


  Chapter 242 Hai Xinyan (second update!)

  The elder is a little tired of dealing with it. Although the cultivation of these two people is not as high as his.

  However, the level of the fighting skills displayed was not low, and the coordination was seamless. One attack after another was continuous, and there was no room for him to be distracted.

  Su Yun was not surprised by this situation, even if he didn't use strange fire.

  With the support of the earth-level intermediate skills, the sixth-level magic core sword, and a bunch of great fighting skills, his combat power can reach that of a high-level fighting emperor.

  The same is true for the Little Medical Immortal, even if his earth-level fighting skills are not as accomplished as Su Yun's.

  But with the five-star Dou Huang's cultivation level, it only spans two stars, and his combat power reaches the level of high-level Dou Huang. It's very simple.

  The two of them have let go, otherwise how could the Black Emperor Sect's great elder be their opponent.

  The Nine-Star Dou Huang's cultivation level is quite prestigious even in the Black Emperor Sect. Killing him will only intensify the conflict between the Black Emperor Sect and Han Pavilion.

  This is not what he wants.

  It's almost enough to teach the Black Emperor Sect a lesson.

  The pigs have to be fattened before they are killed. When they get the saliva of Bodhisattva, it will not be too late to kill them.

  Su Yun's soul power came out of his body covertly and observed the battlefield on Haibodong's side.

  His soul power is at the spiritual level, but he is not afraid of Han Feng discovering it.

  Although Han Feng is a seventh-grade alchemist, his soul power is far inferior to him.

  Han Feng has not even reached the level of a seventh-grade peak alchemist, and his soul power is still barely close to reaching the perfection of the mortal realm, let alone the spiritual realm.

  The battles between Dou Zong are huge, and the powerful Dou Emperor can be regarded as the leader of a first-rate force in the Black Angle Region.

  But compared to Haibodong and the others, their fight was like a small fight, not eye-catching at all.

  The broken spell in Hai Bodong's hand was sharp and sharp, and the cold air penetrated it, and one after another ice spear shadows were killing Mo Tianxing.

  As a strong Douzong expert, even if Hai Bodong was two stars behind Mo Tianxing, it was impossible for Mo Tianxing to completely ignore the offensive he launched.

  As Mo Tianxing flipped his palm, the energy of heaven and earth surged instantly, and with a single palm he scattered all the gun shadows gathered by Hai Bodong. The gap between the two was evident.

  Mo Tianxing struck out again, and the terrifying attack made Hai Bodong's expression change.

  However, Hai Bodong did not panic and frantically injected his fighting spirit into the disaster.

  Until Po E's entire body was filled with cold air, Hai Bodong threw Po E out with all his strength.

  The two old men, Gold and Silver, looked at each other and each held out a palm.

  Fighting energy condensed between the palms of the two people, the energy of heaven and earth surged, and the gold and silver energy balls looked unremarkable.

  But it was very powerful, and the two of them were connected and threw the energy ball at the same time to help Hai Bodong.

  The palm shadow carried terrifying power to resolve the attacks from both sides one by one, and headed towards Haibodong.

  However, after two rounds of consumption, there was not much strength left. Hai Bodong shouted softly and condensed a layer of black ice armor on his body, successfully blocking the remaining palm power.

  At the same time, Han Feng held a blue trident and charged at Mo Tianxing, preventing him from freeing his hands again and targeting one side alone.

  Mo Tianxing felt annoyed. If one of these three people was pulled out, they would not be his opponent at all.

  Even if the two parties joined forces, they could only hold on at a disadvantage, but the combined efforts of the three parties and the cooperation of offense and defense made it impossible for him to make a move.

  Mo Tianxing punched Han Feng, and the two old men, Jin and Yin, repeated their old tricks and cooperated with Han Feng to resolve the attack.

  Hai Bodong grabbed it with his palm, and the fighting energy formed a suction force. In conjunction with the fighting energy mark on Po'e, he sucked it back and held it in his hand, before killing Mo Tianxing again.

