

  Chapter 178: Battle against Zi Yan (Second update!)

  Zi Yan was enjoying herself, while Su Yun and Xiao Yi Xian were being affectionate.

  Xiao Yi Xian looked at Su Yun with a dazzling light in her eyes.

  Su Yun sensed the fluctuations of fighting spirit in Xiao Yi Xian, and a flash of shock crossed his face.

  A breakthrough?

  The fluctuations of fighting spirit in Xiao Yi Xian could not be fake. Even though Su Yun was numb to Xiao Yi Xian's cultivation speed, he still felt a little tingling.

  It was really too fast. Xiao Yi Xian's cultivation was only two stars behind his own!

  Xiao Yi Xian looked at the shock in Su Yun's eyes and smiled sweetly.

  "Just compliment me."

  Xiao Yi Xian shook Su Yun's arm, her voice soft and coquettish.

  Su Yun breathed hot air into Xiao Yi Xian's ear.

  "Xian'er is really amazing."

  Upon hearing this, the little medical fairy snuggled in Su Yun's arms. If she hadn't

  been concerned about Zi Yan being around, she would have probably made out with him directly. She was easily satisfied, and just a few words were enough.

  After a while, the girl finally finished eating and took out a bunch of precious medicinal herbs from the ring.

  "Quick, quick, quick!"

  Su Yun rolled his eyes, but still took out the medicine cauldron from the system space and began to help Zi Yan refine pills.

  The medicinal herbs that can work on Zi Yan must be of high quality.

  And with so many of them, even with the help of the Green Lotus Earth Heart Fire, it still took a long time.

  After Su Yun refined the last kind of medicinal herb into a pill, he handed it to Zi Yan.


  Zi Yan quickly took it in her hand, and couldn't wait to open the jade bottle and swallow it.

  Su Yun stood up and wanted Zi Yan to leave, but she shook her head unexpectedly.

  "No, can you practice with me?"

  Zi Yan said excitedly.

  A look of surprise flashed across Su Yun's face.

  Zi Yan's excitement did not fade at all, and she continued.

  "There is not a single student in the academy who can fight. You have good cultivation. I haven't had a good fight for a long time!"

  Su Yun also became interested. Zi Yan's cultivation was at the peak of the fighting king.

  As her original body was the Taixu Ancient Dragon, her strong body gave her the capital to challenge the higher level. She was indeed a good opponent.

  It would be nice to have a sparring match.


  The two of them did what they said and came to a spacious place in the inner courtyard. There were few people here, and the terrain was wide, which was quite suitable for sparring.

  The little fairy doctor watched from the side and was also interested.

  Although she was almost catching up in terms of cultivation now, she knew very well that Su Yun was a real genius, unlike her who relied solely on her physical advantages.

  In the last battle in Han Pavilion, Su Yun's combat power was very exaggerated.

  Even without using the Qinglian Earth Heart Fire, he could fight three enemies alone. I'm afraid his real combat power has already reached the level of Douhuang.

  Su Yun's mind moved, and Canyang appeared in his hand.

  The fighting spirit in his body surged, attracting the energy of heaven and earth. The blue flame burst out from the soul receiving place in Dantian, shuttled between the meridians, and was infused into Canyang. The body of

  Canyang sword was covered with green light, and the Qinglian earth core fire surrounded it. The terrifying temperature was spreading, causing the space to be slightly distorted.

  Even if he only relied on Canyang and Qinglian earth core fire, without using any fighting skills, it would not be considered as physical strength.

  With his current cultivation, there are not many people among the fighting kings who can match him.

  A trace of excitement flashed across Zi Yan's face, and her pink fists clenched tightly, with terrifying power contained in them.

  "I'm coming!"

  Zi Yan shouted, and her figure disappeared from the spot, and a burst of sonic booms swept through the air.

  Su Yun narrowed his eyes, and with his perfect spiritual power in the mortal realm, he clearly captured Zi Yan's figure.   

