

  Chapter 98 Refining (Second update!)

  After putting away the Seven Illusions Green Spirit Saliva, Su Yun gave Nalan Jie another ecstasy treatment.

  After a moment of gratitude, Nalan Jie dragged his weak body away from the Mitel family.

  "Boy, what are your plans next?

  With your qualifications, you can't stay in this Gama Empire forever."

  Hai Bodong asked calmly with his arms folded across his chest.

  Hearing this, Su Yun stood up and came to Hai Bodong's side.

  "Of course, this Gama Empire is too small for me to do anything.

  Now that I have the Seven Illusions Green Spirit Saliva, there is no need for me to stay here anymore.

  I think Hai Lao has heard of the name of Canaan Academy."

  Su Yun and Hai Bodong looked at each other, and the two discussed their future destinations.

  Hai Bodong's pale eyebrows wrinkled when he heard this.

  "Of course I know about Canaan Academy. You want to study at Canaan Academy?

  With your strength, I'm afraid you won't learn anything there, right?

  The admission requirement there is only the eighth level of fighting spirit. Even

  in the legendary inner courtyard where geniuses gather, I'm afraid no one can be your opponent."

  Hai Bodong didn't quite understand Su Yun's decision.

  In his opinion, Su Yun's current strength can easily deal with a fifth-level monster.

  With this strength, let alone admission, it is not a problem to graduate directly from Canaan Academy.

  Su Yun smiled slightly. Outsiders all know that Canaan Academy has a strong teaching ability, and the inner courtyard is even more magical, but they don't know the real secret.

  Su Yun mentioned to Hai Bodong the effect of the Tianfen Refining Qi Tower in Canaan Academy.

  "There is such a magical place."

  Hai Bodong's eyes flashed with surprise.

  "No wonder you want to go in so much. Once you get to the inner courtyard, combined with the effect of your Tianfen Refining Qi Tower, I'm afraid you can enter the Dou Wang realm in a short time."

  Hai Bodong understood Su Yun's plan, but was a little puzzled.

  "You just went to Canaan Academy, where should I go?

  It's impossible to stay in this Jiama Empire and wait for you to come back, right?"

  Canaan Academy does not allow outsiders to enter, even the families of students in the academy can only stay for a short time.

  Su Yun heard this, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

  This old guy got on his ship and really settled down?

  But thinking about his identity and talent, he felt relieved.

  Yes, a thirteen or fourteen-year-old sixth-grade pharmacist is completely worthy of Dou Huang's surrender.

  Su Yun did not answer Hai Bodong's question, but asked instead.

  "I wonder how the medicinal materials for the Soul-Restoring Purple Pill are being prepared?"

  Hai Bodong looked embarrassed when he heard Su Yun's question.

  "Not very smoothly."

  Hai Bodong answered truthfully.

  Su Yun laughed. He had expected this. Some of the medicinal materials for refining the Soul-Restoring Purple Pill were quite difficult to find.

  The one that Xiao Yan refined for Hai Bodong, the medicinal materials were obtained from Han Feng's storage ring.

  "Elao Hai, if you can't find it in the Jiama Empire, you might as well try somewhere else.

  For example, the Black Horn Region."

  Hai Bodong changed his expression when he heard this. At this point, he knew what Su Yun meant.

  Good boy, you really don't treat me as a human being.

  You actually want me to go to the Black Horn Region!

  Su Yun saw the change in Hai Bodong's expression.

  "You are not afraid, are you?

  The Ice Emperor of the former Jiama Empire is old now, you don't have any courage anymore, right?"

  Hai Bodong looked at Su Yun unhappily.

  "Afraid? When have I ever been afraid?"   

  "Oh, you are not afraid of Medusa?"

  Hearing this, Hai Bodong's body stiffened, and a look of fear flashed across his face.

  "You kid, you are talking nonsense!"

  Hai Bodong calmed down a little.

  "Although the Black Horn Region is chaotic and dangerous, I can protect myself there with my strength.

  But, what do you want me to do there?"

  Hai Bodong was not really afraid.

  The leaders of the major forces in the Black Horn Region were only at the level of fighting emperors. With his strength, if he could not defeat them, he could run away.

  "There are many things worth planning in the Black Horn Region.

  You should stand firm there first, and I will tell you when the time is right."

  Su Yun said with a smile.

  He did not lie to Hai Bodong. The resources in the Black Horn Region are definitely much more than those in the Jiaju Empire. If

  Hai Bodong goes there, he should be able to collect the medicinal materials for the Fuling Purple Pill soon.

  As for why he wanted Hai Bodong to go to the Black Horn Region, it was naturally because there were good things there.

  Not to mention anything else, just the third copy of the Pure Lotus Demon Fire Remnant Map is worth a trip.

  Of course, what he wanted most was the Sea Heart Flame in Han Feng's hand!

  The two discussed some details, and Su Yun returned to the room.

  After making sure that there was no one nearby, Su Yun's mind moved, and his figure flashed back to the system space.

  The medicine cauldron and the Seven Illusions Green Spirit Saliva were in front of Su Yun. In addition, there were several other medicinal materials.

  Su Yun licked his dry tongue, and the fighting spirit in his body floated. A green flame appeared on his palm and he slapped the medicine cauldron. He

  began to refine various medicinal materials.

  Under the effect of the Azure Lotus Earth Heart Fire, the medicinal materials were quickly refined, and then Su Yun began to refine the Seven Illusions Azure Spirit Saliva.

  This time the refinement was not so fast. The grade of the Seven Illusions Azure Spirit Saliva was not low. Even with the calcination of the Azure Lotus Earth Heart Fire, it would take some time.

  After a period of time, the Seven Illusions Azure Spirit Saliva was refined.

  Su Yun gathered several kinds of medicinal liquid together, and soon, a pool of strange medicinal liquid appeared in the medicine cauldron.

  Seeing this, Su Yun's eyes flashed with a smile.

  He is not like Xiao Yan at that time, who could only roughly refine the Seven Illusions Green Spirit Saliva to restore Yao Lao's exhausted soul power.

  Other medicinal materials are also good for soul power. When combined with the Seven Illusions Green Spirit Saliva, the overall effect will be even better!

  Su Yun was a little impatient. He used a jade bottle to scoop out the liquid medicine, sat down cross-legged, swallowed it in one gulp, and used the soul technique to refine the medicine power!

  As time passed, the power of the strange liquid medicine was gradually refined by Su Yun, and a huge soul power came out of his body, causing waves in the system space.

  This is a spontaneous wave after the soul power is improved.

  If it were in the imperial capital, it would probably cause another shock.

  This is also the reason why Su Yun chose to refine in the system space.

  This wave may not be sensed by the people in the Soul Palace.

  Although he was not afraid, it was better to have less trouble than more.

  It was not a wise move to confront the Soul Palace too early.

  A fighting spirit with perfect spiritual power in the mortal realm was more attractive to the Soul Palace than a mere sixth-grade pharmacist.

  Su Yun, who had always been steady, still chose to play it safe.

  After completely refining the medicinal power, Su Yun felt this huge power, and a sense of satisfaction flashed through his mind.

  As the plan was realized step by step, his strength was steadily increasing, and he also had more trump cards.

  He liked this feeling very much. He

  planned carefully step by step, and climbed up step by step according to his own plan.

  Although this process of ascension was not as good as those of the male protagonists in the cool novels who ascended to heaven in one step, he would still experience hardships and dangers in the process.

  But I am already better and luckier than most people in this world.