

  Chapter 138 Victory (3rd update!)

  The Little Medical Fairy released her hand from Su Yun and stepped aside.

  Two fighting spirits, plus eight high-level great fighters, with such a lineup, even the elder brother would have to go all out.

  The atmosphere on the field was tense, and the autumn wind blew, and the fallen leaves rustled.

  After the two sides were deadlocked for a while, the two leading fighting spirits looked at each other and shouted at the same time.


  Immediately, the ten people immediately showed ferocious eyes, and the aura on their bodies gathered together to press towards Su Yun, bursting out with majestic fighting spirit, and put on one fighting spirit armor after another.

  Fighting spirit turns into armor! The

  fighting spirit of the eight people surged, and they all displayed the strongest fighting skills they had mastered to kill Su Yun.

  Those who can enter the inner courtyard are more or less capable. The fighting skills displayed by the eight people are all at the Xuan level, and each of them is very skilled.

  With such an attack, when they are gathered together to attack, even the top fighting spirit masters have to temporarily avoid the sharp edge.

  And those who are selected to attack the Little Medical Immortal have mastered a Xuan level of body fighting skills. Their speed is outstanding among the great fighters, and they rushed towards the Little Medical Immortal.

  Su Yun narrowed his eyes, noticed the other party's intention, and a hint of coldness flashed across his face.

  The tactics are indeed good, but in the face of absolute strength, they are of no use!

  Can Yang appeared in his hand, and the fire attribute fighting spirit was madly infused into it, and a hot sword light instantly appeared on the sword.

  Su Yun's face flashed a trace of solemnity. After carefully calculating how much strength he should exert so as not to kill them, the fighting spirit in his body suddenly burst out, and he swung Canyang and slashed out a sword!

  Blazing Flame!

  A huge fiery red sword energy appeared in the air, with a scorching temperature, colliding with the joint attack of the eight people.

  After swinging the sword energy, Su Yun waved his sleeves, and his left hand shot out two fiery red fighting spirit lines, killing the two students who tried to attack the Little Medical Immortal.

  The fiery red sword energy wielded by Su Yun collided with the attacks of the eight people, and a violent explosion sounded on the field. The aftermath spread to the surroundings. The slightly weakened sword energy rushed out of the explosion and flew rapidly towards the eight people.

  The eight people's faces immediately changed drastically, but the speed was too fast. It might take some words to describe it, but in a real stand-up fight, everything happened in a flash. The

  fiery red sword energy killed the eight people, and another explosion sounded. The smoke dissipated, and the eight people fell to the ground in unison, in great pain.

  The fighting energy armor covering their bodies had also disappeared.

  The other two great fighters who attempted to attack the Little Doctor were also knocked back by the fiery red fighting energy.

  With just one move, he was able to dissolve the joint attack of eight people, and even repel two great fighters.

  To achieve this, in addition to extremely strong strength, rich experience and meticulous control are indispensable.

  Su Yun glanced slightly in the direction of the two great fighters, swung his long sword again, and after casually cutting out two sword qi, he walked towards the eight people who were paralyzed on the ground, snatched their fire crystal cards one by one, and swept all the fire energy over.

  At this time, Xiao Yixian had also taken the fire crystal cards of the other two old students, and as for these two students, they had already fainted.

  So far, all the fire energy of the old students has been harvested by Su Yun.

  Looking at the more than 2,000 ignition energies displayed on the red crystal card, a smile flashed across Su Yun's face.

  Then he took the little medical fairy and left this place.

  There was no fierce battle, and they pushed forward all the way. Even if the so-called black and white Guansha joined forces, they could not stop Su Yun's pace.

  After a while, the two came to the finish line, and the two elders were already waiting here.

  The two looked at Su Yun with some shock in their eyes. The scene of Su Yun fighting with the black and white Guansha was seen in secret.

  With such strength, I am afraid that after entering the inner courtyard, he will be able to get a high ranking on the strong list immediately.

  Elder Su touched his gray beard, his face full of admiration.

  "You are a real hero in your youth. You are the first freshman to defeat all the seniors and win the Fire Energy Hunting Competition since Canaan Academy was founded."

  Su Yun smiled.

  "Elder, you are over-honoring me. It's just a small achievement, not worth mentioning."

  Hearing this, Elder Su's mouth twitched slightly.

  A word called Versailles flashed through his mind.   

  Strange, what is this thing? How did something unknown suddenly appear?

  Elder Su coughed lightly and continued.

  "As the winners of this fire energy hunting competition, you two can obtain thirty days of fire energy and a blue fire crystal card."

  Perhaps worried that the two did not understand what a blue fire crystal card was, Elder Su continued.

  "There are five colors of fire crystal cards from low to high. They

  are divided into black, blue, cyan, red, and purple..."

  Su Yun listened carefully, and the little doctor also pricked up his ears.

  There were some parts that were too detailed, but he didn't know them. After all, few people read online articles word by word, and he also skipped some chapters at that time.

  With Elder Su's explanation, the two gradually understood the role of the blue fire crystal card.

  The black fire crystal card can be cultivated to the first and second levels.

  Blue Fire Crystal Cards can be used to cultivate on the third and fourth floors.

  Green Fire Crystal Cards can be used to cultivate on the fifth and sixth floors.

  As for the rest, Elder Su did not elaborate.

  Su Yun also understood a thing or two about this. After all, even the top ten cultivation places in the inner courtyard were only on the sixth floor.

  Further down, it should be the cultivation places of the elders of the inner courtyard.

  If you want to exchange a Black Fire Crystal Card for a Blue Fire Crystal Card, you need to pay a full 100 Sky Fire Energy.

  And if you exchange a Blue Fire Crystal Card for a Green Fire Crystal Card, it will be even more expensive, directly doubling the price to 200 Sky Fire Energy.

  In other words, this reward directly helped Su Yun save 300 Sky Fire Energy.

  After Su Yun understood the value of this Green Fire Crystal Card, a look of satisfaction appeared on his face.

  The higher the number of floors of the Heavenly Burning Refining Qi Tower, the more fire energy it consumes. It is better to save this thing if possible.

  After getting the Green Fire Crystal Card, the two followed Elder Su to the inner courtyard.

  The other elder stayed where he was, waiting for other freshmen.

  Elder Su led the way in front, while Su Yun and Little Medical Fairy followed behind.

  Halfway through, Su Yun suddenly stepped forward, a jade bottle appeared in his hand, and whispered in Elder Su's ear.

  "Elder, this is a small gift, not a respect."

  After saying that, he stuffed the jade bottle into Elder Su's hand.

  Elder Su raised his eyebrows.

  In addition to Su Yun's extraordinary talent, is he so smooth in dealing with people?

  It is possible that in his family, he is also being cultivated as a successor, not just a thug or a guardian.

  Elder Su glanced at the contents of the jade bottle.

  Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes.

  He is not like Wu Tianlang.

  As an elder of the inner courtyard, it is common for him to receive gifts from students.

  Canaan Academy does not prohibit such things.