  After a breath, he swung the Canyang, slashed forward, and crossed a blue beam in the air.


  The sword and fist collided, and waves of energy aftermath came out.

  Su Yun felt the force from Zi Yan's fist and raised his eyebrows.

  As expected of the Taixu Ancient Dragon, his body was indeed strong. Even with his current physical strength, he could only barely suppress her.

  Su Yun exerted a little force on his arm, and the explosive force pushed Zi Yan back.

  Zi Yan's body exploded backwards, feeling a little pain.

  There was still some residual warmth in her pink fist, and she couldn't bear the terrifying temperature of the Qinglian Earth Heart Fire.

  Perhaps the adult Taixu Ancient Dragon would not be afraid of the Qinglian Earth Heart Fire, which was only ranked 19th on the Alien Fire List.

  But Zi Yan was only in her childhood after all. She had been lost for many years and could not be trained by the clan.

  Moreover, Su Yun's physical strength was also very high, and could completely compete with the sixth-level monsters in the mountains.

  Zi Yan gritted her little fangs, not willing to admit defeat, and a hint of stubbornness flashed across her delicate face.


  Zi Yan attacked Su Yun again, and Su Yun performed a sword flower and also shot out violently.

  In just a few breaths, the two had exchanged dozens of moves, and the little doctor on the side lightly covered her cherry lips.

  The fighting power of my brother and Zi Yan is so strong, they have completely reached the level of fighting emperor.

  But I am not bad either, I can activate the evil poison body and use advanced fighting skills, so I will not be much worse.

  A few more breaths passed, and the two fought hard, with terrifying waves of fighting spirit spreading around, no less than the fighting emperor.

  After a while, Zi Yan bit her pink lips lightly, and the power contained in her fists burst out, and the two were shaken away by their own power at the same time.

  As Zi Yan's fighting spirit surged, purple fighting spirit wings emerged behind her and flew into the air.

  Seeing this, Su Yun also spread his fighting spirit wings, a pair of cyan fighting spirit wings attached with terrifying flames, and took the initiative to attack Zi Yan.

  Zi Yan's expression condensed, and her pink fist clenched again.

  All the strength and fighting spirit of the whole body condensed on the fist, drawing the energy of heaven and earth for her own use, displaying fighting skills, and a condensed fighting spirit fist shadow was thrown at Su Yun!

  Su Yun moved his wrist, and Canyang was on the defensive.

  The fighting spirit in his body surged, and the energy of heaven and earth was boiling, and was madly absorbed by Su Yun. A fire wall made of blue flames blocked Su Yun.

  The low-level fighting skills of the ground level, "Jiyang Sword Wall"!


  The fist shadow collided with the sword wall, and a terrifying wave of fighting spirit burst out.

  The fist shadow dissipated, but the blue fire sword wall was intact.

  Su Yun's mind moved, and he took the initiative to remove the Jiyang Sword Wall.

  Zi Yan's punch was already quite good. If the beginner fighting emperor encountered this move, I'm afraid he would have a headache.

  Elder Su Qian treated her like his own daughter, so she must have a lot of earth-level skills. This punch was an earth-level skill.

  It was a pity that she was not very skilled. If she had practiced it to perfection,

  even if the Jiyang Sword Wall had the blessing of the strange fire, it would not be easy to take it. After all, there was a six-star cultivation gap between them.

  "Take it!"

  Su Yun shouted, and Canyang sent out a series of sword sounds, slashing at Zi Yan.

  Fiery Flame Splitting the Universe!

  A long green sword energy rainbow attached to the Qinglian Earth Core Fire attacked Zi Yan.

  The power of the perfect Xuan-level advanced fighting skills would not be low under the blessing of the sixth-level magic core long sword and the strange fire.

  If an ordinary top fighter were to deal with it, he would be injured if he was not careful.

  However, Zi Yan was not one of them. The fighting spirit flowed through her fist, and a fist burst out, canceling out Su Yun's sword energy.