


  Chapter 88 Seven Fantasy Green Spirit Saliva (first update!)

  Su Yun was a little confused.

  But then I thought about it, and it seemed reasonable.

  When he was still a nine-star fighting master, the ice snake he faced was as powerful as a six-star fighting spirit.

  At that time, he still had Xuan-level advanced skills plus two fourth-level beast fires, and his physical body had not been strengthened, so he was evenly matched.

  And this gale tiger's ability to hold on to death is comparable to that of the two-star Dou Wang, and it should have just entered the Dou Wang stage not long ago.

  And his configuration has gone through another round of upgrades. The low-level earth-level skills have been added to the Qinglian Earth Core Fire, and his physical body is comparable to the fifth-level peak monster. It seems normal to deal with the Gale Tiger so simply?

  The power of the strange fire is simply not comparable to the fourth-order beast fire.

  And the quality of his fighting spirit is equivalent to that of an eight-star fighting spirit, so the span is actually not that big.

  In the previous battle against the Ice Snake, Baji Beng had no effect at all.

  But now the eight-level dark energy of the eight-level collapse exploded together. Gale Wind Tiger was not good at the physical body, and his body was attacked by low-level fighting skills comparable to the earth level. Naturally, he died.

  Su Yun shook his head, had his strength reached this level without realizing it?

  It feels somewhat anticlimactic.

  A trace of regret flashed across his face. In fact, he came here with the intention of testing the earth-level intermediate fighting skill "Flowing Flame Dragon Slash".

  The fighting spirit in his body now is enough for him to perform earth-level intermediate fighting skills.

  After all, Dou Qi is now comparable to the Eight Star Dou Ling, and cannot be compared before.

  Su Yun walked to the body of Liefenghu and recycled it into the system space.

  Fighting energy gathered at his feet and he left the cave.

  Seeing Su Yun come back so soon, Haibodong looked confused?

  "Why, that fifth-level monster is not here?"

  No, there was clearly a huge wave of fighting spirit just now.

  Su Yun glanced at Hai Bodong, looking calm and composed.

  "No, it's been solved."

  Hai Bodong's eyes widened.

  "So fast?"

  "Tsk, Hai Lao, men can't talk fast, understand?"

  Hai Bodong curled his lips when he heard this.

  "You're not even an adult yet?

  I'm afraid you're still a little bean sprout."

  Su Yun raised his eyebrows. "You don't want the elixir anymore?"

  Hai Bodong's expression froze.

  "No, is this going to deduct my salary?

  What's the difference between this and being fired for refusing to help the leader pick up a private courier?"

  Su Yun waved his hand.

  "Have I not fired you yet?"

  The two quarreled as they flew out of the Warcraft Mountains.

  Although this trip went very smoothly, if you stay for a long time, it is inevitable that you will not be noticed by other monsters.

  Su Yun and Haibodong returned home. Su Yun's body changed and changed into Han Li's vest.

  In a few days, he plans to go to the imperial capital. If nothing happens to Wutan City, he probably won't come back.

  Luo Qianchen helped him a lot, and even helped him take care of the little medical fairy for a long time.

  This trip is to say goodbye and provide after-sales service.

  Luo Lao's talent is not high, and although the method of improving soul power is superficial, to be honest, with his qualifications, he may not be able to get started without anyone's guidance.

  Su Yun came to Luo Qianchen's house, knocked on the door, and waited for a while, but no one opened the door.

  Su Yun frowned, his soul power came out of his body, no one was at home.

  Luo Qianyun is not here either.

  Su Yun went to the Alchemist Guild again, but was still not there.

  Su Yun frowned even more tightly and asked the staff in the guild to inquire.

  Only then did it become clear that Luo Qianchen seemed to have taken Luo Qianyun to visit friends, but no one from the Alchemy Guild knew exactly where he went.

  Su Yunchong nodded to the staff and left the Alchemist Guild.

  This is unfortunate. It has been so many years and I don't know when we will meet again.   

  Back home, Su Yun told the three people about his plan to go to the imperial capital.

  Hearing this, the little medical fairy was a little reluctant to give up.

  She and her brother had lived in this house for so long.

  She has long regarded this place as her home.

  But where my brother is, I will be there.

  Thinking of this, the little medical fairy's face was filled with a smile.

  Well, of course, home is where my brother is.

  Qing Lin looked confused. The young master was everything to her. As long as he didn't abandon her, she would always follow him.

  Haibodong felt a little emotional. When he went to the imperial capital, he could visit his old friends.

  "Boy, if you want to go to the imperial capital, you might as well live in the Miter family.

  You must also know the relationship between Haibodong and the Miter family."

  Hearing this, Su Yun nodded. Haibodong is Miter. The supreme elder of the family.

  As long as he goes back, the entire Mittel family will be back under his control.

  After all, this world still respects strength.

  "That's fine, just follow what Ebi said.

  After Ebi returns to the Miter family, he can also ask the Miter family to help you find all the medicinal materials for the Resurrection Purple Pill."

  Su Yun said, taking out the system space A parchment roll.

  Hearing this, Haibodong's eyes flashed with excitement.

  Although this kid is not forgiving, he still takes this matter to heart.

  Haibodong felt a little warm in his heart as he took the parchment scroll.

  Su Yun asked everyone to pack their luggage and prepare to set off.

  The Seven Fantasy Green Spirit Saliva from the Nalan family is a good thing.

  Over the years he has been practicing the Soul Art, his soul power has grown rapidly. During the process of refining medicine, he has never worried about his soul.

  But things are different now.

  After all, he has only been practicing Soul Art for a few years, and his soul power cannot grow infinitely.

  The level of a sixth-grade alchemist has reached its limit. If you want to break through to the level of a seventh-grade alchemist, you will probably have to practice for a long time.

  But with the Seven Fantasy Green Spirit Saliva, everything is easily solved.

  By refining and absorbing it, his soul power may directly reach the perfection of the mortal realm.

  Su Yun licked his lips. He took all the opportunities that appeared in the original work and couldn't leave any of them for Xiao Yan.

  The four of them didn't have anything to pack. After all, Najie existed, and their things were usually kept in Najie.

  Speaking of which, Qinglin's clothes are all with the little medical fairy.

  This child is still too young, and the traffickers will not teach her how to practice.

  Su Yun and Haibodong did not use their Dou Qi wings, but asked Xiao Lan to fly the four of them to the imperial capital.

  Su Yun caressed Xiaolan's blue feathers.

  As his strength increases and he encounters more and more powerful people, this child may not be able to keep up with them.

  After getting the Qihuan Qingling Saliva, he will stay in the imperial capital and wait for the admission of Canaan College to enter Canaan College.

  After passing the selection from the outer court and entering the inner court, with the power of the Heavenly Burning Qi Refining Tower, it won't take long for him to become a powerful Dou Wang.

  At that time, you can also start asking the little medical fairy to activate the poisonous body of disaster.

  Su Yun fell into deep thought, planning his future plans.

  Where will Xiaolan go then?

  Accompany Qinglin? What happens after Qing Lin opens her blue eyes and three-flowered pupils?

  Release them, or stay in the Mittel family and die of old age?

  Su Yun became a little sad.

  Falling behind, Xiaolan, perhaps as he goes further and further on the road to becoming stronger.

  The people he meets on the road but cannot walk with him will probably stay farther and farther away from him.