

  "Haha, you are still at the two-star Dou Huang level, right? Why are you in such a hurry?"

  Su Yun laughed.

  "Hehe, you can't say that. People should always plan ahead.

  Once I get the Fuling Purple Pill and the Huangji Pill, I will be a six-star Dou Huang. I'm only three stars away."

  Hai Bodong analyzed seriously.

  Su Yun rolled his eyes.

  "You should collect the herbs for Fuling Purple Pill first."

  "Of course, hehe."

  The palace.

  Jia Xingtian's eyes flashed with a hint of cruelty, and then disappeared.

  "Ye'er, collect the herbs on it as soon as possible."

  Jia Xingtian handed the parchment scroll to Yao Ye.

  After Yao Ye took it, he took a look and nodded.


  "Mu Family, Mu Chen..."

  Just a Dou Huang, in exchange for a Po Zong Dan. In fact, it was the royal family that got the upper hand.

  "Go check why Master Zhang wants to kill Mu Chen."


  Back at the Mitel family, Mitel Tengshan was waiting for them here.

  "Master Zhang, Hai Lao."

  Su Yun nodded.

  "What's the matter?"

  "The three people in the portrait you gave me before have been caught."

  Su Yun was a little surprised. It's great. He was just given the portrait yesterday, and they were caught today. This is a good efficiency.

  "Bring them all here, including the fighting spirit, and also invite Luo Qianyun over."

  According to his idea, these people should be handled by Luo Qianyun herself.

  In less than a moment, several people were brought up.

  The fighting spirit looked at Su Yun with some fear.

  What did this devil do to me!

  Yesterday, when he woke up from the prison of the Mittel family, he felt a sharp pain in his head.

  He found that his memory was not as clear as before. Although he still remembered, it always felt a bit strenuous to recall.

  Su Yun looked at the appearance of this fighting spirit and was not surprised.

  When he was still training in the Monster Mountain Range, he captured people to experiment with memory recycling. Recycling

  is not copying. Whether it is physical matter or soul memory, it will disappear after being recycled by the system.

  Then there is a problem here. Why does this person still have memories and not lose them completely?

  This involves the principle of woodblock printing.

  This thing is easy to understand, just like copying, by applying a layer of ink on the original woodblock, the set text can be printed on paper.

  This is copying.

  The system's memory recycling is different. It does not copy the memory directly. The woodblock has a certain thickness.

  The principle of memory recycling is to tear off the top layer of the woodblock!

  After tearing off this layer, the original owner still has the memory. After all, in addition to the top layer, there is a very thick woodblock underneath.

  But it will also have a certain impact on the original owner. The most obvious thing is that his previous memories are not so clear, and he needs to think carefully to remember them.

  In fact, at the beginning, Su Yun never doubted that the person whose memory was recycled would lose all his memory.

  Because the soul power of Yao Lao's experience in refining medicine that he let the system instill in him was not that strong.

  Memory relies on the soul.

  If it was really recovered without reservation, he would be blown up by the huge soul power when it was instilled.

  However, his recovery of Yao Lao's memory that time might have made Yao Lao's already weak soul power even worse.


  This was also confirmed during the time he cooperated with the Xiao family.

  If Yao Lao lost all his memories, would he still be hiding in the Bone Inflammation Ring when he woke up?

  I'm afraid not.

  A person without any memory will definitely be sneaking around, and then be discovered by Ling Ying and killed directly.

  Su Yun came back to his senses, and soon, Xiao Yixian and Qinglin came over with Luo Qianyun.

  Luo Qianyun looked at the four people with fear and hatred in her eyes.

  "I'll leave these four people to you."   

  Su Yun took out Canyang from the system space and handed it to Luo Qianyun.

  "No, let me go!"

  The four people looked at this scene and knelt down to beg for mercy.

  A trace of disgust flashed across Su Yun's face.

  Luo Qianyun held Canyang tightly in her hand, and hatred flashed across her face.

  "Ah! Please, I have...don't!"

  The bloody scene was presented in front of everyone.

  Luo Qianyun did not choose to kill them themselves. As an alchemist, she also had a certain understanding of the structure of the human body.

  The long sword swung and cut some places that were not fatal but densely populated with nerves, causing them to suffer.

  Finally, after an unknown amount of time, Luo Qianyun seemed to have vented enough anger, swung Canyang, and killed them one by one.

  Little Medical Fairy stepped forward to support Luo Qianyun, with a worried look on her face, and took the Canyang from her hand.

  "Sister Luo, let's go together. Brother will avenge Grandpa Luo."

  Luo Qianyun knelt on the ground and thanked Su Yun.

  "Thank you, thank you..."

  Su Yun felt a little uncomfortable. How could a young woman feel good after encountering such a thing?

  "I will bring Mu Chen here in the evening."

  Su Yun did not say anything to comfort her. He put away the Canyang from Little Medical Fairy's hand and returned to the room.

  Several people also went back.


  Mitel Tengshan was about to leave when he was stopped by Hai Bodong.

  "Hai Lao, what's wrong?"

  "How are the herbs I ordered to be collected?"

  Hearing this, Mitel Tengshan's expression froze.

  Hai Bodong looked at Mitel Tengshan with a dangerous look.

  "Hai Lao, it's not my fault that I didn't pay attention.

  I have tried my best to send people to find the medicinal materials for the Rejuvenating Purple Pill you mentioned.

  Except for a few, they are basically all found, but..."

  Mitel Tengshan hesitated.

  "But what?"

  "It's just that last time, in order to collect magic cores for Master Zhang, our Mitel family's working capital was not much.

  I even paid out of my own pocket to ensure that there was no problem with the family's capital chain.

  Those who have medicinal materials, seeing how hard we are looking for medicinal materials, are asking for a lot of money. The family really doesn't have that much money."

  Hai Bodong frowned when he heard this, but he didn't want to blame him.

  The magic core was ordered by Su Yun, and there must be no problem.

  Hai Bodong took out his gold coin card from the ring and handed it to Mitel Tengshan.

  "Go, go, go.

  Go and buy those herbs for me."

  Hai Bodong waved his hands impatiently.

  That night.

  Su Yun and Hai Bodong flew to an uninhabited wasteland.

  They agreed with Jia Xingtian to deal with Mu Chen here.

  Jia Xingtian has been waiting here for a long time.

  The two flew to Jia Xingtian's side.

  "Mu Chen hasn't come yet?"

  Su Yun asked.

  Jia Xingtian nodded.

  "It will be soon. It will be a little later than the time I agreed with him."

  Su Yun nodded, and hid in the dark with Hai Bodong.

  Half an hour later, Mu Chen's figure gradually flew from a distance.

  Su Yun in the dark had a sneer on his face.

  He is just fighting for the throne, he can't turn the world upside down!
