

  Chapter 208 Mysterious Woman (3rd update!)

  Su Yun let her fight these level 5 monsters alone, hoping that she could show the group attack ability of the Evil Poison Body, quickly clear the field, and help them.

  The Little Medical Fairy bit her teeth lightly, and the terrifying poison power unique to the Evil Poison Body burst out of her body. The gray-green fighting spirit once again killed many level 5 monsters.

  The battlefield between Medusa and the level 6 monster was not optimistic either. The level 6 monster was as powerful as the Nine-Star Fighting King, and Medusa was completely at a disadvantage.

  Hai Bodong and Wu Tianlang were also in a stalemate with the level 7 monster, and it was unclear who would win.

  Su Yun's fighting spirit exploded, and he repelled the two level 6 monsters. He looked around the battlefield, his brows wrinkled into a river shape.

  The monsters in the distance were rushing here. If they were not dealt with quickly, other monsters would come to support them, and things would be really troublesome!

  Thinking of this, Su Yun took a deep breath, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes, and his expression was full of murderous intent!

  His figure flashed and disappeared on the spot. The two level 6 monsters that wanted to kill Su Yun again stayed where they were, confused. Where was the human just now?

  At this moment, Su Yun's figure strangely appeared behind the Snow-eyed Bird, and the remaining sun was surrounded by terrifying blue flames.

  "Flowing Flame Dragon Slash!"

  The blazing blue fire dragon hit the Snow-Eyed Bird without warning.


  A violent explosion sounded, and the Snow-Eyed Bird let out a miserable cry before being drowned by the fire dragon. When

  the residual energy dissipated, the Snow-Eyed Bird was already seriously injured, emitting bursts of mournful cries, and its breath was weak. Its snow-white feathers had been burned to ashes, and the blue flames still remained on its body.


  A trace of fear flashed in the eyes of the Electric Ape, and it let out a startled roar.

  The human figure just now suddenly disappeared, and suddenly appeared behind the Snow-Eyed Bird, and then the Snow-Eyed Bird suffered a terrible attack and was seriously injured.

  And now, that human is gone again!

  A haze appeared in the heart of the Electric Ape, and the fear in his eyes could not be concealed.

  Suddenly, Su Yun's figure appeared behind the Electric Ape without any warning, with a strong cold light and murderous intent flashing in his eyes, and the Flowing Flame Dragon Slash had been fully charged again.

  Another huge green fire dragon, just like before, hit the Electric Ape.

  After doing all this, Su Yun showed a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and his figure disappeared again.


  Seeing this scene, the Snow-eyed Bird trembled involuntarily, and hurriedly flapped its wings, wanting to leave the battlefield.

  Just a flash of sword light passed by, and it chopped the Snow-eyed Bird's neck with heavy force!

  Su Yun's figure appeared again, like a ghost.

  With a snap, Su Yun chopped off the head of the Snow-Eyed Bird!

  The blood gushed out like a column, splashing all over Su Yun, and the strong smell of blood lingered on Su Yun.

  Su Yun didn't care about it. With a thought, he put the body of the Snow-Eyed Bird into the system space, and his figure flashed to the side of the Electric Sky Ape.

  "Human, spare my life..."

  The sixth-level monster has refined its larynx and can speak human words.

  The Snow Sky Ape's eyes were full of fear, and it begged Su Yun for mercy.

  Su Yun was unmoved, and waved the Residual Sun to kill it.

  After Su Yun did all this, he glanced at the mountain range with his remaining eyes. Why is there a Seven-Star Fighting Emperor rushing here? Su

  Yun was cautious.

  On the other side, Xiao Yixian once again unleashed the terrifying poison of the Evil Poison Body, and also solved a group of fifth-level monsters.


  Xiao Yixian took a slight breath and came to Su Yun's side.

  Su Yun nodded.

  In fact, Xiao Yixian's speed was a bit slow.

  If it was against ordinary fifth-level monsters, no matter how many there were, with the group attack ability of the Evil Poison Body, one attack should be enough to make the fifth-level monster suffer from severe poison and greatly reduce its combat power.

  Then, the battlefield can be cleared in no time.

  He also saw the fire power condensed by a dozen fifth-level monsters just now.

  The situation is indeed special and cannot be measured by common sense.

  "Let's go, let's go help Medusa first."


  The two came to the other side of the battlefield, Su Yun's mind moved, and the soul sent a message to Qinglin.

  "Qinglin, when Xian'er and I take action, you control Medusa to perform the strongest move!"

  Qinglin felt the voice in his mind, highly concentrated, and nodded quickly.   

  Su Yun controlled the soul power to penetrate his body, and used the soul skills he got from the Pure Lotus Demon Saint to disturb the consciousness of the sixth-level monster. The

  sixth-level monster was not careful and did not use the fighting spirit to protect the soul, and was in a trance.


  Su Yun shouted, and at the same time burst out his own fighting spirit and waved Canyang.

  "Flowing Flame Dragon Slash!"

  At the same time, Xiao Yixian and Qinglin also exerted their strength together.

  Xiao Yixian joined his hands and made a handprint that gathered the terrifying toxin.

  "Ghost Poison Seal!"

  Qinglin also controlled Medusa to hit the strongest attack.

  "Flame python turns into a dragon!"

  "Slash with the frost sword!"

  At this time, a Douhuang-level attack force rose from the Monster Mountain Range, and actually helped Su Yun and others to attack the sixth-level monster.

  The attack of everyone, taken individually, has at least reached the attack of the seven-star Douhuang.

  With the combined force, the horrible attack instantly killed the sixth-level monster.

  Su Yun looked at the Monster Mountain Range, his eyes narrowed into a slit.

  It turned out to be a friendly army.

  A young woman Douqi Huayi held a long sword in her hand and flew into the air, heroic and heroic, with a chivalrous temperament.

  "Junior sister?"

  At this time, Wu Tianlang also noticed the movement here and exclaimed.

  Su Yun raised his eyebrows. So that's it. She was actually an acquaintance of Wu Tianlang. Maybe

  she was a senior who graduated from Canaan Academy.

  "Everyone, let's not talk too much. Let's go help Senior Brother Wu and the others first."

  The woman said to everyone with a serious expression.

  Su Yun nodded, knowing that now was not the time to talk about this.


  Everyone came to the battlefield where Wu Tianlang and the others were fighting,

  and their expressions were quite solemn. Although the power of this seventh-level demon bear was not as terrifying as that of the spirit-devouring tiger, it had already reached the level of a four-star fighting sect.

  Even if everyone worked together, it would probably be difficult to defeat it.

  However, a trace of thought flashed in the woman's eyes.

  At this time, Wu Tianlang saw Su Yun and others rushing to attack, and a flash of surprise flashed across his face.

  "Ei Lao, fire an explosion first and repel it. I have a way to get us out of this."

  Hai Bodong heard this and looked at Wu Tianlang. Then he said.


  The two of them simultaneously burst out with terrifying might, and used their fighting skills one after another, and worked together to temporarily knock the Star Demon Bear away.

  Then the two of them flashed to the side of Su Yun and others.


  The Star Demon Bear roared, staring at everyone with a covetous look.

  "Junior sister, help me!"


  The conversation between Wu Tianlang and the woman made everyone confused.

  "Everyone, let's launch the strongest attack together!

  My junior sister and I work together, and with everyone's attack, we should be able to severely injure this stupid bear!"

  Wu Tianlang said to everyone.

  Su Yun raised his eyebrows, as if he understood something.
