

  Chapter 163 The Situation of Han Ge (First Update!)

  Su Yun asked Xiao Yixian to stay in Heping Town.

  He and Hai Bodong went to Heijiao Territory.

  He had never visited Han Ge since its establishment, but today he could take this opportunity to go there.

  The headquarters of Han Ge is not far from Heping Town, and after a while, the two arrived.

  Since the establishment of Han Ge, except for the initial period, it encountered some setbacks due to the joint suppression of local forces in Heijiao Territory.

  But then, as time went by, Han Ge gradually integrated into Heijiao Territory, and there were some contradictions between those forces, but the development was very smooth.

  After all, with the support of Su Yun, a sixth-grade pharmacist, there is an endless supply of various elixirs.

  It is worth mentioning that for elixirs of the fourth grade and below, he now consumes magic cores and synthesizes them directly through the fusion function of the system.

  Now that he has a sustainable income, he is not as frugal as before and has become a little extravagant.

  The magic cores and various energy-containing items that Han Ge brings him every time are much more than those consumed by the fusion of elixirs, and he is not reluctant to give them up.

  Self-cultivation is the most important thing, and the time for cultivation cannot be delayed because of these trivial matters.

  Now Su Yun has gone through some dressing up.

  After all, his current identity is a student of the inner courtyard. If other forces in the Black Horn Region know that Han Ge has a connection with Canaan Academy, I am afraid there will be trouble again.

  The relationship between the Black Horn Region and Canaan Academy has never been very harmonious.

  Hai Bodong was also very careful when he went to Heping Town.

  After arriving at Han Pavilion, Hai Bodong immediately summoned the three Dou Kings.

  "Meet the Pavilion Master!"

  The three Dou Kings said to Hai Bodong respectfully.

  As for Su Yun, they subconsciously thought that he was a guest invited by the Pavilion Master.


  Hai Bodong said lightly. Then he introduced the three people.

  "This is Master Zhang. The elixirs of our Han Pavilion are provided by him."

  Hearing this, the three people couldn't help but look at Su Yun.

  "Meet Master Zhang."

  So young, and so full of fighting spirit, he is actually a Dou King!

  The three people had some vague guesses about the fact that their own faction had a high-level alchemist.

  Usually, Han Pavilion consumes a lot of elixirs. If you use gold coins to buy them, you can't afford the consumption.

  Moreover, from time to time, fifth-grade elixirs would pass through the hands of the Pavilion Master.

  If they did a good job, they would be rewarded.

  Fifth-grade elixirs were also quite rare in the Black Horn Region.

  Therefore, they basically believed that there was a fifth-grade pharmacist who had never appeared in the Cold Pavilion.

  It was just that he was so young, which shocked them.

  Su Yun nodded slightly as a greeting.

  The rest of the matter was handed over to Hai Bodong.

  "Today, I asked the three of you to come here, in addition to letting you meet Master Zhang, there is another thing."

  The three of them were not surprised, but just quietly waited for the next step.

  They were all people who had experienced life and death in the Black Horn Region and lived on the edge of a knife. They had joined the Cold Pavilion for some time, and it was common for Hai Bodong to issue them tasks.

  There is no such thing as a free lunch. If you take someone's elixir, you have to work hard for them. They all understand this principle.

  "Tomorrow, the three of you, me, and Master Zhang will hunt the six-star fighting emperor who came to the Black Horn Region seven days ago!"

  The three of them were shocked when they heard this.

  Hunting! Since the Pavilion Master used this word, it means that he must be killed!

  One of them couldn't help but ask.

  "Pavilion Master, did the six-star fighting emperor have a conflict with our Han Pavilion?

  The origin of the fighting emperor is unknown, and there is no guarantee that there will be no power behind him."

  Hai Bodong glanced at the fighting king who was speaking.

  "I understand what you mean.

  It is indeed necessary to carefully consider being an enemy of a fighting emperor, but this is the request of Master Zhang.   

  So many of Han Ge's elixirs are made by Master Zhang, and you should understand how important Master Zhang is to Han Ge.

  This is the first time Master Zhang has asked Han Ge to do something, so it must be done well! "

  Hai Bodong said this to the three Dou Kings as well as to himself.

  After following Su Yun for some time, his cultivation had improved a lot, and now he even had hope of becoming a Dou Sect member.

  But he also understood that the reason why Su Yun was willing to provide him with various elixirs and that magical flame was because he could also provide value to him.

  Hai Bodong then explained the matter in detail and sent people to keep an eye on the whereabouts of the Dou Emperor from a distance.

  Then he asked the three to go down and wait.

  In the hall, only Su Yun and Hai Bodong were left.

  After Su Yun saw the three leave, he asked Hai Bodong.

  "How loyal are those three?"

  Hai Bodong said after hesitating for a while.

  "The Dou King who just spoke is basically a die-hard fan of Han Ge.

  This person was originally a lone man in the Black Horn Region, not belonging to any faction, but later his parents were killed by the Blood Clan, and after seeking revenge, he was severely injured. At the last moment, I saved him. Since then , he has

  worked wholeheartedly for my Han Pavilion.

  As for the other two people, I also recruited them after careful selection, and their loyalty is also guaranteed. "

  Because Han Ge is very generous to his subordinates, the excellent treatment naturally attracts many people.

  There are also many Dou Wang strongmen, but not many of them are guaranteed in terms of loyalty.

  Su Yun nodded when he heard this, and he also noticed the three people just now.

  The man who spoke was named Xiong Liming, a seven-star Dou Wang cultivator.

  He was quite relieved by Hai Bodong's vision, and the title of angel investor was not just talk.

  Su Yun took out a jade bottle from the system space and handed it to Hai Bodong.

  "It contains the Dou Ling Pill. Observe it for a while. If you think it's okay, give it to him.

  Of course, he must keep this matter confidential.

  Don't let others know that I'm a sixth-grade pharmacist. "

  Hai Bodong nodded, took the jade bottle and put it into the storage ring.

  Sixth-grade pharmacists are so rare, and there is only one medicine emperor Han Feng in the entire Black Horn Region.

  If this person knew about it, it might arouse his hostility, which would be detrimental to the development of Han Pavilion.

  After all, there is no room for two tigers in one mountain. Han Feng can do such a thing as killing his master, so his tolerance is definitely not that high.

  The next day.

  Su Yun and Hai Bodong, as well as three fighting kings and a group of people from Han Pavilion, were lying in ambush on a hill.

  At this time, a spy quickly came to Hai Bodong.

  This person has fighting spirit cultivation, and his attribute is a rare dark attribute, which is very suitable for being a scout.

  "Pavilion Master.

  A student at the peak of fighting spirit just came out of Heping Town, suspected to be the target. "

  "Got it, go down."

  "Yes. "

  After Hai Bodong asked the scouts to retreat, he looked at Su Yun.

  Su Yun had a sneer on his face and murderous intent in his eyes.

  "Let's go."

  Then Hai Bodong waved his hand slightly and took the lead.