

  Chapter 170 The curtain gradually rises (the third update!)

  Su Yun showed a satisfied smile on his face.

  Now, he has finally reached the level of Douhuang combat power.

  Su Yun calmed down, and with a thought, he took out the purple fire crystal card from the system space and inserted it into the groove of the training room.

  A fierce heart fire immediately emerged from his body.

  Su Yun sat down cross-legged and began to practice.

  Just as Su Yun began another round of closed-door practice.

  Jiama Empire, Wutan City, Xiao Family.

  "Thirty years in the east, thirty years in the west, young people are poor!

  Today, it is not you, Nalan Yanran, who came to my Xiao family to break off the engagement, but I, Xiao Yan, divorced you!"

  Xiao Yan looked at Nalan Yanran angrily and wrote a divorce letter.

  He drew out the dagger, slashed it on his palm, and slapped it on the paper full of handwriting, and a bloody handprint appeared on it.

  "You... dare to divorce me!"

  Nalan Yanran stared at Xiao Yan with wide eyes.

  She is one of the three major families in the Jia Ma Empire, the young master of the Nalan family, and the next heir of the Yun Lan Sect. She was actually divorced by a waste from a small family?!

  Xiao Yan and Nalan Yanran argued fiercely and made a three-year agreement.

  The curtain gradually rose!

  After Nalan Yanran and others left, Xiao Yan came to the back mountain of the Xiao family alone.

  "Hehe, what is the meaning of my coming to this world, just to be a waste and then be divorced?"

  Xiao Yan laughed at himself.

  Then an old and powerful voice came.

  "Little kid, it seems that you need my help."

  Xiao Yan's face changed, and a creepy feeling surged in his heart. He nervously scanned the situation around him.

  "You can't find it like this, I'm in your hand."

  The old voice sounded again, with a hint of teasing in the voice.

  Xiao Yan looked at his two hands suddenly, then his eyes shrank, and his eyes stayed on the ring on his right finger.

  "Hehe, you react quickly."

  The teasing voice sounded again, and Xiao Yan was startled again, and then he took the ring off his finger and threw it away.

  Who knew that the ring would strangely float in the air without landing.

  Xiao Yan's forehead was covered with cold sweat, and he subconsciously took a step back.

  "Don't be afraid, little guy. I'm not a bad guy and won't hurt you."

  A transparent pale figure floated out of the ring and looked at Xiao Yan with a smile.


  Xiao Yan's heart was shocked and he felt something was wrong.

  "Speaking of which, I have to thank you for your offerings for these three years, which allowed me to recover."

  Yao Lao thanked Xiao Yan.

  "Three years of offerings...

  you sucked away my fighting spirit!"

  Xiao Yan immediately understood what was going on after hearing this, and looked at Yao Lao with gritted teeth.

  "Hehe, I can't help it."

  "Fuck you!"

  Xiao Yan immediately flew into a rage.

  Yao Lao looked at Xiao Yan like this and felt helpless.

  After Xiao Yan cursed, he spoke.

  "Well, the past is irreversible, but the future can be changed.

  I can't give you your fighting spirit back, but I can give you some other compensation."

  Yao Lao said to Xiao Yan.

  Hearing this, Xiao Yan's heart moved.


  He had just made a three-year agreement with Nalan Yanran.

  Although the culprit who caused his Dou Qi to disappear had been found, it was basically impossible to catch up with Nalan Yanran's cultivation progress in these three years.

  "What compensation can you give me?"

  Yao Lao smiled, and then stretched out his white and transparent right hand, wanting to use the Bone Spirit Cold Fire to show his identity as an alchemist and accept this disciple.

  But then his face changed, his expression was solemn, and his right hand was raised in front of him. How embarrassing, how embarrassing.

  A trace of suspicion flashed across Xiao Yan's face.

  This old guy, he wouldn't want to cheat, would he?   

  Yao Lao looked unhappy, a little embarrassed. He

  carefully sensed his soul body.

  Fire, where is my fire! Where did my fire go?

  Yao Lao didn't have time to think about it, and planned to take out something from his bone flame ring to calm this kid.

  Yao Lao held the bone flame ring in his hand, and probed his soul power into it. The more he looked, the more he felt something was wrong? He

  exclaimed directly.

  "Where is the cauldron? Where is my big black magic cauldron?"

  Xiao Yan, who was standing by, saw this scene, and a trace of surprise flashed across his face. It seems that his ring is still a storage ring?

  Then he looked down on it.

  "Old man, your storage ring is not expired, and the things inside are gone?" What the hell is

  the shelf life of a storage ring? How can there be a shelf life for a storage ring.

  Yao Lao blew his nose and glared, took out a scroll from the storage ring and threw it to Xiao Yan.

  Xiao Yan quickly caught it, and Yao Lao asked.

  "What is this?"

  "Look for yourself."

  Yao Lao put his hands behind his back, trying his best to maintain his image as a master.

  Although he looked like this, his heart was already in turmoil.

  How is it possible that I can't sense the Bone Spirit Cold Fire and the Black Demon Cauldron!

  The refined strange fire will be marked with a soul mark.

  The same is true for the Black Demon Cauldron.

  The medicine cauldrons on the Heavenly Cauldron List are different from ordinary medicine cauldrons. Unless the soul mark in them is erased, others cannot use them at all.

  The soul mark on the Bone Spirit Cold Fire is the same. If it is not erased, no one can refine it.

  Once these things are planted with soul marks, they will have a sense with the owner.

  But now, he can't sense these two things at all.

  But it is impossible to erase the soul mark he left on them.

  The fluctuations from erasing the soul mark will also be transmitted to me, and even wake me up from my deep sleep.

  Yao Lao was puzzled.

  At this time, Xiao Yan on the side exclaimed.

  "Earth-level exercises!"

  Yao Lao calmed down and said that these things would be discussed later. The most urgent thing was to calm this kid down first and make him be my apprentice.


  Time passed, and half a year passed.

  Su Yun came out of the Tianfen Refining Tower to get some fresh air. After such a high-intensity training, he still had to take a break.

  Su Yun stretched his body slightly and walked around the yard.

  At this time, a childish voice with a hint of anger called Su Yun.

  "Hey! You finally came out!"

  Su Yun heard the voice and turned his head to look.

  Zi Yan's two soft little hands were on her waist, looking at Su Yun with dissatisfaction.

  "What's wrong?"

  Su Yun asked, feeling a little depressed. What's wrong with this little girl?

  Didn't he provoke her?

  "How dare you say that!

  Didn't you say that you would help me refine the pills? But you went into seclusion without telling me!"

  Zi Yan stared at Su Yun fiercely.

  Su Yun heard the words and reacted, with an embarrassed look on his face.

  "Uh... I'm really sorry, I forgot.

  How about this, I refine it for you now?"

  Zi Yan heard the words, and her delicate little face looked better, pouting.

  "That's better."

  Su Yun smiled apologetically.

  There is no way, I am in the wrong, what can I do.

  Then Su Yun took Zi Yan back to the small attic.

  Unfortunately, Xiao Yixian was not at home again.