

  Chapter 182 Dou Zong, Wu Tianlang (First update!)

  After seeing Zi Yan's agreement, Su Yun and Xiao Yixian sat down cross-legged, took out the jade bottle, poured out the Douling Pill inside, and sat cross-legged to refine the medicinal power.

  Zi Yan sat on the chair bored, and of course she was also radiating her perception to prevent others from disturbing the two of them.

  Zi Yan felt the aura radiating from the two of them and pouted.

  Su Yun is a five-star Dou Wang, and Xiao Yixian is a four-star Dou Wang. How come their strengths are rising so fast?

  When Su Yun was a three-star Dou Wang, he couldn't beat him, let alone now.

  After half a day, the aura of the two was boiling, the medicinal power was completely refined, and the breakthrough was successful.

  Su Yun slowly opened his eyes and became a six-star Dou Wang.

  A smile flashed across Su Yun's face. He

  immediately turned his head and looked at the Little Medical Immortal beside him.

  Well, he also broke through successfully and was promoted to a five-star fighting king.

  Su Yun stood up and touched Zi Yan's head.

  "Thank you for this time."

  Zi Yan pouted.

  "Is it done?

  It's done, I'm leaving."

  With that, Zi Yan left alone. It

  was already dark now. Su Yun and the Little Medical Immortal took a bath and fell asleep in each other's arms.

  The next day.

  Su Yun and the Little Medical Immortal came to Su Qian's office and explained that they were leaving the academy.

  Su Qian was a little surprised and touched his beard.

  "How long will you be away this time?"

  "I don't know about that, at least a few months."

  Su Yun pondered for a while and replied.

  Su Qian thought about it and said.

  "Can you refine two more Po Zong Dan for the two elders before we go?"

  Su Yun nodded.

  It was unknown how long it would take to search for the strange fire this time, so it was time to refine two more Po Zong Dan.

  After seeing Su Yun agree, Su Qian breathed a sigh of relief, and then took out three more herbs and handed them to Su Yun.

  Generally speaking, if you ask a pharmacist to help, you must provide at least three herbs.

  Last time, six herbs were given, but only one Po Zong Dan was refined for Wu Tianlang, so one more should be provided.

  Of course, three is the minimum, but since Su Qian saw Su Yun refine Po Zong Dan so easily, he also came according to the minimum standard.

  It is true that Canaan Academy has a deep foundation, but it is better to save as much as possible.

  Then Su Yun started another round of pill refining.

  Of course, not only was there the refining of Po Zong Dan, there were also some fifth-grade pills.

  These fifth-grade pills were intended for Han Ge.

  Han Ge was now his money-making machine, so naturally he had to spend some money to maintain its normal operation.

  As for the fourth-grade and below, they were handed over to the fusion function of the system.

  Five days later, Su Yun finished refining all the pills, handed over two Po Zong Dan to Su Qian, and then returned to the small pavilion.

  The next time was to wait and rest.

  After coming to Canaan Academy, he basically practiced all the time, except for the occasional time out of retreat.

  Now that the time at Canaan Academy has come to an end, it would be nice to have a good rest for a few days.

  Su Yun held the Little Medical Fairy in his arms, and his big hands wandered freely on that delicate body.

  Xiao Yixian's face flushed red as she nestled in Su Yun's arms. She was extremely shy, but she just let Su Yun do what he wanted without resistance.

  "Is this what you mean by relaxation?"

  "You are my best way to relax."

  Su Yun breathed hot air into Xiao Yixian's ear.

  Hearing Su Yun say this, Xiao Yixian softened completely, her beautiful eyes slowly closed, and she completely gave control of her body to Su Yun.


  That night, in the bathroom, Xiao Yixian was pulled into the bathtub by Su Yun. Both of them were frank with each other without reservation.

  Xiao Yixian lowered her head, her face as red as a peach blossom.

  Su Yun's lower abdomen felt hot because of her graceful body that seemed like a masterpiece of God.

  Su Yun held Xiao Yixian's hand, his eyes flashed with passion, and he lifted Xiao Yixian's chin with his hand.


  Xiao Yixian felt Su Yun's gaze, and her face felt hot.   

  "All up to you..."

  Su Yun was overjoyed.


  Three days later, Su Yun held the hand of Little Medical Fairy and walked in the courtyard, admiring the scenery around the small pavilion.

  This place is quiet and beautiful. The original owner must have been a very romantic person.

  Little Medical Fairy hugged Su Yun's shoulders, her nose moved slightly, greedily absorbing the breath from Su Yun.

  This kind of day is the best time for her.

  At this time, a huge and terrifying breath rose from the inner courtyard without warning.

  Su Yun narrowed his eyes and a hint of surprise flashed across his face.

  Such a breath is from a Dou Zong strongman!

  It is not the breath of the great elder Su Qian, but there is a sense of familiarity.

  At this time, in a hidden training room in the inner courtyard, Su Qian stood in front of the door, with a flash of joy on his face.

  The door was pushed open from the inside, and from the appearance, it looked like a middle-aged man in his thirties.

  Su Qian stepped forward and patted the man on the shoulder.

  "Tianlang, good job, now that you have been promoted to the Dou Sect, my Canaan Academy has greatly increased in strength.


  The man was the commander-in-chief of the law enforcement team, Wu Tianlang.

  "This is all thanks to Su Yun's Po Zong Dan.

  Alchemists are really amazing.

  One pill can increase my chances by 10%. "

  Wu Tianlang also smiled.

  "Grand Elder, why don't you take me to see Su Yun?"

  Su Qian nodded.


  After a while, two figures came to the small attic.

  A trace of surprise flashed across Wu Tianlang's face.

  He had an impression of this place. It seemed to be the residence of Xuehui when she was still an elder.

  Su Yun also noticed the two people coming.

  He took the little medical fairy forward.

  "Grand elder, Commander Wu."

  Su Yun greeted the two people.

  Commander Wu was about to greet the two people, but was shocked by their cultivation.

  A six-star fighting king and a five-star fighting king. Has

  the quality of the students in this inner courtyard reached such a high level now!

  After suppressing the shock in his heart, Wu Tianlang said to Su Yun.

  "Thank you so much for this.

  If it weren't for your Po Zong Dan, my promotion this time wouldn't have been so smooth."

  Su Yun looked at Wu Tianlang with a hint of wonder in his eyes.

  If he could bring Wu Tianlang with him on this trip to Tianshe Mansion, his safety would be better guaranteed.

  With the background of Tianshe Mansion, it's hard to say whether there are Dou Zun, but there are definitely Dou Zong.

  Su Yun told the two of them about his request.

  Hearing this, Su Qian stroked his beard.

  "It's simple.

  You have already refined a lot of pills for the academy, and it's only right for Tianlang to accompany you on a trip."

  Wu Tianlang also nodded.

  "Now that the urgent problem of the two teachers has been solved, one of them will watch the law enforcement team, and the other will go into seclusion and try to break through again. It's not a bad idea.

  When you want to leave, just tell me.

  I will stay in the inner courtyard for the next few days."

  Su Yun heard this, his face lit up, and he immediately bowed and thanked him.

  After that, the two chatted with Su Yun for a few more words and left.

  A few more days passed, and it was the agreed day.

  After Su Yun and Xiao Yixian packed up, they found Wu Tianlang and went to the barrier of the inner courtyard together. When they were about to leave, they were stopped.