

  Chapter 95 Jia Xingtian's plan (Second update!)

  Jia Code Empire Palace.

  Jia Xingtian is talking to a young woman.

  The woman is wearing a luxurious brocade robe, with a very tall figure and a cold and delicate face.

  This person is the next successor of the Jiama Empire, Yao Ye.

  The Douqi Continent is different from the ancient Shenzhou. Instead, it is more like a Western kingdom.

  Queens are not uncommon.

  "So, how do you think the royal family should treat this Master Zhang who suddenly appeared?"

  Jia Xingtian asked Yao Ye.

  This is not a test.

  Yao Ye is the most outstanding in mind among the royal family. Even when Jia Xingtian is undecided, he will refer to her opinions.

  Yao Ye pondered for a while and said.

  "Grandpa, let's not talk about whether there is really a huge force behind this Zhang Xiaofan.

  Just because he is a sixth-grade pharmacist, our royal family should try to pull him in.

  But the problem now is that the Ice Emperor seems to have been conquered by him, and the entire Mitel family is probably under his control.

  Although the Mitel family is not as good as our royal family, he probably has enough people under his command."

  Jia Xingtian nodded after hearing this. He also knew these things.

  Yao Ye continued.

  "Now there is a problem in front of us.

  Even if that sixth-grade pharmacist will not stay in our Jiama Empire for long, his influence will remain.

  When Dan King Gu He joined Yunlan Sect, he was still a fourth-grade pharmacist. But as Gu He's pharmacy skills improved, he became a sixth-grade pharmacist, which greatly enhanced the strength of Yunlan Sect."

  Hearing this, Jia Xingtian's face changed, and he understood the seriousness of the matter.

  It can only be said that Yao Ye is worthy of being the future queen of Jiama Empire.

  Her thoughts and considerations are very profound.

  "Even Gu He is like this.

  What about this Zhang Xiaofan? How many years will he stay in the Mitre family? How many pills will he refine for the Mitre family?

  Take the Ice Emperor for example. Even if his strength has greatly decreased now and he is no match for you, Grandpa, what about in the future?

  Pills are quite magical. There is no guarantee that he does not have a pill formula that can help the Ice Emperor recover his strength.

  Since the Ice Emperor returned, I have sent people to pay attention to the Mitre family.

  In the past two days, the Mitre family has mobilized all its forces to find medicinal materials, high-level medicinal materials!"

  Yao Ye's expression was solemn, and his words were quite wary of this sixth-grade pharmacist.

  Jia Xingtian's brows wrinkled into a "川" shape on his old face.

  Although Yao Ye did not say it clearly, the meaning he expressed was already very obvious.

  With the help of this sixth-grade alchemist, the Mitre family might become the next Yunlan Sect!

  "In your opinion, is it possible for us to attract this sixth-grade alchemist?

  The royal family is much stronger than the Mitre family. What the Mitre family can provide, our royal family can also provide!" Upon

  hearing this, Yao Ye shook his head and smiled bitterly.

  "Grandpa, the key to attracting this sixth-grade alchemist is not whether the royal family is stronger than the Mitre family.

  The key to his staying in the Mitre family should be the Ice Emperor. We don't know what happened between the Ice Emperor and him, so we have no way to start."

  Jia Xingtian was a little irritated.

  Why is it that only the royal family is going downhill with these two people!

  A sixth-rank alchemist came to the Mitel family, and the Nalan family and the Yunlan Sect established a relationship.

  Even if the Mu family has not made any progress, Mu Chen is still young, and Mu Zhan is talented, so they can wait until he grows up.

  Only the royal family.

  The royal family seems to be prosperous now, but in fact, there is a serious lack of successors, and it is all supported by me alone.

  Once my time comes, the old man can't do anything, and any of the three major families has the ability to launch a coup!   

  Yao Ye also sighed. With her intelligence, how could she not know the crisis facing the royal family?

  At this time, Jia Xingtian looked at Yao Ye with a gloomy gaze.

  "In the past, Dan King Gu He stayed in Yunlan Sect to pursue Yun Yun. Why can't our royal family follow suit?"

  Yao Ye looked at Jia Xingtian's gaze and his words. How could she not know what her grandfather meant?


  The next day, the news that a sixth-grade pharmacist had come to the imperial capital spread completely, and many people were discussing it on the streets.

  "Have you heard that yesterday the Alchemist Guild certified a sixth-grade alchemist."

  "Of course, it is said that this master has a great relationship with the Ice Emperor who returned not long ago, and now lives in the Mitel family."

  "A sixth-grade alchemist, what kind of person is that? In the past hundred years of our Empire, we have only produced one Dan King Gu He."

  "The Mitel family is probably going to soar. The value brought by a sixth-grade alchemist cannot be measured by common sense."

  While the imperial capital was discussing it, Su Yun was staying in his room.

  Su Yun was struggling to figure out his system.

  He now has three fifth-grade magic cores in his hand,

  one of wood attribute, one of ice attribute, and one of wind attribute.

  But now he wants a fire attribute.

  Now, because of the strange fire and the earth-level intermediate fighting skill "Flowing Flame Dragon Slash", his fire-attributed fighting spirit is much stronger than ice-attributed fighting spirit.

  So he wanted to strengthen Canyang and then raise his fighting power.

  The embarrassing thing is that there is no fifth-level magic core with fire attribute.

  The replacement function of the system also has requirements. Things that need to be scanned can be replaced by spending energy crystals.

  In other words, he must first scan a fire-attributed magic core, otherwise it cannot be replaced at all.

  Su Yun felt a headache.

  He has all the skills, fighting skills, pill recipes, and alchemy experience, and he even has soul skills.

  But only this resource, tsk.

  Su Yun sighed.

  The basic conditions for using this replacement function are already very clear.

  But how to make it play a huge role, I am afraid it still needs to be explored.

  Su Yun had no choice but to strengthen the cold jade first.

  "System, fuse the fifth-level ice attribute magic core and the cold jade."

  "Ding, a fusion solution has been detected, which requires a fifth-level energy crystal or a fifth-level magic core. Do you want to fuse?"


  With Su Yun's order, the fifth-level ice attribute magic core and the fifth-level wind attribute magic core disappeared in the system space.

  The cold jade sword placed in the system space exuded a blue light.

  The fourth-level magic core originally inlaid on the cold jade sword began to fuse into a pool of strange blue liquid, wrapping the entire sword body.

  After a period of time, the cold jade sword became sharper and harder.

  Then a fifth-level ice magic core was embedded in the place of the fourth-level magic core.

  As the level of the embedded magic core became higher and higher, the original material of the Cold Jade Sword could not bear it at all.

  This also resulted in the original magic core being transformed into something suspicious as energy by the system to strengthen the material of the sword.

  The system's fusion function is very particular about the feasibility of the fusion plan, and not just any wild idea can do it.