

  Chapter 101 Death of Luo Qianchen (Second update!)

  Su Yun looked at Luo Qianyun's condition and frowned slightly.

  Her clothes were basically torn and her body was covered with bruises. She was wearing a brand new coat, which obviously belonged to the Little Medical Fairy.

  Even so, some of her snow-white skin was still exposed, and her face was flashing with fear.

  Su Yun took out a bottle of external healing medicine from the system space, handed it to Qinglin, asked her to deal with it herself, and walked over.


  Su Yun called softly.

  The Little Medical Fairy, who was taking care of Luo Qianyun, turned around, and a trace of worry flashed across her face.


  Su Yun came to the two of them.

  "Didn't you go out to play with Qinglin?

  What happened?"

  Xiao Yixian placed her delicate hands on Luo Qianyun's back and gently stroked her. She opened and closed her little mouth as she talked about what happened.

  It turned out that Xiao Yixian and Qinglin were happily strolling on the streets of the imperial capital when a ragged woman ran out of an alley. This woman was Luo Qianyun.

  Xiao Yixian saw that Luo Qianyun looked panicked, so she stopped her and wanted to ask what happened.

  As soon as the three met, several tall men rushed out of the alley and wanted to attack the three without saying anything.

  At this time, a middle-aged man, Kuang Tang, rushed out and protected the three behind him.

  After a confrontation, a group of people walked out of the crowd and escorted the group back.

  "That's what happened."

  Little Medical Fairy looked at Luo Qianyun with a hint of worry in her eyes.

  She had lived with Luo Qianchen for more than half a year, and Sister Luo and Grandpa Luo took good care of her.

  Su Yun observed Luo Qianyun's condition, and it was not optimistic.

  There were obvious scratches between her legs, and it was extremely unnatural.

  Combined with what Little Medical Fairy had just said, well, it was obvious that she was...

  Hai Bodong, who was standing aside at this time, said.

  "Kuang Tang was arranged to protect the two girls in public. As for the group of people that Xiao Yixian just mentioned, they are the Shadow Guards.

  The Shadow Guards are the strongest force in the Mitel family. There are several powerful fighting spirits in them. The Shadow

  Guards need to be dispatched to make those people give in. I'm afraid the background is not simple."

  Hai Bodong frowned. Fortunately, nothing happened to the two girls, otherwise the entire imperial capital would probably be overturned.

  Su Yun nodded. This force is already very good in the Gama Empire.

  Except for Mitel Tengshan and Hai Bodong, it is already the strongest force in the Mitel family.

  "Kuang Tang, tell me about the situation at that time."

  Su Yun said to Kuang Tang.

  He is now Zhang Xiaofan's vest, and Kuang Tang did not recognize his identity.

  Upon hearing this, Kuang Tang quickly explained what he knew.

  "If I'm not mistaken, those people should be the guards of the Mu family.

  Among them, one is a powerful warrior. If it weren't for the Shadow Guard, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to bring the two young ladies back safely."

  Mu family?

  Su Yun glanced at Luo Qianyun.

  If he remembered correctly, when he went to the Alchemist Guild, the people there said that Luo Qianchen took Luo Qianyun to visit a friend?

  How did she get involved with the Mu family?

  But now she probably can't explain the situation and needs to rest well.

  The woman encountered such a situation, and she must have suffered a great mental blow. It will take a few days to recover.

  "Hai Lao, ask a few female guards to take her to wash up, rest, and recuperate."

  Hai Bodong nodded, and just as he was about to leave, Luo Qianyun spoke up.

  "Wait, wait..."

  Luo Qianyun's face was still a little frightened, and she held Xiao Yixian's hand tightly.

  Xiao Yixian's eyes flashed with surprise, and she comforted Luo Qianyun.

  "Sister Luo, please speak slowly."

  Luo Qianyun's confused eyes regained some spirit, and fear and anxiety flashed across them.   

  "Xian'er, save the teacher!

  Please, save the teacher!"

  Luo Qianyun couldn't help but shed tears along her delicate face.

  "Sister Luo, please speak slowly."

  Su Yun frowned slightly, it seemed that Luo Qianchen was in trouble.

  "The teacher is still in the Mu family, Xian'er, please, save the teacher!"

  "Grandpa Luo!"

  A trace of panic flashed across the face of the little doctor fairy, and she turned to look at Su Yun, the meaning of which was self-evident.

  Su Yun nodded and looked at Hai Bodong.

  "Hai Lao, accompany me to the Mu family."


  The two came outside the house, spread their fighting spirit wings, and led by Hai Bodong, they went to the Mu family.

  On the other side, the Mu family in the imperial capital.

  Mu Chen, the head of the Mu family, looked at the four people in front of him, frowned, and a surge of anger emerged in his heart.

  "One fighting spirit, three great fighting masters, you actually let a little girl with fighting skills run away, what's the use of you!"

  The four people trembled.

  At this time, the fighting spirit spoke.

  "Master, the woman couldn't run away.

  It's just that the old man swallowed some kind of elixir and forcibly raised his strength to the fighting spirit stage. He

  stopped us for a while. After we dealt with him, we were about to catch up with the woman.

  But when we got to the street, she seemed to have some relationship with the Mitel family, so they stopped us and we didn't bring the woman back."

  The fighting spirit carefully told the process of Luo Qianyun's encounter with Xiao Yixian and Qinglin.

  Mu Chen frowned when he heard it.

  Two young girls were surrounded by a group of guards, including many powerful fighting spirit masters. They

  seemed to have a high status in the Mitel family. What was their status in the Mitel family? Why hadn't I heard of such two people before?

  How did that little bastard know them?

  "What about that old guy?"

  Mu Chen asked again.

  "The pill he swallowed had a very serious backlash, and he died after the effect of the drug ended."

  A trace of impatience flashed in Mu Chen's eyes.

  "It's better to die. This old guy who doesn't know how to live or die, let him go decades ago, and he dared to come back."

  At this time, a huge momentum came from not far away.

  Mu Chen's eyes changed. This momentum, a fighting emperor!

  Mu Chen felt something was wrong in his mind, and without hesitation, he came to the yard.

  The fighting spirit turned into wings, flew into the air, and flew towards the place where the breath came from.

  The visitors were Su Yun and Hai Bodong.

  Mu Chen flew in front of the two.

  Seeing the visitors clearly, the uneasiness in his heart became stronger and stronger.

  Hai Bodong and the sixth-grade pharmacist!

  In the past few days, Su Yun's portrait has been spread among the major forces in the imperial capital.

  As one of the three major families in the Gama Empire, the Mu family naturally knows what Su Yun looks like.

  These two people have a great relationship with the Mitel family.

  The reason why these two people came after the little bastard just escaped is self-evident.

  Although he already knew the purpose of the two people's visit, Mu Chen still squeezed out a smile.

  "Master Zhang, Ice Emperor."

  Mu Chen greeted the two.

  Hai Bodong didn't say anything, and looked like Su Yun was the main focus.

  "Chief Mu, do you know an old man named Luo Qianchen?"

  Su Yun got straight to the point.
