


  Chapter 214 The Truth (3rd update!)

  This fighting skill, a month ago, when they guessed that the Heavenly Snake Mansion might have received the news.

  He used the system's fusion function and spent a seventh-level magic core to directly perfect it.

  However, Su Yun was a little confused about this.

  The system's fusion function pays great attention to the fusion plan.

  If the plan is not established, it cannot be fused.

  In his later years, the Pure Lotus Demon Saint studied this fighting skill for a long time, but still did not get started.

  He guessed that this fighting skill might require the unique blood power of that imperial bloodline to practice.

  Otherwise, it would not be an inherited fighting skill that can only be practiced by a specific imperial bloodline.

  But now Su Yun can use the system's fusion function to perfect it without any hindrance, so the limiting condition should not be bloodline.

  It should be something else.

  Su Yun didn't have too much trouble about this. The Pure Lotus Demon Saint was not omnipotent and could not guess everything.

  And this imperial bloodline was not one of the eight ancient clans in the Douqi Continent.

  Su Yun was not surprised about this.

  In ancient times, there were at least dozens of Dou Emperors in the Douqi Continent, if not hundreds.

  Many imperial bloodlines died in time due to the exhaustion of blood power, so it was normal for some fighting skills to remain.

  After a while, Su Yun came to the branch of the Tianshe Mansion.


  Su Yun looked at the person in charge in front of him with a simple smile on his face.

  "What's the matter?"

  The person in charge here came as a Dou Wang strongman, with a fat body, looking at Su Yun in front of him lazily.

  "I have information about Lord White Fang."

  Su Yun said to the person in charge.


  The person in charge looked at Su Yun with a sharp look.

  "You can know the consequences of deceiving the Heavenly Snake Mansion!"

  A cold light flashed in the eyes of the person in charge, and he pressed Su Yun with his momentum, obviously wanting to give Su Yun a warning.

  Since the Heavenly Snake Mansion released the news, there have been many people who came here to fish in troubled waters for the sake of greedy rewards and made up a piece of news.

  And these people are usually strong on the outside but weak on the inside. After being scared by him, most of them became honest.

  The Heavenly Snake Mansion is the sky of the Heavenly Snake Empire, and ordinary people dare not offend it at all.

  "How dare I deceive the Heavenly Snake Mansion, my news is absolutely true, I guarantee it with my life!"

  Su Yun said in a panic.

  Hearing this, the person in charge finally dispelled some of his doubts.

  If false news was passed into the mansion from him, he would also be punished.


  I'm sorry you don't dare to deceive the Heavenly Snake Mansion."

  Su Yun pretended to be reluctantly calm and said the words he had prepared in advance.

  "I was hunting monsters in the Monster Mountain Range a month ago.

  I happened to see that shocking battle.

  I saw with my own eyes that an eight-winged black snake king exuding the aura of a fighting emperor blew himself up in order to end the rest for his companions!"

  The person in charge frowned.


  Elder White Fang is such a selfish person, how could he self-destruct to end the rest?

  "Do you know the whereabouts of Elder White Fang's companions?"

  asked the person in charge.

  "I know."

  Su Yun nodded.

  "Those people were seriously injured by the monsters and hid in the monster mountains."

  "That's all?"

  "That's all."

  The person in charge took out a pen and paper and wrote down the news.

  "If your news is fabricated, it's not too late to admit it now.

  There are many people who have taken advantage of the situation during this period, and many people have been killed for spreading false news. Don't make a mistake.   

  Moreover, the reward for providing information will only be given to you after verification, so you must think it through carefully."

  The person in charge looked serious and launched the last test.

  "My information is absolutely true!"

  Su Yun said firmly.

  Hearing Su Yun say this, the person in charge was relieved.

  "Come on, fill in your name.

  After verification, if the information is useful, our Tianshe Mansion will post a notice again to announce your name, and you can come here to get it then. "

  The person in charge handed the pen to Su Yun.

  After his set of punches, those who tried to take advantage of the situation would usually be scared out of their wits because of the fear of the majesty of the Heavenly Snake Mansion.

  Since this person was so sure of the news, it must be true.

  Su Yun filled in a fake name and left.

  With a meaningful smile on his face, Su Yun changed his appearance again and went to other cities to spread false news.

  Of course Every time the news is true and false,

  it is hard to tell the truth even if you are strong.

  And this is just his first step.

  Ten days later, in the Heavenly Snake Mansion.

  The Lord of the Heavenly Snake Mansion frowned as he looked at the intelligence in his hand.

  Some said that White Fang had a conflict in the World of Warcraft and was rescued, but he still died tragically in the process of escaping.

  Others said that White Fang was killed by someone in the World of Warcraft Mountain.

  The information is similar to the information given by the Douhuang at the beginning, and they all point to the Monster Mountain Range. It

  is related to the Douzong-level battle.

  This information should not be deliberately spread by someone. It is probably because some

  people are not strong enough to see the truth, make guesses, and add some facts, which has led to this. As for

  the enemy forces sending people to deliver false information, Maybe, she had never thought about it.

  Is there any force in the Sky Snake Empire that dares to challenge the Sky Snake Palace?


  The most important thing in this matter is to find the group of people who fought with the monsters.

  But this group of people disappeared after the battle. Some of the intelligence said that they were hiding in the Monster Mountains, and some said that they escaped from the Sky Snake Empire.

  It was difficult to distinguish.

  The Palace Master had a headache and could only send more people to the Monster Mountains to search for traces.


  On the other side, Su Yun's figure appeared in the Monster Mountains.

  The level of "Deceiving Heaven and Concealing the World" is as high as the lower level of the Heavenly Rank.

  Once it is used, even a low-level Fighting Saint cannot detect it.

  The Ten Thousand Beasts Spirit Fire is even more impossible.

  In the previous siege, even if they evacuated at the first time when their position was exposed, they were quickly caught up and surrounded.

  This month, he also had a vague guess about this.

  Before, they all thought that their position was exposed when the Little Medical Fairy broke through to the Fighting Emperor.

  But this is not right.

  In his opinion, their position should have been exposed before that!

  The basis is the seventh-level monster Star Demon Bear.

  This month, he inquired about the news of the Star Demon Bear.

  The bear's lair was actually far away from where they were at that time. With its speed, it would probably take overnight.

  In other words, their position had been exposed the night before Xiao Yixian's breakthrough! Su Yun looked at the powerful

  men from the Sky Snake Mansion who were searching ahead with deep eyes.

  That night, he used a secret method to force out the strange fire aura from the fifth-level spirit-devouring tiger.

  This is where the problem arises.

  When he forced the strange fire aura out of the fifth-level spirit-devouring tiger, the Ten Thousand Beasts Spirit Fire also sensed it!

  Their position was exposed by him, and Xiao Yixian just took the blame for it.