

  Chapter 212 Hai Bodong's Discovery (First Update!)

  That night, everyone sat together again to discuss.

  Su Yun asked Wu Tianlang, Su Xuehui and Zi Yan.

  "After you use the secret method, how long will it take to recover to your peak state?"

  "The secret method used by my junior sister and I is very serious about overdrawing strength.

  I am now at the Dou Zong level, and it will probably take me a month to recover."

  Wu Tianlang heard this and said.

  Su Xuehui also nodded.

  "This secret method was passed down to us by the teacher.

  My cultivation level is lower than that of my senior brother. If I want to fully recover, it will take longer. I will be able to fully recover after two months."

  Su Yun nodded.

  The sword strike that the two of them had made before was indeed extraordinary, and its power might have reached the peak of the three-star Dou Zong.

  In the Dou Zong stage, each leap forward is very difficult, after all, not everyone is the protagonist.

  "It will take me a month too."

  Zi Yan said weakly, lying on the table.

  The punch she threw was also an overdraft secret method, and it could not be recovered in a short time.

  It seems that it will take two months to go to the Monster Mountain Range again.

  Su Yun did not think it was a pity.

  The current situation in the Monster Mountain Range is that it is impossible to enter in a short time.

  Who knows if you will be surrounded by monsters after entering.

  This month is not without gains.

  At least it has been confirmed that there is indeed a strange fire in the Monster Mountain Range, and it has also been confirmed that this strange fire is the Ten Thousand Beasts Spirit Fire.


  At this time, Hai Bodong's loud laughter came from the side.

  Everyone looked over.

  "I found it!"

  Hai Bodong walked up to the crowd, holding the map of strange fire in his hand, his face full of pride.

  Seeing this, Su Yun raised his eyebrows and asked directly.

  "Elao Hai, what did you find?"

  This old guy struggled for a long time, did he really find a clue?

  Hai Bodong came to the table and spread out the map of strange fire in his hand.

  Everyone looked at this map.

  Only dense circles appeared on it, and the ink was not dry yet, obviously drawn by Hai Bodong just now.

  Su Yun looked at it carefully, and a trace of wonder flashed through his mind.

  He said with some uncertainty.

  "Elao Hai, the place you circled, is it the place where we find the Ten Thousand Beasts Spirit Fire every time?"

  Hai Bodong nodded.

  "That's right.

  Although we have Queen Medusa's Sun Crystal Ball to detect the location of the strange fire for a month, the

  Monster Mountain Range here is so huge.

  In order to ensure that we don't get lost and get trapped inside, I will mark our location on the map from time to time to make it easier to find a way out.

  This also makes me remember the location that the Sun Crystal Ball senses every time.

  Look carefully, are there any special features in the places I circled on the map?"

  Hai Bodong kept it a secret, with his hands behind his back, looking like a master.

  "Oh, the circles here are so dense."

  Qing Lin looked carefully, exclaimed in surprise, and pointed to a place on the map where there were many circles.

  Su Yun's expression changed, and he focused his eyes on that place.

  Indeed, the closer to this area, the more circles Hai Bodong drew.

  All the circles were densely connected to each other, forming a large circle that surrounded this area.

  It was as if something here attracted the Ten Thousand Beasts Spirit Fire, making it linger here for a long time, unwilling to leave.


  Su Xuehui exclaimed, looking at the center of the area with dense circles.

  "This center is a cliff. If I remember correctly, this place is a falling rock cliff!"   

  Su Xuehui seemed to have thought of something.

  "Could it be that this is the place where the Beast Spirit Master passed away thousands of years ago? Is

  the Ten Thousand Beasts Spirit Fire unwilling to leave because it misses its master, or for other reasons?"

  Everyone was shocked and looked at each other, seeing the surprise in each other's eyes.

  "Yes, I thought so too."

  Hai Bodong said at this time.

  "When Miss Su said that the Beast Spirit Master passed away on a cliff, I felt that something was wrong.

  Then I drew all the places where the Ten Thousand Beasts Spirit Fire appeared according to my memory, and finally found this cliff."

  Hai Bodong put forward all his speculations.

  "The old man's creation on the map is really amazing."

  Su Yun said to Hai Bodong with a smile.

  This old guy is really something.

  He has consumed so many of my resources. He can be of great use at the critical moment.

  Whether it is deciphering the map of the strange fire or further deducing the cliff where the Ten Thousand Beasts Spirit Fire is located, it was all done by him.

  Hai Bodong should be the first to find the Ten Thousand Beasts Spirit Fire this time.


  Of course."

  Hai Bodong did not hide the pride on his face.

  "Then what should we do next?"

  Wu Tianlang asked Su Yun.

  "No hurry. Now your condition has not recovered completely. Further action will be taken in two months.

  It's getting late. Let's go and rest first."

  Su Yun pondered for a while and said to everyone.

  Everyone nodded.

  They traveled for a month and a half and arrived at the Sky Snake Empire. They rested for a night and then spent another month carefully in the Monster Mountains.

  It was time to rest.

  Everyone returned to their rooms.

  The house was spacious enough for many people to stay.

  Su Yun and Little Medical Fairy returned to the room.

  Su Yun sat on the bed and rubbed his brows.

  This month has not been easy. In order to avoid some unnecessary dangers.

  He often used his soul power to explore the movements everywhere. Even he was mentally exhausted.

  At this time, a pair of slender little hands, like warm jade, were placed on Su Yun's face.

  Little Medical Fairy gently exerted force with her two little hands and placed Su Yun's head on her thighs.

  The girl's body fragrance wafted over her face, and her long black hair playfully fell on Su Yun's pretty face, making Su Yun feel a little itchy.

  The Little Medical Fairy placed ten slender fingers on Su Yun's temples and rubbed them gently.

  Su Yun felt a little warm in her heart, enjoying the Little Medical Fairy's careful care.

  After a while, she fell into a deep sleep.

  The Little Medical Fairy looked at the sleeping face of her lover, a smile flashed across her delicate face, she leaned down, and kissed Su Yun lightly on the forehead.


  The next day, Su Yun woke up from a deep sleep, opened his eyes, and saw the Little Medical Fairy leaning against the wall, still sleeping.

  Su Yun got up, and then he realized that he had slept on the Little Medical Fairy's thigh for a night.

  This girl...

  Su Yun sighed, a flash of pity flashed through his heart.

  He picked up Xiao Yixian and put her on the bed.

  He covered her with a quilt. After doing all this, he did not rush out.

  Instead, he stayed beside Xiao Yixian, quietly admiring her peaceful sleeping face.

  At noon, Xiao Yixian finally woke up from her sleep, looking at Su Yun who was guarding her side, her heart was full of sweetness.

  "Are you awake?

  Then let's get up together and have dinner."

  Su Yun pulled Xiao Yixian into his arms and said with a smile.
