

Qi Refining Tower (First Update!)

  Chapter 145: Heavenly Burning Qi Refining Tower (First Update!)

  Su Yun sighed and decided to take things one step at a time.

  He was not a good person, but he would remember the kindness others had shown him.

  He would never repay kindness with enmity.

  But it was impossible for him to give up the Meteoric Heart Flame.

  This was easy to handle, after all, there were two Meteoric Heart Flames under the Heavenly Burning Qi Refining Tower.

  As for the things in the library, I'm afraid I'll have to think about it in the long run.

  He shook his head and put these things aside for the time being.

  Now that everything was ready, it was time for him to enter the Heavenly Burning Qi Refining Tower to practice.

  Outside, a group of elders spread their fighting wings and flew to Su Qian's side.

  "Great Elder."

  One of the leading elders greeted Su Qian.

  Su Qian nodded and said.

  "Everyone, go away. That person has left."

  Su Qian asked the elders to go back to their respective duties, leaving only three elders with gray hair and seniority to discuss matters.

  "After you go back, have people strengthen the patrols of the inner courtyard border, and also go to the barrier in person to reinforce it.

  I don't know what happened to Zhang Ritian, but he passed through the barrier and came in.

  Fortunately, I discovered the abnormality of the barrier in time, otherwise this time Su Yun, that kid, would be in danger."

  From Zhang Ritian's words, it is not difficult to conclude that Zhang Ritian has not entered this inner courtyard for the first time.

  The three gray-haired elders nodded.

  When they left, Su Qian glanced at the small attic below and left here.

  After returning to his office, two elders from the outer courtyard came here in a short while.

  "You are here."

  Su Qian greeted the two.

  Just now, in order to deal with Zhang Ritian, he also secretly sent a message and called these two from the outer courtyard.

  The two elders took their seats.

  "Is the matter resolved?"


  Su Qian told the two about the process of the matter.

  The elder in the gold robe frowned.

  "The father and son are both of the same character, neither of them is a good thing."

  The elder in the gray robe also nodded seriously.

  Zhang Ritian was rude and unreasonable, and Zhang Wei was also of low character.

  A few years ago, when this person was still in the outer courtyard, he would secretly harm others when fighting with others. In the end, he was discovered by the academy and was originally going to be expelled.

  Only after Zhang Ritian stepped forward, paid a price to reconcile with several students, and then made a promise to the academy, the matter was dropped.

  Of course, a person with such a criminal record, although he was not expelled, his future words and deeds would be secretly monitored by the elders.

  To prevent him from harming people again.

  A few people chatted for a while, and Su Qian asked.

  "Are you... sure now?"

  Such confusing words, but the two knew what Su Qian was talking about.

  Bitter smiles appeared on the wrinkled faces.

  The two of them were in the same grade as Su Qian, and they were both students in the inner courtyard.

  How could Su Qian not know the situation of the two people.

  What he asked was naturally the confidence of breaking through the solid bottleneck and becoming a fighting sect.

  Seeing their expressions, Su Qian also understood their situation and comforted them.

  "Don't worry, how about I help you ask Su Yun directly?

  Then you don't have to wait for someone to come back from the Gama Empire."

  He had also heard about Wu Tianlang's guess that Su Yun was a sixth-grade pharmacist.

  The two shook their heads and told Su Qian about Elder Huo's analysis of Su Yun at the inner courtyard selection not long ago.   

  After hearing this, Su Qian also smiled bitterly.

  Without the help of the strange fire, only the cultivation level of the Fighting King can refine the sixth-grade elixir, is that so?

  The next day.

  Su Yun found Elder Su again and asked him to take good care of the little medical fairy.

  With Elder Su's full promise, Su Yun came to the Tianfen Refining Qi Tower with peace of mind.

  A black tower buried deep underground came into view.

  Su Yun licked his dry tongue.

  He could clearly feel that the fire attribute in the black tower was quite strong, and the hot breath came out of it continuously.

  Su Yun came to the front door and carefully observed the material of the black tower.

  It was a metal material with an ice attribute.

  Su Yun's eyes immediately narrowed into a slit.

  To put it bluntly, this Sky Burning Qi Tower is actually an auxiliary thing built by the inner courtyard of Canaan Academy to seal the Falling Heart Flame. When

  Su Yun stepped into it, a heart fire appeared in Su Yun's heart.

  The first time entering this Sky Burning Qi Tower, it is inevitable that this heart fire will stop you.

  If there is no way to resolve it, you will even be burned to ash by this heart fire.

  And if you don't know how to resolve it, the better the talent, the longer you can persist.

  Of course, Su Yun didn't worry about this. When he went to find Elder Su before, he asked about the things he needed to pay attention to when entering the Sky Burning Qi Tower.

  Elder Su has already told Su Yun about this situation and explained how to resolve it.

  A minute later, Su Yun had consumed all the Heart Fire, and the fighting spirit in his body was also condensed a little due to the tempering of the Heart Fire.

  After that, Su Yun went down all the way and came to the sixth tower.

  Looking at those training rooms, Su Yun found the training room specially for the second place on the Strong List. He entered it, sat cross-legged, and felt the rich energy in it. Su Yun's eyes flashed with a trace of heat.

  Recently, he has been practicing step by step.

  Since refining the Green Lotus Heart Fire, for such a long time, he has only improved his cultivation by two stars. There has never been a trend of sudden increase in cultivation.

  And that slow growth will come to an end as of today.

  Su Yun looked at the Green Fire Energy Card in his hand, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

  The fire energy consumed on each level of the Tianfen Refining Qi Tower is different.

  The first level, one point of fire energy per day.

  The second level, two points of fire energy per day.

  The third level, three points of fire energy per day.

  And so on.

  But the fire energy consumption in this sixth level is different.

  After all, there are special training rooms, and the effects of each training room are different.

  For example, Zi Yan's No. 1 training room is two or three times faster than the No. 9 training room.

  There is also a gap between his No. 2 training room and No. 1.

  If possible, he naturally wants to enter it to practice, but... after all, he can't beat it, so forget it.

  Training room No. 30 to No. 21 consumes ten points of fire energy per day.

  Training Room No. 20 to No. 11, the daily fire energy is 20 points. The

  first ten training rooms are different.

  Training Room No. 10, 21 points of fire energy per day.

  Training Room No. 9, 22 points of fire energy per day.

  And so on, his training room No. 2, 29 points of fire energy per day.

  (Tu Dou didn't introduce it in detail, only said that training room No. 1 is 30 points per day, there is no way but to make it up, forgive me.)

  Su Yun looked at the more than 2,000 points of fire energy in his hand and raised his eyebrows.

  Haha, this seems to be enough for more than two months of training.

  However, every month, the academy will give fire energy to students on the strong list, so they can practice for a longer period of time.

  Su Yun inserted the Green Fire Crystal Card in his hand into the special groove.