

  Chapter 210 Qinglin's meritorious service (!)

  The three-flower pupils of the green snake in Qinglin's eyes shone brightly, and a bloody and chopped-off eight-winged black snake king appeared beside everyone.


  Qinglin controlled the bloody and chopped-off White Fang to go to the many monsters behind him.

  White Fang gradually approached the many monsters.

  The two leading level six monsters looked at each other, and saw the vigilance and confusion in each other's eyes.

  "Attack together."

  One of the level six monsters spoke.


  The two level six monsters burst out with terrifying fighting spirit and attacked White Fang with powerful attacks.


  At this time, Qinglin's mouth opened slightly, and the three-flower pupils of the green snake flashed with green light.

  Bai Ya's expression was dull, and his fighting spirit gathered to the magic core in his body, detonating it. A terrifying aura rose from Bai Ya's body, causing many monsters to change color.

  "No, it's going to explode, run!"

  One of the sixth-level monsters shouted in shock.


  The terrifying explosion sounded over the Monster Mountain Range.


  Su Yun shouted.

  Everyone's eyes flashed, and they seized this opportunity to accelerate their speed to the extreme and flee far away from the Monster Mountain Range.

  In the Monster Mountain Range, a fifth-level monster looked up at everything happening in the sky.

  There was a faint red fire in his eyes, and the shape of the Ten Thousand Beasts appeared in it!


  In a small city in the Sky Snake Empire.

  Su Yun and others spent money here and bought a house as a temporary place to stay.

  Everyone sat cross-legged in the courtyard to recover.

  After a while, Su Yun opened his eyes.

  Huh, this time it was really dangerous.

  He was not seriously injured, but just recovered a little bit of fighting spirit, so he woke up quickly.

  Su Yun looked at everyone.

  Zi Yan, Wu Tianlang and the woman were still recovering.

  Su Yun looked at the mysterious woman, and with a thought, the system scanning function was turned on.

  Su Xuehui?

  Su Yun took in the woman's information.

  Su Yun shook his head, not entangled with the woman's identity.

  When she and Wu Tianlang woke up, everything would be clear.

  At this time, Xiao Yixian came to Su Yun and sat down, with her pretty face on Su Yun's shoulder.

  Su Yun patted Xiao Yixian on the back.

  "It's my fault this time."

  Xiao Yixian lifted her head from Su Yun's shoulder and looked at Su Yun.

  "There's nothing wrong. If one person in a group has a problem, everyone has to cover for it and advance and retreat together. This is what is called a companion.

  No one expected you to break through at that time.

  And everyone escaped safely.

  Don't blame yourself."

  Su Yun comforted softly.

  "Yes, yes, Sister Xian'er, the young master is right."

  Qinglin also came over, blinking his big black and shiny eyes at Xiao Yixian.

  Xiao Yixian touched Qinglin's little head and said with a smile.

  "Thank you for this, Qinglin."

  "No way..."

  Qinglin lowered his head upon hearing this, a blush flashed across his face, and his hands, which had nowhere to go, intertwined.

  Su Yun smiled and looked at Qinglin.

  "Indeed, if Qinglin hadn't detonated the White Fang this time, it wouldn't have been so easy for us to come back."

  "Boy Su, do you think there were people from the Heavenly Snake Palace nearby at that time?"

  Hai Bodong spoke at this time, and everyone looked over.

  Su Yun frowned.

  "It's possible. The Heavenly Snake Palace is too powerful in the Heavenly Snake Empire. We should keep a low profile during this period."

  Xiao Yixian and others nodded.

  The influence of the Heavenly Snake Palace in the Heavenly Snake Empire is completely different from that of the Yunlan Sect in the Gama Empire.   

  The Heavenly Snake Palace is the undisputed number one in the Heavenly Snake Empire, and the rest of the forces have been severely suppressed, and no force can compete with the Heavenly Snake Palace.

  "Su boy, why do those monsters attack us so crazily today?"

  Hai Bodong asked.

  As an old man, he has a sharp eye and also vaguely discovered that the attack they encountered today is unusual.

  "Let's wait until Commander Wu and Zi Yan wake up."

  Su Yun said to Hai Bodong.

  He had a slight guess about this matter, which should be inseparable from the Ten Thousand Beasts Spirit Fire.

  After a while, Wu Tianlang, Zi Yan and others woke up one after another.

  The three of them were still weak, and it seemed that they could not fully recover in a short time.

  Su Yun came to Wu Tianlang and the girl, and bowed to the girl to express his gratitude.

  "This person should be a senior who graduated from the academy.

  Thank you for your help."

  "It's okay. Since we are all students of the academy, it's only right for us to help."

  The girl said carelessly, and her heroic face was full of the chivalrous spirit of the children of the rivers and lakes.

  Wu Tianlang coughed lightly.

  "Let me introduce them.

  This one is Su Xuehui, a disciple of the great elder Su Qian.

  This one is Su Yun, the most outstanding student in the academy in recent years."

  "I've met senior sister Su."

  Su Yun smiled.

  "Oh, we are from the same family. What a coincidence."

  Su Xuehui said with a smile.

  "Long time no see, sister Xuehui."

  Zi Yan pouted and greeted Su Xuehui.

  "Xiao Ziyan, I never thought that the teacher would be willing to let you out."

  Su Xuehui was somewhat amazed.

  Everyone gathered around, greeted Su Xuehui, and met her one by one.

  "Speaking of which, Junior Sister.

  The attic you stayed in the inner courtyard is now occupied by Su Yun and Xiao Yixian."

  Wu Tianlang said with a smile.

  Upon hearing this, Su Xuehui stared at Su Yun and Xiao Yixian.

  What a perfect couple.

  A trace of envy flashed in Su Xuehui's eyes, and the rest of her eyes glanced at Wu Tianlang without leaving a trace.

  "Are you two living comfortably?"

  Then Su Xuehui retracted her gaze and teased the two.

  A trace of blush flashed across Xiao Yixian's pretty face.

  Su Yun was thick-skinned, with a smile on his face.

  "Thank you for building the attic.

  We live very comfortably in your house.

  When we were in the inner courtyard, we also took good care of it for you."

  Seeing that Xiao Yixian blushed, Su Xuehui teased Xiao Yixian again.

  Then everyone started to get down to business.

  "What do you think?"

  Su Yun analyzed the strangeness of the attack and looked at everyone.

  "It's really strange.

  When Xiao Yixian broke through, we immediately left the scene, but we were quickly surrounded.

  It was as if those monsters had gathered around us before that.

  Logically, with our speed at that time, we shouldn't have been surrounded by those monsters so quickly."

  Wu Tianlang pondered for a while and said.

  "I used the poison body of disaster at that time, intending to severely injure all the fifth-level monsters in one blow.

  However, those monsters actually joined forces and cast a flame to offset my poison seal. This is also very strange.

  In addition, I had already spread poison mist at the beginning of the battle.

  With the power of my poison, their combat power should have been greatly reduced immediately, but the fact is the opposite.

  It's as if those monsters have a great resistance to my poison."