

93: The shock of the imperial capital (the third update!)

  Su Yun nodded, his expression calm, as if being a sixth-grade alchemist was

  nothing special. In fact, he was secretly very happy.

  To be honest, it was quite pleasant to show off in front of others occasionally.

  Fa Ma took a deep breath, calmed himself down, and his attitude became softer.

  "In this case, you should recover your fighting spirit here first, and I will also go to prepare."

  After saying that, Fa Ma immediately walked out of the room and messed up alone.

  Su Yun sat cross-legged and took out a pill for recovering fighting spirit from the system space.

  With his current fighting spirit reserves, with the help of the Azure Lotus Earth Core Fire, he could completely refine another fifth-grade pill.

  But the sixth-grade pill was not possible.

  The higher the fighting spirit cultivation, the greater the gap between each realm.

  The same is true for pills.

  The difficulty of refining a sixth-grade pill is not at the same level as that of a fifth-grade pill.

  He must restore his fighting spirit to its peak state.

  After a while, Su Yun's fighting spirit was full and recovered.

  After a while, Fa Ma also came back.

  He just went to the inner storehouse of the Alchemist Guild.

  The assessment for a fifth-grade alchemist is simple. He himself is a fifth-grade alchemist, and it is easy to gather the fifth-grade pill formula and the corresponding medicinal materials.

  But the sixth-grade is different.

  He just went to the inner storehouse to get the pill formulas of three sixth-grade pills and the corresponding medicinal materials.

  After all, it is the headquarters of the Alchemist Guild of the Jiama Empire, so it still has some background.

  But if you reach the level of a seventh-grade alchemist, it will be different.

  You must go to Zhongzhou and go to Dan Tower!

  Fa Ma returned to the room, thinking a lot. Last time, he went through so much trouble, so he should give the assessment to Gu He.

  Haha, one after another, have they surpassed me?

  Fa Ma looked at the overly young face and said.

  "How is it, old man, I have everything ready."

  Su Yun nodded, indicating that he had no problem.

  Seeing this, Fa Ma put all the pill formulas on the table.

  Su Yun still randomly selected one of them, and immersed his soul power in it.

  Just like before, Su Yun took back his soul power not long after.

  Fa Ma raised his eyebrows.

  He could not think that Su Yun was just lucky and could only refine one or two sixth-grade elixirs.

  A blind cat meets a dead mouse, and it happens to be able to refine.

  This young man must have walked a long way in the realm of a sixth-grade alchemist, and he has mastered many sixth-grade elixir recipes.

  Fa Ma also looked at the elixir recipe and took out the medicinal materials from the ring.

  Su Yun prepared himself, and the blue flame rose again, and began to refine the medicinal materials.

  Fa Ma looked at the blue flame emitting a terrifying temperature, and a trace of envy flashed in his eyes.

  Strange fire has a fatal attraction to alchemists. Every alchemist dreams of having a strange fire.

  Fa Ma shook his head and retracted his gaze.

  Strange fire is not only difficult to find, but also difficult to refine. Even if it is the last-ranked Xuanhuangyan, if you want to refine it, you have to go through a life-and-death situation.

  It is precisely for this reason that killing people to seize fire is not common in the Douqi Continent.

  After all, people who can refine strange fires are not simple.

  And even if you try every means to get the strange fire, if you fail to refine it, you will be burned to ashes by the strange fire.

  Gu He knew that Xiao Yan was the one who got the strange fire when he went to Yunlan Sect after the three-year appointment. He didn't think of killing people to take the fire.

  This is the reason.

  And even if it succeeds, the strange fire will riot from time to time.

  Other skills do not have such a strong suppression power on strange fire as "Burning Art".

  In fact, you can know this by referring to Han Feng.

  Even if you practice the fragments of "Burning Art" and have the strength of the peak of Douhuang, you still have to guard against the riots of the sea heart flame from time to time.

  This is also one of the reasons why he wants to get "Burning Art" very much.   

  Although the strange fire is a good thing, not everyone can conquer it.

  The refining of the sixth-grade elixir is very difficult. It took him a day to refine the previous Breaking Evil Pill, and the same is true for this sixth-grade elixir.

  One day later, a huge energy fluctuation emanated from the Alchemist Guild, and a more conspicuous phenomenon than before appeared in the sky.

  The entire imperial capital was boiling.

  "This phenomenon... is it the sixth-grade elixir that has been formed?"

  "That direction is coming from the Alchemist Guild."

  "Could it be that the Pill King Gu He has come to the Alchemist Guild?"

  "No, maybe it's the Fa Ma Guild that has reached the realm of the sixth-grade alchemist."

  The major forces in the imperial capital were discussing it, and the smart ones were already preparing gifts and planned to go to the Alchemist Guild to congratulate.

  And from the direction of the imperial palace, a linen-clothed figure with a heavy aura was flying rapidly towards the Alchemist Guild.

  Jia Xingtian looked solemn.

  Whether it was the old man Pharaoh's successful breakthrough and becoming a sixth-grade alchemist, or the mysterious alchemist who appeared in Black Rock City came to the imperial capital.

  He wanted to come and see.

  In the Alchemist Guild, Su Yun felt the amount of Dou Qi in his body and shook his head.

  Only one or two were left.

  Su Yun took out another pill from the system space and swallowed it.

  There are basically pills for restoring Dou Qi and treating injuries in each grade, which is not without reason.

  It's so practical!

  He handed the sixth-grade pill in his hand to Fa Ma.

  Su Yun restored his Dou Qi on his own.

  Fa Ma looked at the pill in his hand with a dull look.

  Success in one go!

  This is much better than Gu He before.

  How high is his success rate?

  Fa Ma couldn't help but flash a trace of doubt in his eyes.

  When Gu He was taking the test, he used up all the medicinal materials, and then he seized the last chance to succeed in refining and pass the test.

  I'm afraid this person's alchemy skills are probably better than Gu He now.

  Even now, after becoming a sixth-grade alchemist for a while, unless he is very lucky. Otherwise, Gu He can't succeed in refining in one go.


  Fa Ma tilted his head slightly, sensing Jia Xingtian's aura, and appeared at the entrance of the Alchemist Guild.

  There was also a huge cold aura, also flying here rapidly.

  Fa Ma turned around and looked at Su Yun, who was meditating to restore his fighting spirit.

  Has such a young man become the focus of the entire imperial capital?

  Fa Ma looked at the sixth-grade elixir in his hand again.

  It should be so.

  Fa Ma put the elixir into the ring.

  Hehe, in fact, this is also the benefit of being the president of the Alchemist Guild. This sixth-grade elixir belongs to him.

  When he arrived at the entrance of the guild, Jia Xingtian had been waiting here.

  Seeing Jia Xingtian's hesitation, Fa Ma shook his head.

  "It's not me. You know my situation. I'm afraid I can't take that step until I die."

  Hearing this, Jia Xingtian said.

  "Can you introduce me?"

  Fa Ma shook his head again.

  Jia Xingtian frowned.

  "Old man Fa, we have been friends for so many years. When did you become so stingy?"

  Fa Ma explained without getting angry.

  "Sixth-grade elixirs are not that easy to refine. He is still recovering his fighting spirit.

  How can I introduce you to someone else?

  And Old Man Bing will be here soon. Let's wait a little longer."