

  Chapter 109 The Strange Fire That Never Appeared (First Update!)

  Xiao Yixian struggled slightly, and two lines of tears fell down her cheeks again. Her red eyes were heartbreaking to see.

  "The poisonous body of misfortune is born in misfortune and dies in misfortune.

  Brother, will I kill you one day..."

  Su Yun stroked Xiao Yixian's delicate cheek with his big hand and wiped her tears.

  "Didn't you want me to help you become stronger before?

  This is the reason why I haven't done it for a long time.

  Some time ago, I found a technique that can solve your physical problem."

  Xiao Yixian heard this and thought it was the time when Su Yun went to the Tagore Desert.

  In her heart, which was originally a blank sheet of paper, Su Yun's figure gradually emerged and became deeper and deeper.

  Did you leave for so long just to help me solve my physical problem...

  Su Yun asked Qing Lin to prepare some food, fed her in one gulp, and let her rest on the bed for a while, while Qing Lin took care of her.

  Su Yun walked to the living room and made a pot of tea for herself.

  Hai Bodong on the side couldn't help but speak.

  "Boy, what should we do about that girl's physical condition?"

  Su Yun looked calmly and looked into the distance.

  "It doesn't matter, it's just a body of disaster poison. I have a solution."

  Hearing Su Yun's words, Hai Bodong breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time, his eyebrows couldn't help but jump.

  Which force did this monster come from, and he didn't even take the body of disaster poison seriously.

  He had this question more than once.

  At this time, Luo Qianyun came over.

  "Master Zhang."

  Su Yun nodded.

  "What are your plans for the future?"

  Luo Qianyun shook her head, her calm eyes were full of dead silence, as if she had lost hope for the future.

  Su Yun noticed Luo Qianyun's look, but there was nothing he could do.

  Maybe it will get better after the passage of time.

  At this time, Luo Qianyun's right hand showed fighting spirit, and she tore off the skin on her snow-white arm and took out a piece of bloody thin paper.

  Su Yun was shocked, to be able to tear off his own skin without changing his expression, he must be a ruthless person.

  Su Yun took out a bottle of external healing medicine from the ring and handed it to Luo Qianyun.

  Luo Qianyun took it with her bloody palm and handed the thin paper to Su Yun.

  Su Yun frowned slightly, this is... a map?

  Luo Qianyun did not stop the bleeding for herself.

  "Master Zhang, this map records the whereabouts of a strange fire."

  Su Yun was shocked.

  Strange fire!

  "Tell me more."

  Luo Qianyun was not surprised. She understood the attraction of strange fire to alchemists.

  She didn't know that Su Yun already had the Azure Lotus Earth Core Fire.

  "This map is a heirloom of my clan. It has been in my hands for three hundred years."

  Su Yun was a little surprised. A map of strange fire, a family that has been passed down for three hundred years.

  This Luo family, their ancestors might have been glorious.

  Su Yun waited for Luo Qianyun's next words.

  "My clan was destroyed because of this map.

  When the two clans formed an alliance, the Mu family helped our clan develop, and the price our Luo family had to pay was this strange fire map.

  But after my aunt married into the Mu family, she was subjected to domestic violence and beatings by Mu Chen, and was extremely perfunctory about the so-called help from the Luo family. Grandpa

  kept this map in his hand and didn't hand it over, hoping that the Mu family would show some sincerity.

  But we didn't expect the Mu family to turn against us, threaten us directly, and then start to suppress us.

  In the end, they bribed the royal family, and exterminated the Luo family for the crime of collaborating with the enemy and selling out the country."

  A trace of sadness flashed across Luo Qianyun's face as she said this.   

  Su Yun raised his eyebrows.

  The dirty deeds of the Gama Empire really opened his eyes.

  "I was rescued by a teacher who got the news while I was on the run. The teacher also tried to find the strange fire on this map before he died, but he had no idea at all."

  Su Yun was silent when talking about Luo Qianchen.

  For ordinary people, even if the opportunity comes to their door, they can't grasp it.

  Luo Qianyun thanked Su Yun again and left.

  Su Yun asked someone to bring a basin of clean water and wipe the map clean.

  Although the equipment dropped from the monsters, Su Yun was not very interested.

  He sighed and looked at the map.

  After a half response, Su Yun was full of black lines.

  My goodness, what is this drawing?

  I don't know if it's because he is not familiar with the terrain around the Gama Empire, he can't tell where this drawing is.

  At this time, Hai Bodong also came over.

  Su Yun raised his eyebrows, how could he forget about this person.

  To be honest, Hai Bodong's map drawing skills are not weak.

  When he was sealed, he was able to divide the map left by the Nine-Star Fighting Saint into two halves with his fighting spirit cultivation. I don't know how he did it.

  Su Yun handed the map to Hai Bodong.

  Hai Bodong took the map and felt a little itchy.

  After a while, Hai Bodong stretched out his pale eyebrows, a little proud.

  "Boy, I understand. This place is the Monster Mountain Range."

  "Monster Mountain Range?"

  Su Yun looked puzzled. When he went to the Monster Mountain Range for training before, he bought a map of the Monster Mountain Range.

  This doesn't look like it, does it?

  As if seeing Su Yun's confusion, Hai Bodong explained.

  "You are of course familiar with the topography of the Monster Mountain Range in our Gamar Empire, but what is drawn on this map is not the Monster Mountain Range in our Gamar Empire."

  After hearing Hai Bodong's explanation, Su Yun's eyes flashed with a flash of sudden realization.

  The Monster Mountain Range does not belong to the Gamar Empire, but runs through the entire abdomen of the Gamar Empire and extends outward for an unknown distance.

  "Then, Hai Lao, can you tell which part of the Monster Mountain Range is depicted on this map?"

  "Uh... I need to take another look."

  Hai Bodong's expression was a little stiff.

  Su Yun was a little amused. This old man was quite interesting. Just now, seeing his smug look, I thought he had completely figured it out.

  Hai Bodong was a little indignant.

  "What kind of eyes are you looking at? Judging from the description of this map, even if you have determined the general direction, it would be very difficult to find it.

  I can tell at a glance that this depicts the Monster Mountain Range, which proves that I am very skilled!"


  Su Yun uttered a plain word, too lazy to argue with him.

  He reached out to take the map back.

  Hai Bodong dodged and smiled awkwardly.

  "Hey, don't be so anxious, I'll give it back to you after I make a copy."

  Su Yun rolled his eyes and went back to the room, leaving Hai Bodong alone in the living room, studying the map with great interest.

  That night.

  Su Yun stayed by the bed, looking at the sleeping face of the little doctor, and fell into deep thought.

  As for the strange fire, any news about it must not be missed.

  Hai Bodong has studied the map very deeply.

  Since he said that it is not easy to find even if the general location is determined, I am afraid it will be difficult.

  Su Yun's eyes flashed, and he thought of the glass ball in the hand of Queen Medusa in the Tagore Desert.

  There is only one way for him to sense the location of the strange fire now.

  That is to use the connection between the strange fires to sense each other.

  He was actually a little puzzled, why was the Pure Lotus Demon Saint so idle in his later years and didn't develop a secret method to sense the strange fire?
