

  Chapter 173 Battle of Han Pavilion (3rd update!)

  Su Yun nodded to Xiao Yixian.

  A look of joy flashed across Xiao Yixian's face, and after a slight raise of her eyebrows, her thin lips curled up slightly.

  Su Yun took out two disguise masks from the system space. After putting them on himself, he said to Xiao Yixian.

  "The major forces in the Black Horn Region do not have a harmonious relationship with the academy, so it is best not to expose our relationship with Han Pavilion.

  Come, I'll put it on for you."

  Xiao Yixian nodded obediently, and stood there quietly, allowing Su Yun to fiddle with her face.

  Su Yun stepped forward, and the mask was as thin as a silkworm's wing, and he gently put the mask on Xiao Yixian. Inadvertently, his two hands touched Xiao Yixian's white and tender skin, which was like a peeled egg.

  The wonderful touch made Su Yun couldn't help but pinch it slightly with his hand, and the delicate skin seemed to be squeezed out of water.

  The little medical fairy murmured in her heart, her cheeks slightly red.

  Still naughty, Qinglin is still watching.

  Qinglin looked at the loving appearance of the two, and a strong envy flashed through his heart.

  His eyes were watery like shining black jade, staring at Su Yun's pretty face.

  The inexplicable feeling that also appeared in the Mitel family surged into his heart again, intensifying.

  After Su Yun put on the mask for the little medical fairy, he turned to look at Qinglin, with a gentle smile on his face.

  "Qinglin, you are alone at home, be careful, understand?"

  Su Yun's tone was gentle, as if he was coaxing a child.

  "Qinglin understands, young master and sister Xian'er can go without worry."

  Qinglin said coquettishly.

  Su Yun touched Qinglin's little head, then took Xiao Yixian's hand and left Heping Town.

  Qinglin looked at the backs of the two people, and for no reason, a sense of inferiority and discomfort emerged in his heart.

  After Qinglin noticed it, he panicked.

  What am I thinking about...


  Su Yun and Xiao Yixian hurried to Han Ge.

  After a while, the two came to the headquarters of Han Ge.

  There were few people in the hall, and Su Yun's brows wrinkled slightly. There

  are fewer people. The last time I came, it was not this scene.

  Su Yun stopped a person and asked.

  "Where is the owner of the pavilion?"

  The person who was stopped was slightly startled, looked at Su Yun's face, and was shocked.

  Last time when Su Yun and Han Ge killed Dai Xie and his men, the other members of Han Ge were responsible for clearing the area and driving away passersby to minimize the impact of the incident.

  He was also one of those people, so he naturally knew Su Yun.

  "I have met Master Zhang.

  My pavilion had a conflict with the Blood Sect.

  The leader of the Blood Sect, Fan Lao, teamed up with the leader of the Eight Gates, Yuan Yi, and Kui Sha of the Kui Lang Gang to cause trouble for my Han Ge.

  The pavilion master took two elders and other people to fight.

  Now only Elder Xiong is left in the pavilion, responsible for guarding the pavilion."

  Su Yun nodded when he heard this.

  Because of Hai Bodong's participation in the auction before, Han Ge and these two forces have old grudges and often have friction.

  At this time, a burly middle-aged man hurried over.

  This man was the loyal Hange Fighting King that Hai Bodong had mentioned to Su Yun before, Xiong Liming.

  "Master Zhang."

  Xiong Liming greeted Su Yun.

  "Elder Xiong."

  Su Yun sensed the man's aura and raised his eyebrows slightly.

  Eight-star Fighting King, it seems that Hai Bodong has already given him the Fighting Spirit Pill.   

  "Elder Xiong, do you know where the leader of Hai Pavilion is fighting with Fan Lao and others?"

  Xiong Liming was stunned when he heard this, and said quickly.

  "Master Zhang, as a pharmacist, you should not participate in the battle in person.

  Although my Han Pavilion is new and the overall strength is not strong, the leader of the pavilion is very powerful, and it is not difficult to repel the enemy."

  Su Yun smiled when he heard this.

  This guy really cares about Han Pavilion.

  But Su Yun still refused.

  At Su Yun's request, Xiong Liming could only tell him the location.

  Su Yun took the little medical fairy to the battlefield.

  On the way, Su Yun reminded.

  "Although your current strength can be compared with that of a Dou Wang, there will be a Dou Emperor battle this time, so be careful."

  Xiao Yixian nodded, indicating that she understood.

  After a while, Su Yun and Xiao Yixian arrived at the battlefield, and the two sides were fighting in full swing.

  Not only was there a fight between Hai Bodong and other Dou Emperors, but there was also a Dou King and others.

  On the battlefield, Hai Bodong fought three Dou Emperors alone, and he had the upper hand.

  But the situation of others was not so good.

  Han Ge now only had three Dou Kings, and Xiong Liming had to guard the base camp, so there were only two Dou Kings on the battlefield.

  The three forces hostile to Han Ge, one of which sent two Dou Kings.

  If Hai Bodong hadn't come out to support occasionally, Han Ge would have been defeated long ago.

  But he could only do this much. Among the three Douhuang strongmen, Hai Bodong had the upper hand, but he was also tightly restrained.

  Su Yun and Xiao Yixian looked at each other, and the next moment, they rushed directly into the battlefield.

  Su Yun's mind moved, and Canyang appeared in his hand. Purple flames covered the sword body, and the scorching temperature spread.

  Now we are in the Black Horn Region, very close to Maple City.

  This place is different from the inner courtyard. There is a barrier covering the breath of Qinglian Earth Core Fire.

  If Han Feng senses the breath of the strange fire, I'm afraid there will be some trouble. Sooner or later, I will have to fight this person, but not now.

  With his current cultivation and fire control ability, he can also exert considerable strength by using purple fire.

  The Little Medical Immortal formed a wonderful hand seal with both hands, and the three thousand soft black hair turned into snow-white silver hair at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the evil poison body was activated! The

  two fighting kings of Han Pavilion were struggling to support themselves under the attack of six enemy fighting kings. When they saw Su Yun and the Little Medical Immortal coming over, they were all overjoyed.

  Although they didn't know the Little Medical Immortal, they had seen Su Yun before. Since he came together, he must be a helper.

  It's just that they were a little confused when they sensed the breath of the Little Medical Immortal. Nine-star fighting spirit?

  Su Yun used the Xuantian Cangyu Step, and his figure immediately disappeared from the spot, but in half a breath, he appeared where the eight people were fighting.

  Purple fire lingered on Canyang's sword, and purple light shone brightly. Su Yun used his soul power to lock three of the fighting kings. With

  a flick of his wrist, the long sword swung out, and three sword qi killed the three fighting kings.

  The perfect Xuan-level advanced fighting skill "Dividing Flame Sword".

  This fighting skill is a group attack fighting skill. It has never been used before because there is no opponent. Until today, it was used by Su Yun.

  The sword qi was attached with purple fire that Su Yun exerted to the extreme. The air temperature rose by three points when the purple sword qi passed by.

  Although he was afraid of Han Feng, he could not use the Green Lotus Earth Heart Fire.

  But the sixth-level beast fire, the sixth-level magic core long sword, and the great Xuan-level advanced fighting skills, when combined, are still quite powerful. When

  the three fighting kings saw the sword energy coming towards them, their faces changed, they stopped their attacks, and used defensive fighting skills to try to block it.

  Three waves of fighting energy erupted, two of them successfully took on the sword energy, and one was slightly injured.

  These three are the most powerful among the six fighting kings.

  One is an eight-star fighting king, and two are six-star fighting kings.