

  Chapter 185 Heading to the Desert (First Update!)

  Xiao Yixian showed a gentle look on her face.

  Su Yun also reached out and touched Xiao Lan's eagle head that was lowered.

  Now Su Yun and Xiao Yixian have both reached the level of Fighting King, while Xiao Lan is still a third-level monster.

  Su Yun sighed quietly.

  System functions are not omnipotent, and the use of fusion functions must follow feasible plans.

  He couldn't just raise Xiao Lan's cultivation at will.

  The upper limit of the blue eagle is really too low.

  "Woo woo."

  Xiao Lan gently rubbed Su Yun's palm with her eagle head.

  Unless a flying monster that can blend with the blue eagle's bloodline is found, without external help, Xiao Lan's achievements may only stop here.

  Letting it live a happy and carefree life in this forest may be its best destination.

  The two of them played with Xiao Lan for a while and then left.

  Having just returned to the Gama Empire, the current situation of the Mitel family needs to be under control. It is impossible to let Yafei and Mitel Tengshan mess around.

  Of course, this matter is done by Hai Bodong. He doesn't want to take care of such trivial matters, and he is not good at management.

  It will take a day or two to go to the Tagore Desert.

  Afterwards, the two came to the cemetery of Luo Qianyun and Luo Qianchen.

  The cemetery is very clean, and it seems that someone comes to clean it often.

  Su Yun and Xiao Yixian brought some white chrysanthemums and placed them in front of the tomb.

  Xiao Yixian looked at the tombstones of the two with some sadness.


  "What's wrong?"

  Xiao Yixian took Su Yun's arm.

  "Aren't you always wondering where I learned those little tricks?"

  Su Yun was startled when he heard this, scratched the little doctor fairy's nose, and thought of a possibility.

  "So Luo Qianyun taught you?"

  The little doctor fairy stuck out her cute little tongue.

  "You can put it this way. Sister Luo had a fiancé with whom she had a good relationship, and they both liked to play this kind of little hobby.

  But later, Sister Luo's family suffered a big change. When her fiancé found out, he tried his best to let her escape. That's why Sister Luo was rescued by Master Luo, and so on.

  Sister Luo told me at that time that if you don't want a man to be fickle, you must satisfy his various hobbies. The more tricks you have, the more men will like it."

  As she spoke, the little doctor fairy lowered her head shyly.

  Su Yun was a little amused.

  I didn't expect Luo Qianyun to have such an experience. It's a pity for such a young lady. She was originally a lady in the family and had a loving fiancé. She should have a happy life.

  Perhaps the meaning of my hard work in cultivation is to avoid such a sudden disaster.

  The little doctor's eyes flashed, and the sister who was full of happiness and sweetness when talking about her fiancé, but turned into hatred and viciousness in the blink of an eye. The little hand holding Su Yun's arm tightened.

  On the other side, Hai Bodong listened to the report from Ya Fei and Mitel Tengshan, and looked at Ya Fei with a flash of surprise.

  "I didn't expect that although you have very low talent in cultivation, you have such an excellent business mind."

  Hai Bodong praised Ya Fei.

  In the past two years, under the leadership of Ya Fei, the wealth of the Mitel family has further increased, which is indeed good.

  "Thank you, Mr. Hai."

  Ya Fei said respectfully.

  Then Mitel Tengshan handed a storage ring to Hai Bodong.

  "Without affecting the operation of the family, all the wealth earned by the Mitel family in the past two years is here. Of course, most of it has been exchanged for medicinal materials and magic cores according to your instructions."

  Hai Bodong took it, injected fighting spirit into it, took a look, and then nodded with satisfaction.

  "Not bad."

  Then, Hai Bodong took out a scroll from his storage ring and threw it to Mitel Tengshan.

  "Do your best, and you will benefit from it.

  After I'm done with this work, I'll ask Master Zhang for some pills for you. Apart from me, you're the strongest in the family, so your cultivation should be higher."

  Mitel Tengshan took the scroll thrown by Hai Bodong and was shocked. It turned out to be a low-level earth-level technique.   

  This thing is hard to come by in the Gama Empire, and it is a treasure that is in short supply.

  Mittel Tengshan was overjoyed and put the scroll into his ring, his expression even more respectful.

  "Thank you, Mr. Hai!"


  Hai Bodong nodded slightly and looked at Ya Fei again.

  "As for you."

  Hai Bodong took out a dozen jade bottles from the ring, two colors, one red and one blue.

  "The liquid medicine in the red jade bottle will slightly improve your qualifications. The one in the

  blue jade bottle can assist in the cultivation of the fighting spirit stage.

  Well, do your job well, and you will benefit from it in the future."

  Ya Fei's face also flashed with joy.

  I have only been in charge of Mittel's family for two years now. I thought I would have to endure a few more years to gain trust, but I didn't expect that I would have a share.

  "Thank you, Mr. Hai."

  "Remember, the liquid medicine in these two jade bottles must not be leaked. These are all Master Zhang's unique secret recipes.

  If there is a problem, you will be held responsible. Do you understand?"

  "Yes, Yafei understands."


  Black Horn Region, Maple City.

  Han Feng looked in the direction of Canaan Academy, and a trace of desire flashed in his seemingly calm eyes.

  Haha, it's almost time. Those two old immortals won't live for many years.

  Wait a few more years...


  Two days later, Su Yun and his group of six set out for the Tagore Desert.

  After a while, Hai Bodong looked at the endless yellow sand with a complicated expression.

  Because of the time when Medusa sealed his cultivation, even now his cultivation is almost the same as Queen Medusa.

  When he thought of that fierce and charming woman, he couldn't help but feel a little scared.

  Hai Bodong took a deep breath and looked at Su Yun.

  "Su boy, I want to ask you a favor."

  Su Yun was startled, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

  "Just say what you want to say, Hai Lao, there is nothing to ask for."

  "This time, I want to fight Medusa one-on-one!"

  The other people also looked over. Hai Bodong's old face did not show the old man's paleness and loneliness, but a determination to climb up.

  Su Yun pondered for a while and nodded.


  "Thank you."

  If the battle was to be fought in the Tagore Desert, he would not agree.

  But he had a way to lure Medusa out and make the strong men of the snake people unable to support.

  He understood why Hai Bodong asked like this. The experience of having his cultivation sealed and living in seclusion in the desert for decades had almost made Queen Medusa become Hai Bodong's inner demon.

  He wanted revenge! To break the inner demon!

  Qing Lin looked at Hai Bodong worriedly.

  She had been in the Tagore Desert for a long time, so she naturally knew about Queen Medusa's reputation for murder.

  "Grandpa Hai, be careful."

  Upon hearing this, Hai Bodong touched Qing Lin's little head. A kind smile flashed across his face.

  "Don't worry, your Grandpa Hai is no longer the same as he was back then!

  We will win this battle!"

  Then Su Yun led everyone to a deserted place.

  This is the border between the Tagore Desert and a small country.
