

  Chapter 151 Everyone is growing up (first update!)

  The flame given to Hai Bodong now is different from the Origin Heart Flame.

  It is more similar to the Falling Heart Flame sub-fire that Xiao Yan gave to Xiao Li.

  Of course, he definitely did not get the body of the Falling Heart Flame.

  The origin of this flame cannot be explained without mentioning the fourth system function derived after Su Yun's system was updated.


  This function was used by Su Yun for the first time!

  Using the insignificant Origin Fire that was floating at the bottom of the Sky Burning Refining Tower as a sample.

  Then, through the system's replacement function, a sixth-order magic core was spent to get this thing out.

  Su Yun said to Hai Bodong at this time.

  "The flame in your body can only last for about a year."

  "Only one year, so short."

  Hai Bodong was a little greedy.

  "It's already good. If you need to extend the time,

  the temperature and energy contained in the flame will increase. With my current peak fighting spirit cultivation, I may not be able to penetrate your body without injury. If there are more, be careful that your life will be in danger."

  Su Yun explained to Hai Bodong.

  This is not a lie. After all, he has not yet refined the Meteoric Heart Flame. It is not a truly special fire that belongs to him. If he controls it forcefully, the amount cannot be too large.

  Hai Bodong nodded to show his understanding.

  One year is not a short time.

  The pill just given to him can also increase his cultivation speed by 20% to 30%.

  With the flame in his body, his training speed in one year can reach the speed of Kun Kun's entire trainee period.

  In addition to the accumulation of the previous few months, he has been fighting with the powerful Douhuang in the Black Horn Region during this period.

  The Dou Qi in his body has become much more condensed in the battle. I am afraid that after a period of time, he will be able to polish the Dou Qi to perfection and reach the peak realm of the Nine-Star Douhuang.

  At that level, he is probably not far from the Dou Zong.

  "By the way, what is Han Feng's recent movement?"

  Su Yun asked Hai Bodong.

  Hai Bodong heard it and replied.

  "Since I beat that Dou Huang seriously, I have become famous. Han Feng has also tried to persuade me.

  Hey, you know what, this guy is quite generous. He gave me a fifth-grade pill as soon as we met.

  He has a deep relationship with many Dou Huang masters in the Black Horn Region, and his medicine-making skills are probably not inferior to yours."

  Su Yun smiled when he heard this.

  He did not refute it.

  Now his cultivation is not enough, and he cannot make seventh-grade pills. He is indeed the same as Han Feng.

  "Is he making any big moves?"

  "No, he stays in his Maple City all day, and I don't know what he is thinking about."

  Hearing this, Su Yun knew what was going on.

  He should be waiting for the opportunity.

  Since the academy had asked Han Feng to refine the Po Zong Dan, he probably knew something about the situation of the two elders in the academy.

  The original timeline was indeed unfortunate.

  The two were either in seclusion or dead. Only

  Hu Qian came from the outer courtyard with a group of elders to help.

  As for Wu Tianlang and the law enforcement team, they were unable to spare because they had to take over the safety of the students in the outer courtyard and prevent other strong men from the Black Horn Region from taking advantage of the opportunity to cause trouble.

  Su Yun licked his lips.

  The Meteoric Heart Flame is not easy to get now, but the Sea Heart Flame is much easier.

  Of course, we have to plan for the long term.

  Han Feng has a close relationship with the Soul Palace.

  It would be bad if we were not careful and attracted the attention of the Soul Palace.

  Su Yun seemed to have remembered something and said to Hai Bodong.

  "By the way, Hai Lao, I got the news that Jia Xingtian failed to break through."

  This news was told to him by Su Qian before.

  Hai Bodong raised his eyebrows when he heard it.

  "Failed to break through?

  That old monster would not fail to break through, and his star level would drop, and his lifespan would also decrease. Is he dead?"   

  Su Yun shook his head.

  "No, how is that possible?

  With the Po Zong Dan, even if he fails to break through, he can stabilize his realm and should have a few more years to live."

  This is also the value of the Po Zong Dan, and the reason why the two elders begged for the Po Zong Dan.

  Once you fail to break through the realm, there is a risk of falling in realm.

  For the Dou Emperor who is about to die, once you fail to break through, your realm will fall, and your death will come.

  Yunshan is like this, but at the last moment, he made a deal with the Soul Palace, and with the help of the Soul Palace, he succeeded in breaking through.

  But this is not without a price. Even if Yunshan becomes a Dou Zong, he is no different from a lackey of the Soul Palace.

  "Hehe, that's great, I'll find him to practice with you later."

  Su Yun heard this, and the corner of his mouth twitched. He was also a little accustomed to Hai Bodong's unreliability.

  Where did the aloof old man in the original novel go?

  The exchange with Hai Bodong ends here.

  Su Yun looked at Qing Lin who was standing beside him.

  "Qing Lin, that kind of flame is also very good for you. Young Master will plant one for you."

  He naturally prepared this good thing for Qing Lin. Of course, the one for Qing Lin was only the amount of a first-level magic core.

  After all, the little girl's cultivation was still very low.

  Qing Lin blushed and nodded timidly.

  "Okay, Young Master."

  Then Su Yun, who was confused, was pulled into the room by Qing Lin.

  After Qing Lin closed and locked the door, he began to undress.

  Su Yun touched his nose and understood what was going on.

  The way the flame was injected into the body, the clothes on the chest would definitely be burned to ashes...

  Qinglin's face was full of shyness, and her two smooth arms were crossed and folded on her shoulders, covering her softness.

  Her little head drooped down, and she didn't dare to look at Su Yun

  at all. Compared with the little medical fairy, Qinglin was much more shy.

  Su Yun had a gentle smile on his face, holding Qinglin's chin, lifting up the little head that was faintly steaming, and stretched out his fingers to scratch the delicate and small nose.

  Then he put his two big hands on Qinglin's shoulders and said softly.

  "The young master is coming."

  Hearing this, Qinglin barely suppressed the shyness in her heart and slowly put down her jade arms.

  Then, Su Yun raised his eyebrows.

  Everyone is growing up...

  After a while, Su Yun and Qing Lin, whose face was red, came out.

  Xiao Yixian stepped forward and held Qing Lin in her arms.

  "The young master is very bad, especially bad, Qing Lin, do you think so?"

  "Yes, the young master is very bad."

  Su Yun: "..."

  It took Su Yun and Xiao Yixian half a day to get here, and after some conversation.

  Now it is almost dark.

  The two plan to go back early tomorrow morning.

  Although this house is not big, there are still extra rooms.

  It is night.

  Xiao Yixian draws circles in Su Yun's arms.

  Su Yun's hands are on her willow waist, gently rubbing her smooth belly.

  After a while, Xiao Yixian's jade hands are around Su Yun's neck.

  "Kiss me."

  Su Yun heard this and immediately leaned over and kissed the delicate and warm red lips.

  After a while, the little doctor fairy curled up in Su Yun's arms.

  The two began to talk to each other, ambiguous and considerate love words.

  As time passed, the little doctor fairy fell asleep in Su Yun's arms.