

  Chapter 187 Hai Bodong fights Medusa! (The third update!)

  "If I beat him, can I leave?"

  Medusa narrowed her beautiful eyes and looked at Wu Tianlang.

  In her opinion, this unfamiliar Dou Zong strongman has the highest strength and should be the leader of the group.

  Wu Tianlang said expressionlessly.

  "Look at what I do, I can't make the decision.

  If you look again, I will smash your snake tail and make snake soup."

  The veins on the back of Queen Medusa's hand were throbbing. As the queen of the snake people, no one has spoken to her like this for a long time.

  At this time, Su Yun spoke with a smile on his face.

  "Your Majesty has been in charge of the snake tribe for decades.

  How can you have such naive ideas?"

  Queen Medusa narrowed her beautiful eyes and looked at Su Yun.

  There was a hint of anger and majesty on that delicate and charming face, which made people want to conquer her, then press her to the ground, ride on her plump and delicate body, and teach her a lesson.

  "Then why should I fight him?"

  Queen Medusa questioned.

  She was naturally clear about what happened in the past. In her opinion, these people took great pains to lure her here, probably to help Hai Bodong break his mind.

  The smile on Su Yun's face gradually disappeared, and turned into a hint of coldness.

  "Today, Her Majesty wants to leave. Either beat Hai Lao and then fight us.

  Or fight us directly. It's your choice."

  Queen Medusa was a little impatient when she heard this. Her long eyelashes trembled slightly, and obvious anger flashed across her face.

  Su Yun had a cold smile on his face.

  "Of course, if your majesty is willing to fight with Hai Lao, after you win, I will let you recover your fighting spirit before fighting again."


  If you win, I will leave directly!"

  Queen Medusa saw Su Yun give in and tried again.

  Although she also understood that such verbal promises were basically useless, she could only pray that these cunning humans would keep their word.

  "Don't dream, if you don't want to, then stay."

  Su Yun shook his head and did not give in again.

  Hearing this, Wu Tianlang looked at Queen Medusa, and the aura of the Dou Zong level spread out, allowing Queen Medusa to bite her teeth lightly.

  "Okay, I promise you!"

  There was no other way, so she could only agree. Without these people attacking together, with Hai Bodong and this famous fighting sect, she would not be able to escape.

  Su Yun's face reappeared a false smile.

  Queen Medusa looked at Hai Bodong again, with a cold and strong murderous intent, not disguising it.

  "Old man, do you think that you can defeat me if you have reached the peak of fighting emperor?

  Too naive!"

  Hai Bodong snorted coldly, flipped his palm, and a sixth-level magic core gun appeared in his hand.

  Today, he will use this gun to break his nightmare.

  He named it, Breaking Evil!

  Medusa raised her eyebrows. A weapon that fits her own body can indeed greatly enhance her combat power, but a gun alone is not enough!

  Queen Medusa's body was filled with fighting spirit, swallowing and exhaling the energy of heaven and earth. Her terrifying aura

  emanated from her hands. A pair of jade hands emerged and condensed into substantial fire-attributed fighting spirit, like flowing flames. Hai Bodong's eyes flashed, and a surging fighting spirit burst out from his heart.

  The icy fighting spirit was madly infused into Breaking the Evil, and the temperature around Hai Bodong dropped a little.

  The figures of the two disappeared at the same time, and the fighting spirit turned into wings, and a fierce battle unfolded in the air.   

  The sound of weapons clashing rang out, and the terrifying aftermath spread, with waves of energy waves exploding.

  The two seemed to have turned into energy balls, one blue and one red, colliding in the air, and in a few breaths, they could cause dozens of collisions.

  Xiao Yixian and Zi Yan also burst out their own fighting spirit to protect Qinglin.

  In the battle between the fighting emperors, those with low strength would be killed by the energy aftermath that the two accidentally overflowed if they got a little closer.

  Hai Bodong thrust forward with his spear, and Queen Medusa clenched her two jade hands covered by fighting spirit into fists and killed with one blow.

  Within the same level, if the skills and fighting techniques cultivated by humans are not higher than those of monsters, then there is a high probability that humans will fall behind.

  After all, the physical strength of monsters is not comparable to that of humans.

  Hai Bodong, holding the Broken Evil, could make up for the gap in this aspect.

  Hai Bodong saw that his attack failed, but he was not discouraged. He swung his spear, and the Broken Evil exuded a terrifying chill, and attacked Queen Medusa again.

  Queen Medusa's strength should not be underestimated.

  Even if Xingtian's cultivation level was at the same level as Queen Medusa, he could only retreat by relying on the strong defense of the earth attribute.

  As for winning, that was a luxury that he dared not even think about.

  The battle between the two was extremely turbulent. If Wu Tianlang had not cast a barrier to isolate the aura, it would have caused a huge sensation in the outside world.

  Qinglin hid behind Xiao Yixian, poked his head out, and a trace of worry flashed in his eyes.

  With her cultivation level and eyesight, she couldn't see the battle situation clearly. Seeing this,

  the Little Medical Immortal touched Qinglin's head and comforted him in a gentle voice.

  "Don't worry, Master Hai is very powerful.

  Even if he loses, there are still the Young Master and Commander Wu, nothing will happen."

  Qinglin heard this, and the worry in his eyes dissipated a little.

  On the side, Su Yun used the perfect soul power of the mortal realm to carefully perceive the current battle situation.

  Now the two are evenly matched, and it is difficult to tell who will win in a short time.

  However, the longer it drags on, the lower Hai Bodong's chance of winning will be.

  Wu Tianlang looked at the situation of the two and had the same opinion.

  Judging from the energy of heaven and earth that the two can attract, it is not difficult to see that the level of the skills they are practicing now is the same, both of which are low-level earth level.

  Queen Medusa has a strong body, although Po'e can make up for it.

  But in the same way, the consumption of activating the sixth-level magic nuclear weapon is much greater than the monster using its own physical strength.

  Admittedly, Queen Medusa also needs to transform her own fighting spirit into flowing flames to cover her hands and fight Po'e, but the consumption is less after all.

  There is also the geographical environment. This is a desert area, and the fire and earth attributes are more concentrated, while the ice attribute is thin.

  Whether it is restoring fighting spirit or mobilizing the energy of heaven and earth, Queen Medusa has the advantage.

  What's more deadly is the cultivation. Although they are both at the peak of Douhuang, there is also a gap.

  The sedimentation of the foundation is reflected most deeply in the grasp of breaking through the Douzong, but it will also be reflected in combat power.

  Queen Medusa has been stuck in this realm for decades. If it weren't for the inherent defects of the monster, she would have broken through long ago.

  Sure enough, it was just as Wu Tianlang expected.

  As time went by, Hai Bodong's fatigue gradually became apparent.

  A sly smile flashed across Queen Medusa's face. She grabbed the fleeting flaw, and the flowing flame on her jade hand flashed red. She rushed towards Hai Bodong with terrifying power.

  Hai Bodong's face changed, and when he was about to be hit by Medusa, his figure suddenly disappeared, leaving a burst of frost on the spot.

  Queen Medusa's expression was gloomy. Such a speed was actually a low-level earth-level body fighting skill!

  How did this old guy become so much stronger!