

  Chapter 160 Breakthrough, Fighting King! (First update!)

  With the continuous surge of fire attribute energy, the aura in the training room gradually strengthened.

  The elder guarding the tower had a flash of admiration in his heart.

  With such fluctuations, promotion to Fighting King is basically a sure thing.

  As a tower keeper, he naturally knows who is training here.

  It has been only half a year since he entered the inner courtyard, and he has broken through from the Seven-Star Fighting Spirit to the Fighting King level.

  And he is so young, only fifteen years old.

  Fifteen-year-old Fighting King!

  This Su Yun has refreshed the record of Canaan Academy countless times.

  A student from the outer courtyard at the level of fighting spirit, the first student to win the fire energy hunting competition...

  Tsk tsk, with such talent, there is no one in the young generation of the Northwest Continent who can compare with him.

  Even in Zhongzhou, where there are many geniuses, there should be a place for him.

  Three more days passed, and Su Qian and the two elders from the outer courtyard were waiting here.

  "The academy has really picked up a treasure this time.

  A fifteen-year-old fighting king, this record, I don't know how many years it will take to break."

  A smile flashed across Su Qian's face.

  "This aura should be coming soon."

  The gray-robed elder narrowed his eyes and said after careful perception.

  Just as the gray-robed elder finished speaking.

  The aura in the training room surged again, reaching another level!

  Fighting King!

  In the training room, the wooden basin had been broken by Su Yun's breath, and water stains were everywhere.

  Su Yun slowly opened his eyes, and a gleam of brilliance flashed in his pupils.

  Su Yun stood up and stretched his waist, and his muscles and bones made a slight sound. He took out a set of clothes from the system space, put them on, and then pulled out the purple fire crystal card.

  Su Yun carefully felt the changes in his body.

  The fighting spirit in his body, an unprecedented sense of fullness emerged. Su Yun couldn't help but mobilize the fighting spirit. With a slight wave of his sleeves, the fighting spirit attracted the energy of heaven and earth, and a strong wave emerged.

  Then, Su Yun once again circulated the fighting spirit in his body and extended it to his back.


  A pair of blue flame wings appeared from behind, quite stunning and gorgeous.

  The standard of the Dou Wang level, Dou Qi turned into wings!

  Su Yun smiled slightly in his heart, put away the Dou Qi wings, and stretched out his right hand again, and the Qinglian Heart Fire appeared in the palm of his hand.

  The hot and terrifying temperature appeared in the air, and the space was slightly distorted.

  With the improvement of Su Yun's cultivation, his fire control ability was further enhanced, and the power of the Qinglian Heart Fire in his body could be further exerted.

  Su Yun put away the Qinglian Heart Fire, and just wanted to go out, looking at the wood chips and water stains all over the floor of the training room, his face was slightly startled.

  A bitter smile flashed across his face.

  Even in another world, you still have to pay attention to hygiene.

  Don't throw garbage randomly, and take good care of public facilities.

  After cleaning up everything, Su Yun walked out of the training room.

  Seeing the three old men, he bowed and smiled.

  "Grand Elder, two elders."

  The three of them were full of amazement.

  "You are the best student in the history of the inner courtyard."

  Su Qian praised with a smile.

  "Thank you for the compliment, Grand Elder."

  A hint of smile flashed across Su Yun's face, and it was rare that he didn't show humility.

  He was also a little excited after breaking through the Fighting King level.

  The few people chatted for a few more sentences, and then Su Yun took the initiative to speak.

  "Now that I have the cultivation level of a Fighting King, I am more confident in refining the Sect Breaking Pill. It

  is better to do it today than to wait for a day.

  Please ask the Great Elder to prepare the venue for me. Today I will refine the Sect Breaking Pill for you two elders."

  As he spoke, Su Yun turned his gaze towards the two elders.   

  It's not easy for these two old men to be able to endure until now. Haha, it's not easy.

  The two elders were overjoyed when they heard this, and their faces flashed with excitement. They waited for so long, wasn't it just for this sentence!

  Su Qian also knew that the two had been waiting for a long time, so he didn't waste words.


  Then he took the three of them to a special place.

  This is located in the center of the inner courtyard. There is a stone staircase platform, which was built by Mang Tianchi when he was practicing for himself.

  This place has been carefully designed, and the energy of heaven and earth nearby is rich, which is very helpful for practice.

  "Let's stay here. This area is already prohibited from entering and leaving.

  The three of us will personally protect you and will never let anyone disturb you."

  Su Qian said to Su Yun.

  Su Yun nodded, and then the blue flame wings behind him spread out and flew to the platform.

  Sitting cross-legged, he took out the medicine cauldron and herbs, adjusted the state slightly, and began to refine.

  The two elders were below, watching nervously.

  A day passed.

  When it came to the last moment of refining the Po Zong Dan, Su Yun was still highly focused on the situation in the medicine cauldron, and his fighting spirit was also controlled very carefully.

  Po Zong Dan is a sixth-grade peak elixir. If a pharmacist who has just entered the seventh grade is asked to refine it, there is also a high failure rate.

  Su Yun's soul power controlled the liquid medicine to begin to merge.

  Su Qian and the two elders also stared at the situation in the medicine cauldron.

  After a while, a strong fragrance of elixir filled the air.

  The two elders were overjoyed, it worked! A smile flashed across Su Qian's face.

  After Su Yun slightly refined the pill, fighting spirit surged in his body, and he held the Po Zong Dan that was trying to escape in his hand.

  Then he put it into the jade bottle, put it into the system space, closed his eyes and rested his mind to restore his fighting spirit.

  The two elders looked at each other and suppressed their restlessness.

  This is to take advantage of this momentum and make a second Po Zong Dan in one go. At this time, they must not be disturbed.

  Su Yun used the low-level "Burning Cold Art" of the Earth Level to absorb the energy of heaven and earth and restore his fighting spirit.

  Su Qian looked at the energy fluctuations around him and raised his eyebrows slightly.

  Earth-level skills.

  Su Qian was not shocked this time, but felt it was natural.

  The level of the technique will also affect the speed of cultivation. If Su Yun is practicing a mysterious technique and can still have such a speed of cultivation, it would be truly amazing.

  After Su Yun recovered his fighting spirit, the Green Lotus Heart Fire on his palm immediately emerged, and he began the second round of refining the elixir.

  Everything depends on the state. Now that my hands are warm, I can't delay.

  Another day has passed.

  The fragrance of the elixir is everywhere.   Su

  Qian saw this scene in front of him. While feeling happy for his two old friends, he also felt a little painful. This kid, his medicine refining skills are so superb!   The kickbacks for twenty-eight medicinal materials.   I should have given them all to him at once.   The smile on Su Yun's face could not be concealed at all.   Twenty-eight materials for Pozong Dan, this time he really made a fortune.   He himself did not expect that he could refine two Po Zong Dan so smoothly.   Su Yun put away the medicine cauldron, flew down the platform, and came to the three people, holding a jade bottle in one hand.   The two elders took one each, impatiently looking at the Po Zong Dan in the bottle, the fiery color was thick and solid.   Su Qian looked at the two elders and shook his head.   "I'm sorry to make you laugh, they are also crazy."   "It doesn't matter."   Su Yun is in a very good mood now.   The two elders heard the conversation between the two and reacted, and hurriedly thanked Su Yun.   After a few more polite words, Su Yun separated from the three people.   (End of this chapter)