


  Chapter 176 Great Victory (3rd update!)

  A sneer appeared on Kuisha's face.

  You don't know how to live or die. Even though I am seriously injured now, I am a Douhuang strongman, and I am not someone that a three-star Douwang can shake.

  Can you take this punch of my fifty years of skill!

  The two fists collided, and a terrifying force came, and Kuisha's face changed drastically.

  How is it possible!

  Kuisha flew backwards, and the severe pain in his arm made him unbelievable.


  Su Yun's cold voice rang out.

  Kuisha's arm was immediately blown to pieces, and blood flowed.


  The severe pain made Kuisha couldn't help but scream.

  At this time, the other two Douwang took the opportunity to attack, and Su Yun wielded Canyang again. With the combined efforts of the three, Kuisha had no power to resist.

  He was already seriously injured, and with a broken arm, his fighting power was further reduced. He was no match for Su Yun and the other two.

  Soon, a corpse fell from the sky.

  On the other side, Fan Lao looked at Hai Bodong who was trying to kill him again, gritted his teeth, and formed a strange hand seal. His old face, which was already pale and full of wrinkles, no longer had any blood color. The

  blood escape method!

  This secret method can burn the blood in the body and burst out at a speed far beyond its peers.

  Of course, this also has a price. After performing such a secret technique, I am afraid I will be weak for several months.

  After the secret method was performed, Fan Lao turned into a blood light and fled far away at an extremely fast speed.

  Hai Bodong snorted coldly when he saw this, and the fighting spirit in his body surged. He immediately disappeared from the spot and chased after Fan Lao. Wherever he passed, there were gusts of cold wind. A

  low-level fighting skill at the ground level, "Ice Body Skill"!

  Hai Bodong had already mastered this fighting skill, but even if it was just a beginner's skill, the speed it displayed was three times faster than Fan Lao's blood escape technique.

  After a while, Hai Bodong caught up with Fan Lao, a sly smile flashed across his face, and his palm full of icy fighting spirit slapped at the blood light.


  As Hai Bodong slapped the blood light with his palm, Fan Lao could no longer maintain the blood escape technique and his figure reappeared.

  Hai Bodong took advantage of the victory to pursue, and the icy fighting spirit condensed into a terrifying ice blade to kill Fan Lao.

  The blood escape technique was broken, and Fan Lao suffered a huge backlash. In addition, he was seriously injured and had no power to resist. The ice blade pierced through Fan Lao's body, and Fan Lao spurted out another mouthful of blood.

  Hai Bodong flashed in front of Fan Lao and slapped Fan Lao's head with a palm.

  Fan Lao, die!

  An excited smile flashed across Hai Bodong's face. He snatched the storage ring from Fan Lao's hand and kicked Fan Lao directly to the ground. A

  sixth-level magic core spear emitting cold air appeared in Hai Bodong's hand.

  Hahaha, I finally got it!

  Hai Bodong laughed out loud.

  Then Hai Bodong put the spear into his storage ring and joined Su Yun and others.

  As for the rest of the forces on the battlefield, the Blood Clan, the Eight Gates, etc., were so frightened when they saw their own forces dying or fleeing that they all ran away.

  Hai Bodong patted Su Yun on the shoulder.

  "Fortunately you arrived in time, otherwise, let alone such a great victory, it would have been good enough to be able to defend against their attack."

  Then Hai Bodong asked the other two Fighting Kings to organize the other members of Han Ge to clean up the mess.

  He went back to the headquarters with Su Yun and Xiao Yixian.

  At the Han Ge headquarters, the three of them stayed in a room.

  Xiao Yixian took Su Yun's arm, with a charming smile on her face.

  It feels very good to help.

  "In this battle, we killed two Douhuangs and defeated three forces. Han Ge has become completely famous this time."

  Hai Bodong said.

  Su Yun nodded.


  Fan Lao ranked fifth on the strong list, and Yuan Yi was tenth.

  Although Kui Sha was a little worse, he was also a Douhuang strongman.

  With two dead and one escaped, it is not an exaggeration to say that Han Ge is now in its heyday.

  Su Yun reminded.

  "We can't let our guard down. Hai Lao has been in the Black Horn Region for some time.

  He should also understand the water content of this strong list."

  Hai Bodong nodded seriously.

  "Of course, the real strength of the first-class Black Emperor Sect and the Demon Flame Valley cannot be underestimated. I know it in my heart."   

  Afterwards, Su Yun took out the elixir and handed it to Hai Bodong.

  Hai Bodong also took out the magic cores and other things that Su Yun had asked him to collect during this period.

  After the two chatted for a few more words, Su Yun stretched his body.

  He hadn't experienced such a satisfying battle for a long time.

  After all, he had been focusing on cultivation during this period.

  Presumably, after the spread of this incident, the development of Han Pavilion will be much smoother.

  After nothing else, Su Yun took Xiao Yixian back to the inner courtyard.

  After such a high-intensity battle, both felt a little tired. After taking a bath, they hugged each other in bed.

  Su Yun looked at Xiao Yixian with a bit of heat in his eyes, holding the slender and boneless little hand and was reluctant to let go.

  The little doctor's face was red, and the blush on both sides of her cheeks could not be reduced.

  Didn't we just solve it in the bathroom... Why again...


  Su Yun called softly.

  "But, we just took a shower, and our hands are dirty again."

  "It's okay, just wash it again later."

  "Okay, I really can't do anything about you."


  The next day.

  Su Yun got up and ate the breakfast that the little doctor prepared carefully under the service of the little doctor. Just when he was about to go to the Tianfen Refining Qi Tower for closed-door training, Zi Yan came to the door.

  Su Yun looked at Zi Yan, and a trace of confusion flashed in his eyes.

  "Why are you here?

  Have you finished taking the pills?"

  "No, the old man asked me to call you over today."

  Zi Yan held a jade bottle in her hand and poured all the pills in it into her mouth in one breath, with a hint of satisfaction on her face.

  It tastes good.

  Su Yun raised his eyebrows when he heard it, and a thought flashed through his mind.

  The only one who can be called an old man by Zi Yan is the great elder Su Qian.

  Half a year has passed, and if the breakthrough is fast, the two may have come out.

  I just don't know if they have succeeded in breaking through.

  Su Yun nodded, gave the little medical fairy a farewell kiss, and then went to find Su Qian with Zi Yan.

  When they arrived at Su Qian's office, as expected, the two elders were here.

  Su Yun used the system's scanning function and understood why he was called here today.

  All failed...

  The two elders looked at Su Yun with a forced smile on their faces.

  After Zi Yan brought Su Yun to the place, she ran away in a flash.

  "Old man, I've brought the person to you. Bye."

  Su Qian's face showed a trace of black lines, and then he waved his sleeves and closed the door.

  "Sit down."

  Su Yun took a seat.

  Su Yun nodded.

  Su Qian touched his gray beard with his dry palm and looked at Su Yun.

  "Hey, Su Yun.

  Can you refine two more of the Po Zong Dan for the two elders?"

  The two elders also looked eager.

  Su Yun waved his hand.

  "It's easy."

  Su Qian heaved a sigh of relief.

  Su Yun, as a sixth-grade alchemist, naturally couldn't be treated as an ordinary student.

  And the academy couldn't force students to refine pills for the academy.