

  Chapter 104: A Sweet Night (Second Update!)

  The sun rises in the east.

  Su Yun looked at the little doctor fairy who was still sleeping in his arms, and a smile flashed across his face.

  How many years will it take for you to become an adult...

  As if sensing Su Yun's gaze, the little doctor fairy slowly woke up.

  "Brother, good morning~"

  Su Yun leaned over and gently touched the little doctor fairy's forehead.

  A hint of shyness flashed across the little doctor fairy's face. Although they had established a relationship and had done many intimate things, she was still a little shy.

  The smile on Su Yun's face deepened. He liked the little doctor fairy's shy look. When he was tired, he would tease her and see her reaction. It was quite healing.

  Su Yun couldn't help but kiss her a few more times.

  "Eh~ Your face is covered with brother's saliva."

  Little Medical Fairy's tone was full of disgust, but the blush on her face could not be concealed.

  Su Yun pretended to kiss him again, and Little Medical Fairy pressed her small hands against Su Yun's head.


  Little Medical Fairy shouted.

  After a fight, the two finally got up. After

  washing and having breakfast, Su Yun took Hai Bodong to the imperial city, while Little Medical Fairy went to visit Luo Qianyun.

  What Mu Chen said before was indeed correct. The Mu family is rooted in the military. If he takes action against the Mu family, the old monster Jia Xingtian will not be able to ignore it.

  Although he has no idea about the Gama Empire, others don't think so.

  Once suspicion begins, the crime is established.

  The threat to the royal family's status by joining forces with the Mitel family is unimaginable.

  "Boy, are you sure you can convince that old monster?"

  Hai Bodong couldn't help asking.

  He was really curious.

  The Mu family has deep roots in the Gama Empire, and has always had a good relationship with the royal family. Without enough chips, it is not so easy to shake the relationship between the two families.

  Su Yun had a meaningful smile on his face.

  "There are no eternal friends in the world.

  The reason why the royal family is willing to maintain a good relationship with the Mu family is just that the royal family needs the strength of the Mu family, its influence on the military, and to protect the border."

  Hai Bodong nodded when he heard this. This is indeed the truth.

  If the Mu family had no value, it would not be valued by the royal family.

  Originally, the Mu family was not that important to the royal family. After all, Nalan Jie was also a military leader.

  But everything changed with Nalan Yanran's joining the Yunlan Sect.

  Because of this incident, even if the Nalan family remains close to the royal family, the royal family will still be concerned.

  What's more, the Nalan family's attitude towards the royal family since Nalan Yanran joined the Yunlan Sect is really a bit subtle.

  This leads to the royal family being more willing to pull the Mu family.

  A dangerous light flashed in Su Yun's eyes.

  "Don't worry, Mr. Hai, my chips are heavy, and the royal family will not refuse.

  No, in other words, Jia Xingtian will not refuse.

  Whether it is for the royal family or for his own consideration, he will agree."

  Hai Bodong was a little confused and curled his lips.

  He just knows how to keep people in suspense.

  After a while, the two walked to the imperial city.

  Hai Bodong's breath was slightly revealed.

  The guard at the gate was shocked by the breath.

  A powerful warrior!

  The guard put away his weapons and saluted.

  "Excuse me, gentlemen, what brings you to the imperial city?"

  Hai Bodong looked calm, without any expression.

  "Send someone to report that Master Zhang, the sixth-grade pharmacist, and Hai Bodong are here to visit."

  The guard was shocked and understood the identities of the two people. He quickly sent someone to report.

  The two did not wait for long before a tall woman dressed in luxurious clothes walked over quickly.

  Su Yun's heart moved, and he used the system's scanning function to understand the identity of the person in front of him.   

  Yao Ye!

  Su Yun looked at her carefully and saw a cold beauty.

  This future queen of the Jiazha Empire exuded a cold and charming aura from head to toe, and her figure was full and mature, with a hint of heroic spirit.

  To be honest, all the supporting characters with names in the original novel were very beautiful.

  Yao Ye walked quickly to the two of them, still a little out of breath.

  There was a hint of surprise in his eyes. Why did these two suddenly come to visit?

  Yao Ye suppressed the doubts in his heart and greeted the two.

  "Master Zhang, Lord Ice Emperor."

  Hai Bodong crossed his arms and just nodded coldly.

  Su Yun had a formal smile on his face.

  "I've heard for a long time that Princess Yao Ye of the Jia Ma Empire is a great beauty. Seeing her today, I can see that what she said is true."

  Su Yun praised from the bottom of his heart.

  Yao Ye felt a little happy when she heard Su Yun's praise.

  From childhood to adulthood, the playboys in the imperial capital have praised her a lot, and she is basically immune to sweet talk.

  Perhaps it was the incident that Jia Xingtian said that made Yao Ye have a different feeling about Su Yun.

  Now hearing Su Yun praising her appearance, she also had a different emotion in her heart.

  "Master Zhang, you are too kind."

  Yao Ye lifted the black hair around her face behind her ears.

  "This is not a place to talk. Please follow me."

  Yao Ye greeted the two people and walked to the palace.

  Su Yun looked all the way.

  Well, the palace is the palace.

  The Mittel family's villa is not bad, but it is still a little worse than this one.

  Of course, they definitely have the financial resources to build it, but due to their status and the royal family, they dare not build it.

  The three of them came to a luxurious room and sat down.

  Yao Ye personally made tea for the two of them.

  After a round of politeness, Yao Ye asked tentatively.

  "I wonder if you two came to our royal family today to discuss important matters?"

  Although he was asking the two of them, Yao Ye's eyes were always on Su Yun.

  According to the intelligence obtained by the royal family, the Ice Emperor Hai Bodong is now following Su Yun's lead.

  Su Yun smiled and did not answer Yao Ye's question.

  "I wonder if Mr. Jia is free now?"

  Yao Ye was stunned, and then startled, and his beautiful eyes couldn't help but move.

  Although Yao Ye is young, as an heir who is fully trained by the royal family, she is very familiar with the ways of the world and some code words.

  This Master Zhang means that... I, Yao Ye, the next empress of the Gama Empire, am not qualified to talk to him about the next topic?

  Yao Ye felt a little indignant, but there was also a flash of shock in her mind.

  Her keen self-awareness told her that the matter that Master Zhang was going to discuss today might be very big.

  Despite this, Yao Ye couldn't help but say something.

  "Master Zhang, if you have anything, just tell me. I still have some say in the royal family."

  Su Yun felt a little funny.

  Indeed, this Princess Yao Ye is indeed excellent to be fully trained by the royal family, but she is still a little too confident.

  In this world, after all, only the strong have the say.

  At this time, Hai Bodong spoke.

  "Okay, call your grandfather over quickly. This matter is not something that a little girl like you can decide."

  Su Yun still had a smile on her face, and she picked up the teapot to fill Yao Ye's empty cup.

  "This is Hai Lao's temper. Princess Yao Ye, please forgive me."