su Yun used his Purple Cloud Wings to rest in the air above the magma and took a few breaths.

  Back here, he recovered his fighting spirit to its full strength, but it was almost exhausted.

  Su Yun smiled bitterly, but there was nothing he could do. This kind of place was actually not something a small fighting spirit like him could come to.

  It was good to get the Green Lotus Earth Core Fire smoothly.

  It just fits the saying of methodology.

  The future is bright, but the road is tortuous.

  The red concept does not deceive me.

  Su Yun turned away the little fighting spirit in his body and flew towards the rock layer.

  Suddenly, a huge wave of fighting spirit came from above.

  Su Yun's face changed. Judging from the direction of this wave, it was heading towards him!

  Without any hesitation, Su Yun disappeared from the spot, returned to the system space, and stared at the situation outside.

  Just after Su Yun returned to the system space, less than half an hour later, a graceful figure appeared in front of Su Yun.

  The woman who suddenly appeared was wearing a purple brocade robe. The figure wrapped in the brocade robe was exquisite and her plump curves came into view, like a ripe peach, which made people imagine and make people feel hot in their lower abdomen.

  But Su Yun had no intention of appreciating this beautiful and charming figure. Instead, his heart was shaking wildly and he couldn't suppress the shock in his heart.

  He saw that under the graceful figure, there was actually a snake tail!

  From the intensity of the fighting spirit just felt and the petite figure of the person in front of him, the identity of this tempting woman is about to be revealed.

  Queen Medusa!!

  How could she be here!

  Su Yun couldn't help swallowing his saliva, and his Adam's apple throbbed.

  But then Su Yun relaxed again.

  Now that he was in the system space, no matter how strong Medusa was, she couldn't kill her way in.

  Thinking of this, Su Yun lay back without any image.

  Today is really tiring.

  Not only did he experience a big battle, but he also traveled through the magma to find the Qinglian Earth Heart Fire. It was finally over, and another Queen Medusa was killed halfway.

  Outside, Queen Medusa's beautiful eyebrows were tightly locked together.

  The breath of the strange fire came from here, how come there is nothing here?

  Queen Medusa spread her red fighting wings, flew down from the rock layer, and looked at the traces around her.

  She became more and more certain of her guess.

  That's right, the traces left around the rock layer are indeed the strange fire.

  But where is the strange fire now?

  Su Yun, who had been paying attention to Queen Medusa in the system space, suddenly noticed a glass ball in her hand, narrowed his eyes, and seemed to think of something.