


  Chapter 166: Encountered robbery on the road! (Updated!)

  Su Yunlai was walking on the way back to Heping Town.

  Suddenly, he was blocked by three ferocious men.

  "Robbery, hand over your storage ring."

  Su Yun was stunned when he encountered this situation, and he

  didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Robbery happens frequently in the Black Horn Region, and there is nothing wrong with that.

  But he didn't expect that such a thing would happen to him.

  Su Yun's mind moved, and he activated the system's scanning function, and he knew their specific strength at a glance.

  A three-star fighting spirit, an eight-star great fighter, and a seven-star great fighter.

  Such a lineup, well...

  it's hard to say in the Black Horn Region.

  But in the Gama Empire, in a big city ranked low, it is an absolute overlord, just like the bumpy corner of Wutan City.

  Su Yun couldn't help but smile.

  He used to practice hard in Wutan City, and he had to be careful when buying supplies to avoid bumping into others. Now, this formation that can sweep Wutan City is not taken seriously by him.

  Haha, maybe this is also one of the charms of practice.

  Su Yun didn't take out Canyang, that would be a waste of talent.

  A long sword with purple flames all over appeared in Su Yun's hand.

  Fighting Qi Transformation!

  The expressions of the three people in front of him changed, and they turned out to be fighting spirit masters!

  The three people suddenly felt something was wrong, and they had already begun to retreat.

  It is true that the three of them have been in the Black Horn Region for many years and have cooperated well. Even if it is a high-level fighting spirit, the three of them can fight together.

  However, the Black Horn Region is quite chaotic. If they are injured accidentally and are found by people in their business, where can they go to cry.

  "My friend, please forgive us for the offense. We will leave now. Please."

  Su Yun heard this, and a hint of teasing flashed in his eyes. The purple light of the long sword was shining, and the purple fire danced in the air, like a fire spirit.

  Fiery flames!

  Su Yun swung the long sword, and a purple-red sword energy rainbow with terrifying power killed the three people.

  Such power is a fighting king!

  The expressions of the three men changed immediately. A trace of struggle flashed across the rough face of the leader. He gritted his teeth and rushed forward decisively, intending to buy time for the remaining two to escape.

  "Second brother, third brother, go!

  I'll leave my family to you!"

  "Big brother!"

  Seeing this, the two men did not hesitate and rushed over immediately.

  The three of them faced the long rainbow of sword energy emitted by Su Yun with the idea of ​​going to die.

  Su Yun narrowed his eyes, and although he was a little surprised, he did not stop.

  This brotherhood touched him a little, but it was not enough to make him show mercy.

  If he was not strong enough, he would probably be killed.

  People living in the Black Horn Region all know the principle of cutting the grass at its roots.

  At this time, another scene that surprised him happened.

  The leading man pushed the two men away and self-destructed.


  Su Yun raised his eyebrows.

  Self-destruction does exist in Douqi Continent. It was not stated in the front, but the group of people in the Soul Palace in the back did have a description of self-destruction.

  Self-destruction can explode with power far beyond its peers, and is usually used to die together.

  The leading man's self-destruction did have some effect, offsetting most of the power of the Fiery Universe Slash.

  The remaining two men lay on the ground, seriously injured.

  Su Yun walked forward and looked at the two men.

  The two men looked at Su Yun with a hint of hatred.

  Su Yun sighed when he saw this.

  "Ah, the friendship between the three of you is really touching.

  But let's put it this way. The grudges between you and me cannot be offset.

  How about this, do you have any family members?

  Tell me and I will take care of them for you."

  The two were stunned when they heard this.

  There was a hint of hesitation on their faces.   


  "Of course."

  Su Yun smiled.

  "Don't worry, think about it slowly."

  Su Yun took out two life-saving pills from the system space and handed them to the two.

  Seeing this, the two looked struggling, looked at each other, and understood each other's meaning.

  Their family, young and old, had no cultivation. Once they died, their family members would not be able to survive in this cannibalistic Black Horn Region, and something would happen soon.

  Take a gamble.

  The two told Su Yun about their own family situation, as well as the situation of the leader's family who had just died.

  After listening to it, Su Yun killed them directly, and then took back the pills they had not swallowed.

  Then he returned to Han Ge and asked Hai Bodong to kill the families of the three of them.

  As time went by, he became more and more integrated into this world.

  This is a place where the rule of law and fairness have never existed.

  Nothing happened on the way, and Su Yun returned to Heping Town.

  After seeing Su Yun coming back, Xiao Yixian and Qinglin both looked at her.

  Xiao Yixian's eyes were slightly questioning.

  Su Yun pinched her little hand with a gentle smile on her face.

  "It's all solved."

  Xiao Yixian heard the words, and she also smiled and gently touched Su Yun's face.

  Qinglin watched from the side, and her face turned red instantly.

  Seeing this, Xiao Yixian touched Qinglin's cute cheeks. The little melon-seed face was now as red as a ripe apple, making people unable to resist taking a bite.

  Afterwards, Su Yun told Qinglin a few words to pay attention to safety and practice seriously, and then took Xiao Yixian back to the inner courtyard.

  On the griffon beast, Su Yun looked at the dense forest and fell into deep thought.

  With his current cultivation level, it was too unsafe to absorb the Meteoric Heart Flame.

  Although Xiao Yan also absorbed the Meteoric Heart Flame with the cultivation level of a Fighting King, the process was extremely dangerous, and there was too much luck involved.

  The Green Lotus Pedestal melted, and then merged with a bunch of unknown pills and Earth Spirit Pills.

  The huge medicinal power first pushed Xiao Yan to the level of a Fighting King, and then after a long period of refining by the Meteoric Heart Flame, it produced an unknown reaction with the liquid medicine, causing the Meteoric Heart Flame to not hurt him.

  This allowed Xiao Yan to turn danger into safety and refine the Meteoric Heart Flame, otherwise he would have died long ago.

  But this part was simply Tudou forcing Xiao Yan to cheat, and it could not be replicated at all.

  God knows what the ingredients of that pile of medicine are.

  Su Yun shook his head. Now it is still most important to improve his strength.

  If he really uses the strength of the King of Fighters to absorb the Meteoric Heart Flame, he will die without knowing how.

  Su Yun's eyes were dim, and he turned his head to look into the distance. That was the direction of increasing the empire.

  After all, he is fifteen years old now, and Xiao Yan is the same.

  The plot should have officially begun.

  The little doctor played with Su Yun's palms, holding their fingers together for a while, and then putting them on conscience.

  The little doctor raised her delicate face and looked at Su Yun.

  Also looked in the direction Su Yun was looking.

  The little doctor was stunned, and then seemed to think of something.

  "I miss the time in Wutan City."

  Xiao Yixian held Su Yun's hands with her two little hands, and a trace of nostalgia flashed across her face.

  Su Yun stroked Xiao Yixian's black and shiny long hair.

  "Yes, it feels good to be carefree."

  Su Yun thought of the time when his parents were still alive in this life.