

  Chapter 129 Origin of Poisonous Gas (3rd update!)

  Apart from the pharmacist, who else would be so magnanimous?

  Wu Tianlang told his guess to Hu Qian.

  Hu Qian raised his eyebrows.

  "It's not unreasonable to guess this way, but Tianlang.

  Don't you think it's a bit too hasty?"

  Wu Tianlang smiled bitterly.

  "It's indeed a bit hasty, but if he is really a sixth-grade pharmacist, he should be able to refine the Breaking Sect Pill for the teacher and others, right?"

  Hearing this, Hu Qian was silent for a while.

  He naturally understood what Wu Tianlang meant.

  In addition to the two of them, there are two elders in the outer courtyard, who are also peak Douhuang masters.

  But they are in the same predicament as Jia Xingtian. If they don't make a breakthrough within ten years, I'm afraid the deadline will come!

  And one of them is Wu Tianlang's teacher.

  Hu Qian touched his gray beard.

  "I understand your concerns, but there is no evidence for this guess."

  After the two discussed for a while without any results, Hu Qian's brows wrinkled into a river shape.

  "How about this, I will send someone to the Gama Empire to check.

  Tianlang, you'd better be mentally prepared.

  It is not an exaggeration to say that sixth-grade pharmacists are rare in our northwest continent.

  Old man Huo has been stuck in this realm for who knows how many years.

  He is so young, it is unlikely that he is a sixth-grade pharmacist, even if he is from a big force."

  Wu Tianlang sighed, and realized that he was taking it for granted.

  After Wu Tianlang left, Hu Qian picked up Su Yun's information.

  "Gama Empire..."

  It can only be said that Su Yun has been too smooth recently and is still not cautious enough.

  An ice-type fighting emperor, a sixth-grade alchemist, and he came from the Gama Empire. After such an investigation,

  his identity was exposed, which was already a foregone conclusion.

  But from another perspective, this was also Su Yun's bad luck. God knows that Wu Tianlang had a wild imagination based on these clues and guessed that Su Yun was a sixth-grade alchemist. He

  also caught up with the two elders of Canaan Academy who were in urgent need of a breakthrough. This made Hu Qian determined to send people to the distant Gama Empire to carefully check Su Yun's background.

  A month later, Su Yun and Xiao Yixian came to Heping Town again.

  Looking at Hai Bodong, whose breath was shrinking, Su Yun had a headache.

  This guy must be going to play the peak game again.

  "Tell me, what happened this time? Why did you fight with someone again?"

  As he said that, he took out a bottle of recovery pills from the system space and handed it to Haibodong.

  Haibodong was embarrassed. After taking the jade bottle, he took out a pill and swallowed it.

  Qinglin was held in the arms of the little medical fairy, looking at Haibodong with some worry.

  Since Bie Suyun brought her out of the Tagore Desert, she has been taken care of by Haibodong for most of the time.

  Naturally, they have a good relationship.

  Haibodong's face was a little angry.

  "Didn't I attend the auction held by the Eight Gates yesterday?

  A sixth-tier ice-attribute weapon appeared there, which caught my eye and I wanted to bid for it.

  But that damn Fan Lao maliciously bid for it and raised the price because of a conflict with the power we had built up before.

  I followed his wishes and let him bid for the weapon, but after the auction, he wanted to rob me.

  It seemed like this guy had anticipated this and colluded with Yuan Yi from the Eight Gates, Kuisha from the Kuilang Gang, and Mo Ya from the Black Emperor Sect to ambush me.

  I didn't check for a while, so I got hurt."

  Su Yun frowned when he heard this. These people were all well-known people in the original novel, so he naturally knew their backgrounds.

  These people have been rooted in the Black Horn Region for a long time. This time they joined forces, most likely with the intention of driving Hai Bodong out of the Black Horn Region.

  This loss can only be taken as a lesson for the time being.

  After all, now he only has Hai Bodong, a Douhuang strongman.

  However, it is impossible to let it go like this!

  These people must be settled one by one in the future!

  "Keep a low profile for a while, and you can also attract some forces that are not in opposition to these forces and join forces together."

  Hai Bodong nodded, and it was the only way.   

  The most important thing for him now is to gain a firm foothold in the Black Horn Region.

  "In addition, learn the Ice and Frost Body Skills as soon as possible. Even if you have just learned the basics of the low-level body skills, it can greatly increase your speed.

  Next time you face the siege of four fighting emperors, you can also retreat unscathed." Hai Bodong's

  pale face trembled when he heard

  this. "It's easy for you to say, kid.

  Not everyone wants you to master fighting skills so quickly."

  Su Yun smiled. This guy was talking about the time when he asked him about Xuanbing Longxiang.

  He had given Hai Bodong some face at that time, pretending that it took him an hour to practice Xuanbing Longxiang to perfection.

  But Hai Bodong's eyes almost popped out.

  Su Yun left some healing medicine for Hai Bodong, and then took Xiao Yixian away.

  Another month passed, and there were only three days left before the inner court selection.

  Su Yun looked at Xiao Yixian sitting cross-legged to refine the power of the poison, and he was already a little numb.

  After a while, the aura of Xiao Yixian became much stronger.

  Two-star master!

  In just two months, Xiao Yixian broke through from a seven-star master to a two-star master!

  During this time, because "Burning Cold Art" evolved into a low-level earth-level technique, he also went through the alien fire body training, and his qualifications were further improved.

  Even if he needed to take care of his foundation.

  His cultivation level was still improved by one star, becoming a seven-star fighting spirit.

  But compared with Xiao Yixian, he was still more than a step behind.

  It has been such a long time that he has forgotten that he is still a genius.


  Su Yun carefully felt the aura around Little Medical Fairy and felt that something was unusual.

  It is indeed the realm of a two-star great fighter, but why is the aura so strong.

  Could it be...

  Su Yun vaguely guessed a possibility.

  After Little Medical Fairy successfully broke through, she slowly opened her eyes, exited the state of cultivation, and felt a little happy about the changes in herself.


  Little Medical Fairy opened her jade arms.

  Su Yun immediately hugged her in his arms.

  "Brother, Xian'er has good news to tell you."

  "Your skills have evolved?"

  Hearing this, a trace of surprise flashed in Little Medical Fairy's eyes.

  "How did you know, brother?"

  "The aura on your body.

  Generally speaking, for the same level of cultivation, the higher the level of the technique, the stronger and richer the aura on your body will be.

  The difference between the Xuan-level technique and the Di-level technique is still very obvious."

  Su Yun scratched the nose of the little medical fairy and explained.

  The little medical fairy nodded as if she understood.

  A trace of confusion flashed across Su Yun's face.

  "Speaking of which, Xian'er, how did your technique evolve so quickly?"

  At this point, Su Yun was a little puzzled. Do those poisons have so much energy?

  It's not that easy for the Xuan-level technique to evolve to the Di-level technique, right?

  A trace of pride flashed across the face of the little medical fairy.

  "Hehe, brother, you don't understand this, right? It's the source of poisonous gas of the evil poison body.

  As my cultivation level improves, the source of poisonous gas of the evil poison body will also increase. When I swallow the poison, my skills will also absorb some of the source of poisonous gas.

  Although the source of poisonous gas is small in quantity, the quality is very high, which is why the skills evolve so quickly."