

  Chapter 191 Goodbye Yaoye (First Update!)

  Su Yun said to Qinglin.

  "Let her put the things away."

  Qinglin heard the words, and the three-flower pupil of the green snake flickered again. Medusa put the Yanyang crystal ball back into the ring.

  Anyway, Medusa is completely under control, so it doesn't matter if the things are left with her, after all, he can't activate them.

  Su Yun touched Qinglin's little head.

  "Qinglin, you have worked hard, go back."

  Qinglin blushed and then left the room.

  That night, Su Yun and Xiao Yixian were intimate for a while, and then they both began to practice.

  A month later.

  Su Yun was a little helpless.

  As time goes by, each breakthrough in a realm will take longer and longer.

  As a result, the time of seclusion will also become longer, especially when breaking through a major realm.

  Wu Tianlang has accumulated for many years at the peak of the Douhuang realm, and when he was promoted to the Douzong, he also closed himself off for four months.

  Even if Hai Bodong has a chance to break through, but even with the help of this opportunity, the time of seclusion this time will be longer than Wu Tianlang.

  Su Yun shook his head and decided to wait patiently.

  The Tianshe Empire is not like the Gama Empire, and it is not impossible to encounter Douzong masters.

  Once Hai Bodong breaks through, there will be two Douzong masters on this trip, and the safety will be greatly improved.

  Little Medical Fairy came behind Su Yun at this time, holding Su Yun's waist with two jade hands, and her pretty face pressed against Su Yun's back, rubbing slightly, like a coquettish little cat.

  Su Yun turned around and gently touched her forehead.

  "It's just that I have nothing to do, why don't we go back to Wutan City?"

  Little Medical Fairy raised her face, with a look of attachment on her face, and said with a smile.

  Su Yun heard it, pondered for a while, and nodded.


  Hai Bodong couldn't leave so quickly, and it was not a bad idea to go back to Wutan City.

  For such a small matter, he would also accommodate Little Medical Fairy.

  The smile on Little Medical Fairy's face was quite sweet, as if it could enter your heart and warm your soul.

  The two of them explained to a few people.

  Qinglin was a little reluctant, knowing that the two of them were going to a world of two.

  Zi Yan pouted.

  "When will you come back? I'm almost out of pills."

  "Don't worry, I'll make a few months' supply for you before you leave."

  Su Yun said to Zi Yan with a smile.

  This girl is fine except that she eats a little greedily.

  Wu Tianlang nodded to show that he understood.

  After that, Su Yun spent a day to make quite a lot of pills for Zi Yan. When he was about to leave with Xiao Yixian, Jia Xingtian came with Yao Ye.

  "Master Zhang."

  Both of them greeted Su Yun very politely.

  Yao Ye looked at Su Yun with a complicated look in his eyes.

  As the next empress of the Jiama Empire, her status is so noble that men pursuing her can go around the imperial capital.

  But it was the first time that she was rejected after taking the initiative to invite him.

  This also made Yao Ye remember Su Yun deeply.

  In the two years since Su Yun left, that young figure often appeared in her heart.

  What you can't get will always be a source of unrest.

  "Master Jia, Princess Yao Ye."

  Su Yun was a little surprised by the arrival of the two, but she probably knew what they wanted.

  Su Yun asked them to sit down.

  The little doctor looked at Yao Ye and blinked her beautiful eyes.

  She was tall and well-proportioned, with a hint of heroic spirit on her face, and she also had the demeanor of a queen in a high position.   

  She is indeed a very beautiful woman.

  There is not much hostility in the eyes of the little medical fairy.

  As time goes by, her horizons gradually broaden, and the little medical fairy also has some enlightenment.

  She, Qinglin, and Ziyan. All have their own strengths. Except when they met their brother, they are all loli, and their future achievements will not be low.

  This may be the reason why my brother attaches great importance to us.

  The little medical fairy did not have any thoughts about this.

  The love in Su Yun's eyes cannot be fake. He cares about herself very much. This is enough. Too many entanglements are not good.

  As for Princess Yaoye, she is not qualified.

  After Xingtian and Yaoye were seated, Su Yun stepped forward and held the little medical fairy's hand.

  The little medical fairy was stunned, as if she understood something, and a hint of sweetness flashed in her heart.

  Su Yun sat down holding the little medical fairy's hand.

  Jia Xingtian only then noticed the young woman, and could not help but exclaimed when he sensed her aura.

  "Fighting King!" Yao Ye

  's pupils shrank upon hearing this, and he looked at the Little Medical Fairy in disbelief.

  Biting her teeth lightly, she clenched her jade hands tightly, and her sharp nails pierced into her palms, causing a heart-piercing pain.

  So that's how it is, no wonder she rejected me.

  In front of such a young Fighting King, a princess of the Zhongyou Empire is really nothing.

  Yao Ye looked at the two people's clasped hands, and a sense of frustration rose in her heart. For more than 20 years, the pride of being the princess of the Jiama Empire was completely shattered.


  Su Yun introduced the Little Medical Fairy to the two people with a smile on his face.

  "This is my fiancée, Mu Lingxian."

  The words were spoken lightly, like a heavy punch to Yao Ye's heart.


  Jia Xingtian took a deep breath and greeted the Little Medical Fairy.

  This also brought Yao Ye's mind back. With her good ability to cope with situations, she did not make a fool of herself and greeted the Little Medical Fairy.

  The Little Medical Fairy smiled and nodded gently to the two of them.

  Then Su Yun asked the two of them.

  "I wonder what you two came to see me for today?"

  "Haha, this time, we mainly want Master Zhang to refine another pill for our royal family."

  This was only one of the purposes of the two people coming here. As for the other purpose, haha, after seeing the Little Medical Fairy, Jia Xingtian didn't know how to start.

  Yao Ye grew up under his watch. Even if she reacted quickly and there was nothing unnatural on her face, she could not hide the subtle changes in her emotions from him.

  In this state, let her calm down for a while.

  It is better to take this matter slowly.

  That's right, Jia Xingtian did not let Yao Ye give up marrying Su Yun just because Su Yun has a fiancée.

  It is normal for a strong man to have three wives and four concubines. In his opinion, it is not bad for Yao Ye to be Su Yun's concubine.

  "Oh, what pill?"

  "Hunyuan Bone Shaping Pill."

  A hint of surprise flashed in Su Yun's eyes.

  He thought Jia Xingtian wanted him to refine another Pozong Pill to impact the Douzong realm again. This was beyond his expectation.

  As for the Hunyuan Bone Shaping Pill, it is a sixth-grade pill specially used to treat the injuries of monsters, and it has a very significant effect.

  In the Jiama Empire, only the Pill King Gu He has the ability to refine it.

  However, Gu He is a guest elder of Yunlan Sect, and his position is different. It is basically a dream to ask him to make medicine for the royal family.

  There are 100,000 troops stationed at the foot of Yunlan Sect.

  "I will not introduce this Hunyuan Bone Shaping Pill in detail. I believe that Master Zhang, who is experienced in making medicine, should know more about it than me.

  My royal family has a guardian monster, the Youhai Jiao Beast, with the strength of the sixth level. It

  has fought for my royal family for many years, and now has many hidden dangers in its body. Now it is in a weak state. This Hunyuan Bone Shaping Pill is prepared for it."