

  Chapter 155 Pills (Second update!)

  The Little Medical Fairy was watching this scene from the side, holding her cheek with her left hand, her red lips slightly opened, but she didn't say anything in the end.

  Su Yun had a frown on his face, and he quickly pushed Zi Yan away.

  "Come on, cross your knees and refine the power of the medicine."

  Upon hearing this, Zi Yan quickly sat cross-legged and closed her eyes.

  Su Yun came to the side of the Little Medical Fairy.

  The Little Medical Fairy raised Su Yun's hand in front of her with her two slender hands, and then wiped the saliva on her index finger with a handkerchief, opened her cherry lips slightly, and took it into her mouth without caring that Su Qian was right beside her.

  The flexible little tongue wrapped around the index finger, around and around.

  Su Qian on the side had already turned his head away, coughed lightly, and looked at the scenery in the distance.

  Su Yun's big hand gently stroked the little medical fairy's fragrant cheek, feeling the wonderful touch of the smooth skin.

  After a half-response, the little medical fairy's cherry lips spit out Su Yun's index finger, and a stream of saliva hung, connecting the cherry lips and index finger.

  The little medical fairy wiped the saliva clean, held Su Yun's fingers together, and stayed quietly beside Su Yun.

  Su Yun turned his head to look at the little medical fairy's calm and pretty face, feeling a little distressed.

  The three waited for a while, and Zi Yan finally completely digested the power of the medicine, and a strong breath rose in her body.

  Zi Yan opened her eyes that sparkled like gems, and she was completely rejuvenated. She jumped to Su Yun's side.

  "From now on, I will protect you in the inner courtyard. If you have any problems, just come to me!"

  Su Yun smiled and looked at Zi Yan in front of him.

  Zi Yan clenched her fists and made a gesture of "I am very strong.

  " "I am very powerful!"

  Su Qian appeared behind Zi Yan at this time, grabbed Zi Yan's fateful neck with his right hand, and threw her away with a wave of his sleeves.

  He was not worried about Zi Yan's safety.

  This child's physical strength is high, and she will not die from the fall.

  And she has become a king, who doesn't have wings?

  He smiled at Su Yun.

  "This time, I'll use the Origin Heart Flame as a reward. I think you should know what it is."

  Su Yun nodded, but refused.

  "Thank you, Great Elder, but I want to change the reward."

  Su Qian was stunned when he heard this, but he didn't force it.

  "Okay, what reward do you want?"

  "I want to enter the sixth level and below for cultivation, and I hope that when I enter the level to cultivate, I don't need fire energy."

  Su Qian touched his gray beard with his palm like a dead tree.

  "Have you thought about it?

  The No. 2 training room on the sixth floor should be just right for you to practice.

  If you don't have the Fighting King cultivation, it's best not to go to the seventh floor and the lower floors of the Tianfen Refining Qi Tower.

  The Origin Heart Flame can pave the way for you to be promoted to Fighting King.

  After you are promoted, I will directly let you become an elder of the inner courtyard, and you can also go down to practice."

  The Strong Ranking Competition is held every five years.

  The most recent one was held just one month before Su Yun entered Canaan Academy. The

  next one will be held in four years, which is why Su Qian proposed to use the Origin Heart Flame as a reward this time.

  Zhang Wei was able to be promoted to Fighting King before, and this was also the reason.

  Otherwise, how could he be promoted to Fighting King by just a beating?

  It's not that easy.

  Su Yun still smiled and refused.

  "No, thank you for your kindness, Great Elder.

  As for my promotion to Fighting King, the family has already made arrangements for me.

  As for becoming an elder... well, I don't have such plans."

  Although he could also use the replacement function of the system to condense the heart fire in his body for cultivation.

  However, there is magma under the Tianfen Refining Qi Tower, and the fire attribute energy is extremely rich, which can also play a significant auxiliary role in his cultivation.

  Moreover, becoming an elder will inevitably involve some tasks, which may easily delay some of his cultivation time, which is not what he wants.

  Su Qian understood and nodded.

  "Okay, as you say."

  Su Yun did not plan to stay here afterwards, and after leaving, he said to the Little Medical Fairy.

  "Xian'er, you go back first. I still have things to do."

  Upon hearing this, the little medical fairy looked at Su Yun quietly, tidied up his shirt that was stripped by Zi Yan, and said softly.   

  "Come back early, I'll wait for you at home."

  Then he stood on tiptoe and gently touched Su Yun's face.

  The girl's delicate skin was as white and tender as a peeled egg. Su Yun couldn't help but pinch it gently.


  After the little medical fairy left, Su Yun rushed to the direction of Zi Yan in his perception.

  After a while, Zi Yan was squatting on the side of the road, holding a precious medicinal material in each hand, and stuffing it into her mouth inhumanely. A

  crisp biting sound rang out.

  She muttered while eating.

  "It tastes so bad..."

  Su Yun's eyebrows jumped when he saw this scene.

  If Zi Yan's behavior was in the Alchemist Guild, she would probably be besieged by those angry alchemists.

  Su Yun stepped forward and snatched the precious herbs from Zi Yan's hand.

  Zi Yan immediately showed dissatisfaction, and turned to look at Su Yun with some annoyance. She

  was stunned to find that it was the person who had refined the elixir for her before, but still said.

  "Hey, don't think that you can snatch my herbs just because you helped me!"

  Su Yun heard this, with a smile on his face, and squatted down and said without arguing with Zi Yan.

  "Do you think these herbs are delicious?"

  "They taste terrible, very terrible!"

  Zi Yan heard this, and said with a bitter face.

  "Then how about I help you make them delicious?"

  Zi Yan heard this, and a flash of surprise flashed across her face, and then a flash of hesitation flashed across her face.

  "If they taste good, will the medicinal power they contain still be there?"

  Su Yun smiled.

  "Of course it's still there."

  Zi Yan smiled happily.

  "Okay, okay, change it quickly!" She

  was hooked.

  Su Yun took out the medicine cauldron on the spot, and a green flame appeared in his right hand.

  Immediately, Su Yun put the herbs into the medicine cauldron and began to refine them with the Green Lotus Heart Fire.

  The herbs that Zi Yan liked were all very precious and needed some time to refine.

  During the refining process, Su Yun also used his soul power to cover himself and Zi Yan to prevent them from being seen by passing students.

  The fewer people who knew that he was a pharmacist, the better.

  After a while, a bottle of pills appeared in Su Yun's hand.

  Su Yun put away the medicine cauldron and the Green Lotus Heart Fire and handed the jade bottle to Zi Yan.

  These simple pills only have pure energy, which is very different from real elixirs and do not have those magical effects.

  It only needs two processes of refining and concentrating to be done, which is much easier than refining medicine.

  Zi Yan took the jade bottle, opened it immediately, poured out a pill, and stuffed it into her mouth.

  "Hmm! Delicious!"

  Zi Yan looked at Su Yun, and stars flashed in her gem-like eyes.

  That's great, I don't have to eat those unpalatable medicinal materials in the future!

  "Will you refine pills for me in the future?"

  Zi Yan stared at Su Yun closely, fearing that he would not agree.


  Su Yun shook his head.

  "Ah, why!

  I'm very powerful. If anyone bullies you in the future, tell me and I'll help you vent your anger!"

  Zi Yan waved her little fists, her soft little hands were powerful, and there were wind-breaking sounds and whistling sounds.

  "No, I'm also the second on the strong list. Except for you, no student in the inner courtyard can bully me."

  "Then what do you want to help me make pills? I'll agree to anything you say!"