  Su Yun carefully observed this battlefield.

  Mo Tianxing is naturally the strongest, and the cultivation of the Samsung Douzong is not just a show-off.

  Han Feng possesses Hai Xinyan and is from the Xingyun Pavilion. He is not lacking in earth-level fighting skills. Even though the fragments of the "Fen Jue" he practiced are only advanced Xuan-level skills, his strength is still impressive.

  His current combat power is not much different from Han Feng.

  The two old men of gold and silver also have two brushes.

  This state of soaring auras and combat power probably has a certain time limit.

  But judging from the stability of the aura, it can last much longer than the Heavenly Snake Formation of the three elders of the Snake Tribe.

  Su Yun clearly felt the strength of several people, and gradually got a good idea. It added a little more confidence to kill them later.

  Mo Tianxing's face was gloomy. After fighting, he turned his attention to the headquarters of the Black Emperor Sect downwind.   

  The strong smell of blood began to permeate the air, and he could smell it even though he was high in the sky.

  The Dou Huang had no one to stop him, so he went on a killing spree, destroying most of his house and causing heavy casualties among his disciples.

  "That's too much!"

  Mo Tianxing shouted angrily, his aura reaching its peak.

  The Black Emperor Sect has not suffered such a big loss in decades. If these people are not made to pay the price today, I am afraid people will think that the Black Emperor Sect is easy to bully.

  Hai Bodong and the other three parties immediately moved closer, with solemn expressions.

  Mo Tianxing's eyes were full of anger, and as his fighting spirit boiled, the energy of heaven and earth surged out.

  The terrifying aura was full of oppression, and the other Dou Huangs and Dou Wang experts on the battlefield couldn't help but look at Mo Tianxing.

  Su Yun's brows twitched. Judging from the fluctuations in the energy of the world, this guy was probably going to make a bigger move.

  "Tianxing Palm!"

  Sure enough, the energy of heaven and earth continued to gather in Mo Tianxing's palm, and an illusory white palm print appeared in everyone's eyes.

  A flash of excitement flashed in Mo Ya's eyes.

  This is my father's famous fighting skill, the low-level fighting skill Tianxing Palm.

  It was this move that Mo Tianxing made famous in the Black Corner Territory back then.

  "Take action, this old guy is crazy."

  Han Feng shouted.


  If they faced this move alone, the worst outcome would be serious injuries, so they had to work together to defend against the enemy.

  As for escaping from battle, no one has thought about it.

  Mo Tianxing is so powerful. If Qiu Hou settles the score and something happens to one party, everything will be ruined.

  Dark blue flames burst out from Han Feng's body, and Han Feng quickly gathered them in his hands.

  Just like many waves, there is nothing more real than this.

  "Strange Fire Condensation!"

  Han Feng shouted.

  With a sudden push of his hands, Hai Xinyan turned into heavy waves and struck Mo Tianxing with a loud noise like a thunderous wave.

  Su Yun narrowed his eyes when he saw this.

  This is the true form of Hai Xinyan's strange fire.

  The two old men of gold and silver also used their methods, and their huge fists shone with the light of gold and silver.


  The two of them punched each other.

  The shadows of gold and silver fists overlapped and were powerful, not inferior to the strange fire form condensed by Han Feng.

  Hai Bodong took Po'e back into the ring, and folded his palms together. As the ice fighting energy surged, the temperature of his whole body dropped.

  "Xuanbing Longxiang!"

  Nine bankrupt dragons gathered in the air, with terrifying power, lifelike, and full of special effects.

  Once the nine ice dragons were used, even Han Feng and Jin Yin were surprised.

  Such a terrifying power may be comparable to the intermediate level fighting skills of the earth class.

  Although Hai Bodong has not been in the Black Corner Territory for a long time, his strength is unparalleled.


  The nine giant ice dragons cooperated with Han Feng and Jin Yin's offensive, and collided with Xu Bai's palm shadow.

  "Boom! Boom! Boom!"